ive never noticed a flavor difference between breeds. i have noticed a difference in flavor between 100% pellet fed and "fresh fed" rabbit though...rabbits fed a diet full of fresh greens veggies ect just have a nicer flavor in my opinion.
there is a flavor difference between domestic rabbit, wild rabbit and hare though.
the best tasting rabbit ive had was fed 40% pellet, 10% timmothy/orchard grass hay and 50% "fresh"
of the fresh if i remember right it was 50% clover and dandelion (flowers and leaves), 25% fresh herbs (dill, basil, parsely) and the remainding 25% was mostly carrot tops with the occasional carrot, raddish, spinnach, kale, beet greens and Apple.
there was other stuff (turnip tops dark leafy greens ect) but it was mostly as above.
she whent by weight...
on average before fresh feeding she was doing 8-10 oz for her meaty girls of just pellets, so she started doing 8oz and a "good handfull" of hay, then started adding more and more fresh and less and less pellet. in the winter she brought in herbs in large pots in the bedrooms, and she put plastic row covers (greenhouse plastic over a pvc hoop frame) and continued to grow lettuce spinach raddish ect through most of the twinter. she doesnt live in a hard freeze area so most things grew through the entire winter and she has acess to clover and dandelion year round because of it...you could easily grow clover in big flats, in a sunny spots too.
eventually it got to the point they were getting about 1/2 a cup of pellets in the morning and a big plate of fresh each afternoon.
for does with kits shed free feed pellets and hay, but still didnt go through more than 4-6oz of pellets per adult rabbit for the nursing does.
for me im hoping to breed mostly during spring summer/fall so that i can raise them primarily on fresh stuff...
then in the winter ill go back to mostly pellet based for the breeders when fresh stuff is hard to grow/too expensive to buy.
that being said while the taste was better for the fresh fed, i dont think the taste is "good" enough to drive yourself crazy trying to balance it out...
the way my frined did it was that way simply because thats what she had available and money was tight, it was cheaper to feed mostly fresh than it was to buy and feed pellet and hay.