And Now For Something Completely Different...


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
And now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

The point of my original post was to question the need of an agreement to allow foreign (even if it is our friends in Canada) troops to perform duties within our borders, and vice versa. The illegal issue, while interesting, has a tendency to evolve into a political discussion and to cause bad feelings. :(

Anyone have any comments on the merits or wisdom of the military agreement? Any Canadians in the group have an opinion?


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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K0xxx, I've been trying to wrap my head around this since your orginal post. I thought from a logistics standpoint, our militaries were close already. My first thought was "where along the border would this apply". WA state, maybe? But I guess this allows Canadian troops in South Texas, too.

Looking for some "Great White North" feedback, too.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 10, 2010
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Gobles Michigan
k0xxx said:
And now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

The point of my original post was to question the need of an agreement to allow foreign (even if it is our friends in Canada) troops to perform duties within our borders, and vice versa. The illegal issue, while interesting, has a tendency to evolve into a political discussion and to cause bad feelings. :(

Anyone have any comments on the merits or wisdom of the military agreement? Any Canadians in the group have an opinion?
It would be very interesting to hear from those north of the border. To me it would seem that a USA "peace keeping" force moving to Canadian territory would seem a lot more threatening than the other way around just because the USA has a reputation world wide as an "aggressor". Although through the UN both countries have served side by side in similar "peace keeping" operations world wide.
Another point is that in border counties and towns there is a familiarity between both nations that doesn't exist in other parts of either country.
Nonetheless it is disturbing that either government feels they would require help to maintain security or quell civil unrest in any scenario.
Edited to add... To me personally were the Blue helmets coming down my street I would consider them invaders thus "the enemy".


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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I would guess it's mostly a one sided thing. There are a lot of militias forming in Idaho and Montana. They practice maneuvers where they simulate some pretty far out scenarios based on Obamas alleged ties to the Muslim faith. Of course Sharia law figures into it and they practice taking control from an American military that is under the control of Sharia law.

I would theorize that our military wants the ability to cross the border to go after these self proclaimed patriots. They don't want to have to go through a bunch of red tape to chase down a bunch of guys that decided to attack a military outpost or something like that. Fact is if they do that, self proclaimed patriots or not, they deserve to be ducking bullets themselves.

Of course the heaviest weapons these militias claim to have is an M60. They might have some 50 cals or even a few LAWS though.

I would be more concerned with the fact that the military considers these militias to be enough of a threat to feel they need the ability to go after them like they are Jesse James and company.

As for SS. The only reason I'm on this forum is because I like to get ideas to try to make my life better and my food safer. We try to be prepared for natural disasters. I worried a lot more about nukes during the cold war then I have ever worried about our own government doing anything out of line pertaining to our freedoms. I do worry some about marshall law in the case of a terrorist nuclear attack. Or even worse a nuke in DC because we have a lot of serious wackos in the top spots in state governments and replacements would have to come from the individual states. Without a central government we would become a hodge podge of states all with different ideas and we would be very vulnerable to attack from an outside country. That show Jericho was very interesting and even somewhat realistic in that regard.

Just my 2cents.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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KevsFarm said:
I stand behind my first reply to this thread.We are a nation of immigrants,my grandfather came to America as a young man
He was a law abbiding man, he was proud to learn our English langauge, he worked hard and payed income taxes.
He came to the US through Ellis Is, the Statue Of Liberity....
Whats happening now is a total, out of control free for all. Texas farmers and ranchers have been murdered on their own land by these aggressive illegal invaders..
Everyone who wants to come to America from any distant land,has to follow the laws of our land. Get in line like everyone else and wait your turn.Just because you can sneak across the border, get fake papers from other invader established in the US doesn't make it right..period..!
Even those with absolutely no ill intent, that just want a better life, sorry...get in line like everyone else that also wants a better life.They however,are not the ones peddeling violence i speak of, but they are taking my tax dollar.Ovewhelming the medical system, having their "Drop Babies" on our soil so they can get subsidized housing, food stamps, and legalize their illegal a total joke and insult to hard working US citizen...I object to the Feds giving these invaders my hard earned tax dollars.Its digusting that politicians do as little as they can because " God forbid the allinate the Latini vote" and they may not get reelected...Pitiful, whimps...Benedit Arnolds...
God Bless the Tea Party....Thank God for true Americans like the Gov. of Arizona, the Gov. of Wisconsin.They have tough battles to win, but they are the heros of the day.You gotta respect a man and a woman fighting for what is right, to try and save America...
Unions and illegal invaders must be stopped.No free illegal rides and piggy benefits for big fat unions must end.
I agree with you that illegal immigration needs to be brought under control. I don't ever see it happening though. The dems want the Latino vote and care about the human rights issues. The pubs of course want the cheap labor force that has absolutely no rights and can be completely controlled. So they will just keep coming up with stop gap measures that don't work but might help get them in office.

