Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Sunshine!!! 🥳. It's back after 8 days off and I'm so glad to see it! It's lovely and a mood lifter after all the dreary. Hens had slacked laying, too. That'll pick up now. I slept until 9!,😱. Catching up on sleep.

I'll finish this coffee, get outside for chores -- then do something that needs done. Lotta choices there 🤣

Hey -- October is here.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Was a beautiful day it was today. I basically took the day off, changed the oil and filter in farm truck, picked up some 4x4's at Menards and enjoyed the day. A male beagle wondered around the farm today. Never seen him before but he thought I was his best bud. He got on a couple rabbits hollered like a crazy dog, nah not crazy just a beagle sounding the alarm for me to go hunt with him. Sorry boy, but rabbits are not in season. Dogs don't know about hunting seasons, to them it's always hunting season.

Yesterday was a blessed day, I could write about it but I won't. Last night I took farmbabe to the cinema. That's three movies at the cinema this year so far. I enjoy watching movies at the cinema with farmbabe ❤️.

IDK... today I noticed daisy's calf is changing color up close🤷‍♂️ What color you think he may grow into? As you can see, he hasn't learned about spilling milk yet.

Top to bottom, red, dun and black are the colors of belted galloways. Red being the least common and black being the most common, dun is in-between the least and most common.

The three calves are starting their 4 week of running the pastures. They don't stay little very long at all. It's amazing to me how fast they grow! The cattle all appear happy and healthy to me and the pastures have livened up with baby moos running around all over the place. Farmbabe says they are playing. All I know is they can run fast.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
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Country homesteader

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 7A (Crewe, Virginia)

Everything for your "Rise and Shine, Let's get this day started" cup or Glass of Iced Coffee is by the coffee pot so fix it then let's meet on the patio in the 57 morning chill. Yesterday FH and I got a LOT of yardwork done edged the sidewalk and trimmed bushes. On Sat the Beagle ended up going on a 4 block run then when he came home he wouldn't come in for me but the minute FH goes out on the front porch the Beagle (Kozmo) came trotting up the sidewalk and came inside the minute he was called. I'm not saying I don't mind walking but that's during the day NOT at dusk!!!!! Today is going to be a ME Day once I finish putting laundry from yesterday away and do up the dinner dishes from last night.


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
Nice weather this week in the western part of Va also... but temps are going to drop for the weekend into the low 40's and possibly the 30's by Sat night... maybe a little rain Fri eve, more hit and miss as the temps drop and the cooler air comes in from the west, but not much. We are in moderate to severe drought conditions according to the drought monitor...It is very dry here.

Beautiful for the next 4-5 days. Have 10 acres of sorghum/sudan on the ground and 10 acres of orchard grass that DS mowed yesterday. I will probably rake it on Tues or Wed... he will round bale the sorghum and sq bale most of the orchard grass...

Been weed eating off the garden and started digging potatoes... the red pontiacs have produced some HUGE potatoes... never seen pontiacs that big... Going to do more weedeating and get all the big weeds cut off and cut up so I can find the rows easier to dig. Have alot to dig. Plus I am weighing all the ones since I planted 15 varieties and wanted to do comparisons.... Did 2 lbs of each kind except the Pontiacs and the Austrian Crescents which were 4 lbs of each... 1 lb of seed potatoes, plants approx 6-10 ft row, all according to how many eyes you can cut up the pieces into....should be an average yield of 10 lbs per 1 lb planted.
This was just a fun experiment and I hope to sell enough to pay for the cost of the seed potatoes I bought and then have plenty for eating etc. Some are pretty neat... the fingerlings are not commonly grown so hope they will sell as a "novelty" for eating.


Almost Self-Reliant
Apr 2, 2021
Reaction score
happy fall everyone.
I have been so behind on everything, so figured it might be time to catch things up.
They’ve decided to move in a sandlot and forty some houses on my road. Well, the sandlot between my road and the one behind us. Some of us fought, some people were already trying to get elected as mayor. How do they think they’re going to build the infrastructure for all this? I don’t even think they know. On the bright side, we now have a TSC 15 minutes down the road. No lie, it’s actually nice to have one so close.
College math is kicking my tail, but I’m fighting.
Two weeks ago my boyfriend shipped off for Navy boot camp. I’m so proud of him, but no contact yet and we’ve been given multiple different addresses. His parents are sending test letters to some, I’m sending to others. Being an army brat it’s a little familiar, but different from this side and age of it. Trying not to go stir crazy…
I’m seriously late finding a ram, at least my girls don’t seem to be in heat yet. I can’t even find any on local listings right now. Need to build a shelter so we have plenty in the winter and as babies come.
Chicken coop needs repair. We’ve had several fox sightings lately. I honestly feel bad for them, they’re unbelievably skinny. If their homes weren’t being destroyed they wouldn’t be at my house. But it is what it is.
And working to get anti-human trafficking resources to the college and people.
Who allowed me to be an adult? I think their license might need revoked.