Coronavirus Concern Up

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Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
I posted this response to my niece who attacked Bee's link when I posted it on FB:

I would say the same to you. Do your research before blindly following the PC agenda that is not based on sound medical research. I've been working in the medical profession for my entire life, and have a fairly decent understanding of how disease treatment and prevention has always worked in the medical arena. I've worked with MRSA, many different pneumonias, Tuberculosis, Clostridia Difficile, Influenza outbreaks that cause the facility that I worked in to be shut down to the public every year, AIDS, Crutzfeldt Jacob's disease, shingles, scabies, many diseases that are antibiotic resistant, and just about every disease you can imagine. Normal precautions include: isolating the sick, barrier precautions between the sick and the healthy, with barriers dependent on type of transmission. (Isolation rooms, 6' rule, gloves, masks, gowns, negative pressure rooms). Reasonable precautions have stood me well over almost 5 decades of working with sick people, and I've NEVER been contaminated by any of the ill people I've worked with. I've had body fluids from every natural and some un-natural orifices spewed on me, blown in my face, dumped in my shoes, and on my clothing. I've had skin punctures, and been clawed by agitated patients, spit on. So, Heather, I stand by my assertion. I have done the research.
I've LIVED the research. And I've compared the PC "research" to the wisdom posted by many health care professionals (who are being silenced, censored, and professionally crucified for daring to speak the truth). Why, would one bother to take an unpopular stand that may result in professional crucifixion, when that person has NOTHING TO GAIN by taking such a stand? NEVER, IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD HAS DISEASE PREVENTION INVOLVED ISOLATING THE HEALTHY. PURE AND SIMPLE, THIS APPROACH IS COUNTERPRODUCTIVE, AND FLIES IN THE FACE OF TRUE SCIENCE. UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO COMPARE BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE WITH AN OPEN MIND, YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE TRUTH. On this, we will continue to disagree, so, I'm done.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
I'm sure I mis-heard Trump then.

Conflicting information between what Trump said and what the article states: "The covid-19 trials won't last for months but years as researchers watch for long term side effects..."

Trump stated, or talked as if the vaccine would be ready in a few months. Possibly speculating and reassuring those who are afraid of covid-19 that they're working on it.
Don't rely on Trump for information. Much of what he says is not teue. Always interesting to watch the fact-checks roll out after he speaks. 😂


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I posted this response to my niece who attacked Bee's link when I posted it on FB:

I would say the same to you. Do your research before blindly following the PC agenda that is not based on sound medical research. I've been working in the medical profession for my entire life, and have a fairly decent understanding of how disease treatment and prevention has always worked in the medical arena. I've worked with MRSA, many different pneumonias, Tuberculosis, Clostridia Difficile, Influenza outbreaks that cause the facility that I worked in to be shut down to the public every year, AIDS, Crutzfeldt Jacob's disease, shingles, scabies, many diseases that are antibiotic resistant, and just about every disease you can imagine. Normal precautions include: isolating the sick, barrier precautions between the sick and the healthy, with barriers dependent on type of transmission. (Isolation rooms, 6' rule, gloves, masks, gowns, negative pressure rooms). Reasonable precautions have stood me well over almost 5 decades of working with sick people, and I've NEVER been contaminated by any of the ill people I've worked with. I've had body fluids from every natural and some un-natural orifices spewed on me, blown in my face, dumped in my shoes, and on my clothing. I've had skin punctures, and been clawed by agitated patients, spit on. So, Heather, I stand by my assertion. I have done the research.
I've LIVED the research. And I've compared the PC "research" to the wisdom posted by many health care professionals (who are being silenced, censored, and professionally crucified for daring to speak the truth). Why, would one bother to take an unpopular stand that may result in professional crucifixion, when that person has NOTHING TO GAIN by taking such a stand? NEVER, IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD HAS DISEASE PREVENTION INVOLVED ISOLATING THE HEALTHY. PURE AND SIMPLE, THIS APPROACH IS COUNTERPRODUCTIVE, AND FLIES IN THE FACE OF TRUE SCIENCE. UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO COMPARE BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE WITH AN OPEN MIND, YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE TRUTH. On this, we will continue to disagree, so, I'm done.
What about when you can't tell who is sick and who isn't?? The distancing policies evolved under apparent evidence of asymptomatic transmission. Now that we have more information from contact tracong thats becoming questionable. However the places that actually did distancing have had better outcomes, so theres still enough evidence to support distance as a public health strategy.

Businesses are more vulnerable than hospitals, so its no surprise that businesses are taking precautions against their employees becoming sick. The smaller the business, the more vulnerable it is.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I noticed in the video that she said heat would kill it (same thing Trump said, lol). I've gotta tell ya - it's dang hot in Texas and we're blowing up with CV....along with Florida and Arizona.

If there's a 1/10th of 1% percent chance that my mask wearing or staying 6 feet away from someone will protect some other folks I'm going to wear the mask. If it keeps my 89 y.o MIL safe - I'm wearing the mask. If it keeps my husband with all his many co-morbidities safer - I'm wearing the mask. It's not that big a deal people!

My DH has also spent his life in the medial profession. His first point is that health care professionals in hospitals use PPE when confronted with contagions.

worked with MRSA, many different pneumonias, Tuberculosis, Clostridia Difficile, Influenza outbreaks that cause the facility that I worked in to be shut down to the public every year, AIDS, Crutzfeldt Jacob's disease, shingles, scabies, many diseases that are antibiotic resistant, and just about every disease you can imagine. Normal precautions include: isolating the sick, barrier precautions between the sick and the healthy, with barriers dependent on type of transmission. (Isolation rooms, 6' rule, gloves, masks, gowns, negative pressure rooms). Reasonable precautions have stood me well over almost 5 decades of working with sick people, and I've NEVER been contaminated by any of the ill people I've worked with.

Medical professionals who work around sick people take precautions! That's my point. With this virus you don't know who is sick so why wouldn't a person take reasonable precautions?

Influenza outbreaks that cause the facility that I worked in to be shut down to the public every year,
I'm sorry - not trying to pick on one person - but if a facility shuts down from an influenza outbreak - what makes this any different? They cycle has to be broken and we're not doing that.... sigh.
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
HEAT?? Well, get your buns out of the AC -- it's been really hot here and still increases -- they say. This is getting to be like some of the weather reports --- oops, didn't see that. :D Believe I caught a statement that the heat had to be near boiling, or such. Who knows?:idunno

I need to go feed AND dump hot water, I'm sure. ;) Hey, a solar hot tub experience.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
GOT THE VIDEO of the doctors on Capitol Hill.

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