Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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week 36!!! woohoo so glad for you and your irritable uterus. have you caught the chicken killer yet? and ask dh to lower the camera please so we can all see, lol. take care of yourself kiddo


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DH trapped a big raccoon there last night - and got a photo of it on the game camera this time. I hope that's the only culprit. On the bright side, our chicken that laid bad eggs was one of the killed. We don't have to try to figure out who is giving bad eggs anymore. ;)

DS's appointment went smoothly. He has ADHD diagnosis and a referral for medication management. I have some help for how to deal with his behavior at home. It was a huge relief! We visited a friend afterwards and did some shopping. It was beautiful weather and just nice to be out.

DH fixed the lawn mower tonight. I repotted 2 houseplants. (I splurged on matching pots for my houseplants.... blame it on being pregnant and irrational? ;) )

I'm having a hard time keeping the humidity up in the incubator. It's been settling around 45% humidity. I'm not sure what to do about that!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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W/as humid as it is around here, that's one problem I don't have. I don't even add any water until I'm ready for lockdown.

How have you been feeling?


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I'm feeling a little all over the place! This whole pregnancy thing varies between really uncomfortable and painful. That all messes with my mind. My son's behavior is all over the place too. Yesterday was good. Today is terrible! Following advice to break up activities into 5 minutes tasks has not helped him be successful. I just sent him to his bedroom indefinitely because I'm losing my mind.

He asks if he can go play outside. I said no - we're in the middle of chores. He says he's going to go give the goats water, then goes outside and plays. I give him 10 minutes, and the goats still don't have water. I call him to come inside and he starts yelling at me because he "has to" give the goats water. Ooooo, this momma doesn't tolerate being yelled at! :somad He's in his bedroom until I'm not so angry anymore and can deal with him.

We got his appointment for medication management - on Thursday! Thank God it's not a long wait for this appointment! I hope the doctor is a really good guesser on the medications and it doesn't take much adjustment! Our insurance doesn't cover behavioral diagnosis, so we're paying cash for all the appointments and medications from here on out. :/


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
ouch on the insurance! I hope the medications work for him. They didn't for our son, but that's because he was diagnosed with ADHD, when what he really has is Autism Spectrum Disorder (it helps to get the right diagnosis)


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I think I cooked the eggs in the incubator. They were at 105, possibly for as long as an hour! So frustrating because we had just candled the first eggs in and they were developing. We left everything in and are still adding eggs just in case the first bunch are all ruined.

First peas are up in the garden... and frost in the forecast this week :( Too much row to cover. We put in 4 more rows of peas today, plus cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, and radishes.

No more missing chickens... The rats seem to be eradicated from the chicken coop now.

DH has been doing some serious work on electric fence around the garden! Now 4 electric tapes and a ground wire. He's being sweet about putting in a gate with actual handles. He's also trying to wire in a switch so I can turn off the garden fence without turning off the goat fence. (they're on the same fencer) :love He knows I won't go anywhere near an electric fence that is on!!! He is also planning on putting a wire rabbit fence around the bottom of the garden fence too!

Baby has an eviction notice! He is growth restricted, so tons of testing every week and they won't let me go overdue. So he will be here within 19 days, one way or another!:ep ***I*** am NOT growth restricted, have gained 50# already! :ep

My son is doing well on the low dose of medications. His Dr. warned that the benefit of the low dose will stop in a few days after his body learns to deal with the medication, and then it will need to be adjusted upwards. It's been really amazing to compare his behavior / attention before and after doses. I'm very hopeful. So far, he isn't having ANY side effects. :weee


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Don't give up on those eggs... if the temp was only up for an hour or so you might be ok. Congrats on the peas and even bigger congrats on baby eviction notice! Woo hooo - it's getting so close! So glad the meds are helping our son - but - in reality it helps remove some stress from your entire family.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
5 days after "cooking" the eggs, I chilled them to 65 degrees. :( The light bulb that heats the incubator burned out. I candled a couple eggs and didn't see any blood rings. I left them all in.

