CrimsonRose's Cataloged Catastrophes! Electric went out Bator got cold


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Id be steaming if that was me. Id probably put it in the frezer though.

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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I thought you were going to say your microwave blew up because of the metal lid. Didn't that bother your microwave at all?

Oh, and I prefer to think of it as "Unexpected Results" rather than failure or ruined! Sounds much better I think :D Also, it's nice to know I'm not the only one on the planet who does these sorts of things. :hugs


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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well i actually set a microwave on fire... so you didnt do too bad! ha!

love all the rocks - and look! we have the same back soil! just keep working at it. you still have time to plant a 'cover crop' of winter rye if you get it done quickly... and in the spring you can plant buckwheat which loves bad soil, and grows really fast. just keep tilling it in and eventually you'll get better soil.

check around with your local farmers - i betcha if you brought the truck they'd load up their barn litter for no or low cost. i have a local guy that sells beautiful compost out of his dairy yard which is just like black goal. for $20 i get a couple of yards of the stuff.

as for the pumpkin.. hee hee hee you might try the freezer


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 29, 2009
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Southern Ohio
no you don't put the lid on till the jar is heated... so it was an open jar in the microwave only the pumpkin burnt... LOL If you do the oven deal to seal the lid you don't put it on till you take out the jars...

As for the freezer yeah I could have put it there but I have very little freezer space so that's why I dehydrated it... plus it keeps it good even longer with no worries of freezer burn.... I have 3 more pumpkins to finish up and I'm going to try and dehydrate one and get those darn jars to seal... I'll let you all know how it goes!

Never thought of a cover crop.... doubt I could get hubby to help me with it this year but this property is going to be a several year work in progress so I'll put that on my to do list for next year...

Hubby bought me a pasta maker at the thrift store the other day! So I'm off to go make and dry some homemade noodles! yummm!


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Do you have chickens? I you do give all the guts to them. They will love you forever!!!:D


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 29, 2009
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Southern Ohio
I've been a canning fool the past few days! (turkey is on sale and I have no more freezer space!) I ran out of jars and need to head to wallyworld to pick up some more (and hit krogers on the way home for more birds) hahaha

hubby finally bought be a foodsaver! (gotta love that man!) so I've been playing around with it and my pasta maker as well...

I bought a ton of potatoes and want to slice them up to dehydrate them...

I have 2 roosters that need processed but my last processing job went horribly wrong and I just can't get up the guts to go at it again! (man why am I such a weenie!) I can't stand these mean roos so I have NO compassion for them but I still can't look them in the eye and slice their throat after the last boy who refused to die!

But my biggest peeve right now is my rabbits! specifically a few girls who refuse to earn their keep... ROFL

First off we bought a new group of new zealands in Oct... 2 girls were supposed to be breed and due the end of Oct... They never kindled so I gave them a week just to be sure and rebreed those... they are due next week so lets hope for some babies! :fl

I originally had 2 girls that I bought as babies this past spring and grew them out to breeding age all summer... as soon as I got my new boys I started to try and breed them... They refused... I know it's their first time but they are 8months old... plenty old enough... I kept trying for 2 weeks to get those girls to cooperate and accept my new buck... I even tried the junior buck and they didn't like him either... :smack Finally being a very impatient person... I held them down for my boys! both girls were not happy but got breed... or so I thought... they were due Sunday... and we still have no signs of a nest or babies... :rant

My problem now is it's getting REALLY cold... I don't want frozen babies... but I want these freeloaders to earn their keep... hahaha I already have a guy wanting 12 babies soon for 4-h maybe more! So I'm torn over trying to rebreed these girls or wait for spring when the weather starts to warm up more... If I breed them now they will be due end of December... that's pretty cold for outside hutches! and I'm also worried about them being first time moms... I don't know if they will do good yet or not...

I have the 2 seasoned gals I bought in Oct due next week along with my Flemish Giant... I'm not as worried about them... They are good mom's and know what they are doing... :bun I'm just hoping for a good batch of babies from them!

meanwhile what would you do? rebreed the reluctant girls? or let them freeload a little longer and wait for spring? :hu


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I would wait till spring. I have a doe that was pregnant and she may have had babies IDK. But she built a nest. But anyhow I was talkin to my cousin who has rabbits and he said to breed em back on Valentines Day so they d be ready for easter and because the babies would do better.
Is that even close to what you asked???


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 29, 2009
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Southern Ohio
ok it was the last nice weather day we are going to have here all week so I wanted to get most of my outside chores done... I went ahead and put the nest boxes in with my 3 bunny mama's that are due this weekend... One already hopped in and pulled fur! woot!

I'm going to try and rig up a low watt lamp under each nest box to add more heat since the temps will get down to 20's this weekend (stupid cold front couldn't hold out a few more days!) Hopefully that will be enough to keep the babies snug and warm... I decided to hold off on breeding the other 2 gals till spring... unless I can get this under the nest box heater lamp idea perfected...

I've been looking into electric fencing (for when I'm able to purchase my dream goat... LOL) but I'm still pretty lost as to what I need... I hate to go electric with 3 young kiddos... but we tried the welded wire and it just didn't work... They would either jump it or rub their fat booty's up against it till it bent down... So next time I get goats I want a good fence... but I don't have a fortune to spend on it... and electric seems to be the cheapest best answer...

I got to go to our local Mennonite store today! I love that store! has all sorts of goodies on my wishlist... (food and grain mills, steam juicers, any size canning jar you could ever want!) it's a 40 min drive so I don't get to go that often...

So it was a pretty good day! :D