Mountain Sage
I am simply amazed at the new growth we've been getting of late....and very pleased! It was kind of slow there for awhile and we were getting a little stagnate, but the new folks and topics are great!
Welcome all y'all!
I was on a forum once that had a Blog category where folks kept a running blog about their lives and the things they were doing....then they would have a Blog of the Month thingy. It was cool because we could just ramble on about our endeavors and people knew what it was all about and could choose to visit or not. I know the "Me and My SS Family" category is almost the same but its not quite the same as having a running Blog that you can add to...sort of like an SS diary where you can post pics and random thoughts.
Anyone ever heard of this?
Does this sound appealing, or is the Me and My category sufficient, ya think?
Welcome all y'all!
I was on a forum once that had a Blog category where folks kept a running blog about their lives and the things they were doing....then they would have a Blog of the Month thingy. It was cool because we could just ramble on about our endeavors and people knew what it was all about and could choose to visit or not. I know the "Me and My SS Family" category is almost the same but its not quite the same as having a running Blog that you can add to...sort of like an SS diary where you can post pics and random thoughts.
Anyone ever heard of this?