Baby is still growing - and he's still small. Abdomen measurement in the 1st percentile. But his weight is estimated at 6 3/4 pounds, plus or minus 15 oz. That's hopeful. Placenta is functioning still. They're letting me go another week without inducing. Another round of tests next Friday to see if they'll let me go the final week.

I got a box and 3 bags of cloth diapers in the mail today! I'm excited! Cloth diapering with DS was hard because I didn't have enough money to get enough cloth diapers up front. I wasn't able to cloth diaper completely until he was almost 2 years old.

My son is dong SO MUCH BETTER. He can do little projects by himself now! It's so fun to watch! He earned a bit of workbench and permission to use some tools. He is finally able to plan a project and then follow his plan. :) His attitude is so much better! He is all "I love you" and "thank you" ALL THE TIME now. He used to be a PITA sassy-butt and arguing all the time! He's able to do chores promptly - no more lying about them. He's putting on clean clothes every day!!! Total win! He can bathe himself now. Thank God!!! He can brush his teeth! He can focus on schoolwork for 15 minutes... even unsupervised. He can balance his attention between eating a little snack and focusing on a task. Most of these things seem really small, but such a relief for everyone here!! I'm excited to let him start reading again, he was skipping around books so badly before - no reading getting done at all. He is reading pages in order without losing his place now. We'll see how much damage was done to his comprehension by the attention issues going unnoticed for so long.... Anyway, all good things. I'm very happy to live in an age of modern medicine!

It's a chilly week here. I'm impatient to shear sheep - hopefully before Baby arrives!! - but don't dare to cut their wool off when we're still at near-freezing temperatures at night. We have peas up in the garden. They're covered with straw and blankets: going fine. Kale and the first broccoli are up and doing OK. Onion sets are sprouting too.

Best news: no deer tracks in the garden! The electric fence must be working! :D


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Yay for your son! I'll bet he is feeling so much better about it too! My hubby was ADHD big time and he said he hated feeling like he had no control over himself.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I've been having false labor for hours, up to 3 times a day. As of this morning, I had had false labor for 12 of the previous 24 hours. Hadn't eaten enough in days, dehydrated, crazy emotional and just defeated. That's a lot of ouchy work and then to have no progress, nothing to show for it. I was feeling terrible!

Started arguing with DH via email today about labor/delivery options. He pointed out that if I don't feel good about my OB that I should find another. That sparked an idea to see if I could switch to the certified nurse midwife team in my hometown. I have an appointment next week with the midwife who delivered DS, to see if they will take me. I'd have to stay in a hotel across the street from the hospital. Besides that small downside, I'd be able to get caregivers I FEEL SAFE WITH, I don't have to worry about the 40 minutes it takes us to get to the hospital (I have a history of precipitous labor... and sleeping through it!! :eek: ), I'd get the pediatrician I want, access to rental at-home bili-lights if Baby ends up with high bilirubin as we expect, and better childcare options for DS. If Baby doesn't come before then, and if the midwives can take me on, I'm going! whether DH likes it or not!

Of course, I feel so relieved about seeing this potential option that I'm all relaxed and contractions stopped. I was able to EAT TWO MEALS!!!! And have had a 10 hour break from labor. Thank God, I was so exhausted!

I've been neglecting the incubator. DH is checking it for temperature, but not rotating eggs. DH planted the rest of the garden today. He put up electric fence to have our sheep graze the lawn so he doesn't have to mow. My ram has started butting DS - DS's fault for bopping him on the head gently. Just enough to make the ram hit back. :( DH's war on the chicken coop rats seems to be successful.

There is a significant outbreak of avian flu in our county. 3 of the 7 cases in the state are in our county! Coincidentally, this is where all Jenni-O turkeys are raised. The avian flu thing is a pretty big deal here. :(