Defending Yourself, Your Family, and Your Homestead after TSHTF


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
Given the chances of turmoil and anarchy after a major event, have you given any thought to self defense, the defense of your family, and your homestead after a event?

Do you remember the docu-drama "After Armageddon"? The comment by one the people in that show was that "we are nine meals from anarchy." In Chile it tuned out that they were only six meals way. We have all seen or read about the lawlessness that occurred after Katrina. Although the press hyped the violence way beyond what actually happened, there was violence and looting.

Regardless of your political views (and I would hope that we can avoid any political entanglements in this tread), there is a lot to consider on the subject. Most importantly is whether you feel that you could actually use deadly force if the situation called for it. Most everyone's first reaction is a resounding YES. However, it has been shown in the past, that a certain percentage, even though they were armed, will not. This is something that everyone who owns, or is considering owning a firearm for self defense, must do some soul searching about. If you honestly believe that you could not use deadly force, you may be better off not owning a gun, and attempting to use some non-lethal defense, instead of ending up with your firearm taken from you.

The best defense in a TSHTF situation (or any, for that matter), is to avoid the confrontation. This can sometimes be accomplished by laying low and not making yourself a target. Unfortunately that is not always an option.

So in a TSHTF scenario, what are your plans for self defense? Do you plan to stay put, or travel to another location? Have you given thought to the types of threats that you might face, and the types weapons appropriate for your situation?

This is just some food for thought. There are to many variables to plan for everything, but a little preparation goes a long way, and may mean the difference of survival.



Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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My husband just purchased a semi automatic SR9 Ruger hand gun... that holds 17 shots.
his first since the army many years ago. He went to a gun show with about 100 miles away with a few neighbors. All the folks around here have lots of guns and I suppose that if the SHTF and folks came this way to loot, rob, and do mayhem the community would defend itself I expect. We are so far out there that not too many would make it this way unless they were already fairly well prepared. ... which could be I suppose... on the other hand there are a fair amount of people right here who don't make ends meet. I see that at the local food bank and I often wonder if those folks do gardens and have goats and chickens. There really arn't any apartments around here, Everyone has a large yard or much more.

He bought it for protection when we are in the woods and to carry with him while hunting. There are quite a few bear and mountain lions around here which make me nervous. Lots of folks carry hand guns when they hike. I am thinking of getting a revolver for the occassions that I am out. Since my sister in la, while horse back riding in the back country crossed paths with a mountain lion she is thinking of it too.

I try not to think about what it would be like if people got really desparate. There are so freakin many people who could land in that position if the SHTF senerio gets much worse. I just can't imagine what it is like in big cities right now where there has been so much job loss. What are all those people doing to feed themselves.? I guess food stamps..

meanwhile I stocked up on rounds for the 22 rifle, about 1500, and the new rifle for deer hunting, I don't know what that is, we have enough rounds my husband says for many years.....but I tell him get a few more boxes just in case.


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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Discretion being the better part of valor, I respectfully decline to respond.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
I don't suppose we'd last very long if TSHTF, However, I'm not sure I even believe in scare tactics and all this "preparing for the worst" stuff. I'll prepare for the probable disasters we could have, but I can't do everything. There are just things we can't stock longterm, and things we can't control.


My parents won't own guns, and I back them up. We don't hunt, and have no need for a gun.


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
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I have thought about how to defend ourselves, in our home in a worse case scenario. This place wouldn't be the easiest to defend, but it could be a lot worse. I have stockpiled a couple of long range, high capacity rifles, with good stopping power out to 4-500 yards. Next in line we have 12 and 20 gauge shotguns with slug barrels and various different loads, some good as far as 100 yards. For closer combat there are multiple handguns of various calibers, depending on the situation,the stopping power or lack of noise required. There is also the compound bows or the crossbow if true stealth is called for.
The Wife is the one I would worry about......until after she pulled the trigger for the first time. After we get over that little hump, and her temper kicked in, I would be hard pressed to keep both of our weapons reloaded fast enough. :lol:

As far as being able to take a life? It is all in the mindset, the training and the amount of adrenaline flowing at the time.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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We would be OK for a good while I think. I am in farm land country and my neighbors are mostly the same as we are with land, produce, GUNS, (and know how to use them), Tony can hunt with his bow etc. We have a fresh spring fed pond on the farm. Defend ourselves, sure I wouldn't think twice on using anything to defend myself if required. Between our guns, bows, knives, etc. we have enough hardware to help ourselves.

I would hate to have to live in that situation and I don't think it will happen in my lifetime that it would come to "the day after".

I would help anyone I can, but in the end defense is a priority for survival for my family and I would not hesitate to do what is necessary.

No need to travel I have all I need to survive (of course depending on the situation)
Lay low, check on family and good friends, team up with all fam/friends as a community, take stock of my situation etc. and move forward in life I guess is all any of us can do.


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
North Arkansas
I recently read some informal observations by a gentleman that owns a gas station. He says from what he sees, most people only put gas in their car when it is needed, and that the majority seem to have less than a half a tank at any given time. If things get bad where people start leaving the city, those within distance of that half a tank of gas, and along the major roads, would see the most "visitors".

If there were a mass exodus from the cities, we are situated such that we would probably see very few in the area where we live. Food wise we are fairly well prepared, but we are going out of our way to make sure that we have extra staples and canned goods so that we could help neighbors and others., including any "passers by".

There will always be a criminal element. If there is a breakdown in society, even for a short while, there would general lawlessness in the cities. If the problem should the problem last longer, that lawlessness would start to spread out as the city's resources were depleted. Again, it is probably those that live within a half a tank that will see to most trouble.

Lupinfarm, I understand your position. I have members of my own family that feel the same way. Self defense is something that everyone must decide for themselves.

On Our own

Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 21, 2009
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We suffer from a this side of the tracks issue here. A main road divides the area fairly well in half the haves on one side and the self sufficient on the other. The haves have such a sense of entitlement that I know they would quickly be a problem. They don't plan ahead and they assume we'll help them.

They will quickly find out that they are wrong. We have made contact with the neighbors on all four sides and made some agreements. Most are on the same page. It is unlikely that things could get that bad, but it is best to be prepared and not need it than need it and not be prepared. We're not waiting for Armegeddon, just rough times.

DH and I were both in the military so that is all that needs to be said about that. We live by one rule: you never pull a weapon unless you are prepared to pull the trigger. Never pull the trigger unless you are prepared to hide the body. ;) Kiddin!~ Really.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters

This mixed with careful planning and attitude adjustment, the Army taught me a couple things.

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