As for the Unions. Those people in Wi have agreed in full to all terms of the bill in question except for the abolition of collective bargaining rights. Walker will eventually win most of what he wants to do. When the majority turns democratic again the bill will go up for repeal and it will be the Republicans going to another state and once again the Koche brothers will ship in a bunch of Tp's to walk around with signs.


On vacation
Apr 24, 2010
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As per the OP's suggestion, not wanting to hijack the thread, i'm dropping the ball on the more passionate feelings i have on my posted views.
However,i do believe what i was discussing in the previous post,may very well have some of whats going on with the agreement between the US/Canada...There just aren't enough police available,in the event of major civil unrest.Now Sharia Law,(Muslim Brotherhood?), oh yeah...just as bad as the other stuff i was talking about.I'll save it for another time and post....


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
I need a fanning the fire smilie.

Boy oh boy.

Why am I working towards self reliance? Not because of zombies or the apocalypse or invasion of the United States of America or any number of reasons related to the New World Order of the End Times. I am working towards it because I think it is prudent; natural disasters, loss of job, helping others that might be in need, etc.

Back to the apocalypse now. Grab those guns and shoot those intruders.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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The Canadians have always been our friends. I don't fear their presence on the border between Mexico and Texas. Having them on the border between North Dakota and Canada might make me feel a little more edgy though. So far, the issue appears to be a minor one of mutual support rather than INVASION, "doncha no?"

I am not sure how the issue of the governor of Wisconsin got into this one but I have one very strong and impassioned complaint. :somad

Since when is it acceptable to run away from one's "place of duty?" I am shocked and appalled at the reprehensible behavior of the elected state representatives who are for my money "AWOL" from their appointed place of duty. Am I missing something or is this NOT a crime? They certainly should lose their jobs over this. How many of us would be "excused from our place of employment" because we just want to make a political statement? Is that what they were elected to do? Not in my mind. I am of the mind to fire each and every one of them and find people who will face the difficult issues and work out what ever has to be worked out, regardless of the outcome. This is NOT about workers rights...or anything else. It is about duty and HONOR and performance of one's sworn duty to the folks who elected them. This is outrageous behavior for anyone in public office and MUST NOT BE TOLERATED, EVER!!! It doesn't matter why they did it. They did it.

Is this the example we want our children to learn about difficult issues? It is OK to go AWOL if you don't like what is going on or you want to manipulate the situation? There are a lot of guys out in the hinterlands who have gone AWOL from the military and they often pay a serious price for their actions. In time of war, they can be executed by hanging or firing squad. Now I don't recommend this for a few senators but the issue is the same. Where do we draw the line? What do we tell our sons and daughters about what to do when there is a difficult situation and they don't like it? :idunno

The good people of Wisconsin should fire them all and immediately replace them with folks who will stand up to the test and do their sworn DUTY with HONOR.

Saepe Expertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres Aeterni
Trim sends


On vacation
Apr 24, 2010
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Icu4dzs...the gov.of Wisconsin has nothing to do with this thread.I'm starting a new thread about his efforts.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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KevsFarm said:
Icu4dzs...the gov.of Wisconsin has nothing to do with this thread.I'm starting a new thread about his efforts.
Don't bother I tried. Of course my perspective is different than yours so it might not get deleted.

So I'll say my piece right here. What the governor is trying to do in his efforts to abolish workers rights is just wrong.

That being said what the 14 Senators is doing is also wrong. They should let the Gov do his thing. Then when the congress is democratic majority again they should repeal the law.

It's great seeing active revolt against a wrong headed policy though. It's great seeing revolt at all. The closest thing this country has come to any kind of revolt in the past 50 years is a bunch of old people standing around with signs. I think it's great.

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