Could you live in an 84 sq ft home?

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
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S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
It would be impossible to do as a family but if you lived alone and are of a minimalist mind like this woman seems to be then I guess you could do it.
She probably won't live like that forever, she even stated that this is where she wanted to be "right now."
I got them impression that she needed to unclutter her life a little and this was a part of that.
She will probably move on, or she will have to if she decides to partner up or have a family.
For her reasons its doable.
I know I need my own space so if I don't have enough room to get alone time by myself I would go crazy.
You couldn't do that in 84 square feet even if you had only one other person living there unless they actually left the building.
The other thing is if I were to live in a house that small I would need a very large yard to put around in.
I guess some people adjust better than others and it would depend on where in your life you are at.
In fact my daughter's last dorm room in college was a 9x12 room shared with 2 other girls.You needed to be very creative to be able to fit three bunks and desks in there and there was only one bureau to share.
The things is, even though I found it claustrophobic, they did fine with it and I think its even good for them.
They were unburdened of all the stuff they had in their old rooms at home.They learned to make do with living out of boxes kept under their beds and a frig big enough to only keep some drinks in. If they really wanted something they had to go down to the cafeteria to get it.
I think its the uncluttering of your life factor again.
I don't need a huge house, in fact I prefer a cozy place and mine is only 1800 square feet or so for my large family and I like it like that.
I know people who are constantly adding on room after room to their houses even though it doesn't appear to me like they even need it.
Alot of people want to give every kid their own room, then what happens when they all move out and you have this big empty house?
That type of thing is not for me, I want to stay in my house forever and I want it to be manageable to me in old age.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 21, 2008
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Could you live in an 84 sq ft home?
That tiny little house is too cute. I really admire that woman. I think that I could live in a house that small and be content. However, I might need storage shed though. That would be a considerable downsize from my 850 sq ft house, which many people consider too small.


Power Conserver
Aug 3, 2008
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Cape Cod Massachusetts
For us I couldnt do it. Although our house is 1000Sq Ft and we only use half of it !!!

We just need a nice kitchen decent living rooom area and small bedroom OH and ofcourse bathroom


Enjoys Recycling
Aug 14, 2008
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It is an interesting idea and the woman certainly sounds like she would be nice to know. But I have four kids, two of which are teenagers and three dogs, plus a husband. That would be a bit small for all of us.

I live in a 2500sq foot house now though and it is too large for us. I could go smaller and will probably do so eventually.


Wannabe Pioneer
Jul 22, 2008
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The DH and I live in a 2200sf house, and although most of the time its just us (with 4 dogs) we do have the kids come and having the 2 extra bedrooms helps. He also has a large family, and we often host holiday dinners, and sometimes just family get togethers, and again, having a big house helps when you've got 30+ people over to eat! lol

When I was a lot younger, I lived in an efficiency apartment. THe bed folded into the wall and became the couch, the kitchen was a sink and table, and the bathroom also doubled as the closet. It was just me, and I was 23, lol, so I didn't have much. But now? I couldn't do it. Of course, if I had to I would, but I moved to the country for the space, and I like it! lol

(I think I could go on and on about this, lol)