Do you have SS friends? Or do your friends think you are weird?

Woodland Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 16, 2008
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I know of few people like us. My extended family might think I'm a little crazy but they wouldn't say anything. I have this insatiable desire to be self sufficient. I like the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction I get looking at my garden, canned food, and collecting my eggs. I like designing my coops and building them. I like educating my own children. I want to learn everything I can in case life as we know it changes. I'm sure there are some people who think I'm strange but I have a hard time understanding people who are the opposite of me.

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
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S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
My friends are very supportive of me. I think they are or were amused by the chickens at first but they think its cool now.
If they stop by and I don't answer the door they know they will find me in the garden or out cleaning the coops or whatever.
I have been best friends with the same three girls that I met in kindergarten. We are like sisters. They don't live the way I do but they respect it. We have been through so much with each other over the years, all the ups and downs in all of our lives that they would never judge me. They are very cool people.

I have just met another lady in town who keeps chickens and is starting to do the self sufficiency thing and we hit it off immediately.
We had so much in common it wasn't even funny. I can definitely see us being friends.
I also met someone through SS forum who I am friends with now, she and I have the same interests and my husband and I enjoy hanging out with her and her husband. Also very cool people and they have the same self sufficient attitude and goals.

On the other hand, there are people that you meet and get talking to and they are the ones that think you are out of your mind for having chickens, or wonder why in the world you would go through all the trouble of picking your own fruit and canning your own jams when you can buy some for a couple of dollars at the store.

It seems like alot of people don't want to get their hands dirty gardening or their houses dirty by having a dog come in and out.
I have been to people's houses and it looks like no one even lives there.
They thing its a status symbol to buy everything and not have to grow it or make it.
These are the kind of people that won't by the generic items and only by brand name because it would mean they are slumming, even though they must know alot of the times its the same thing but cheaper.
Someone they know might see them in the grocery store with toasted Os instead of cheerios in their cart.

I think they just don't understand the concept of people who want to grow their own food, knit their own blankets, raise chickens for eggs, etc. I think they just don't get it. They seem to think that people who do this are just poor and couldn't possibly do it by choice or a way of life.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Natalie, you are most assuredly blessed with friends like this! I must say that I miss having friends. :(

My son and I were just talking about how strange it is that, out of nine kids, I am the one who is compelled to learn and live this SS lifestyle. Was it just convenient because I've been the most destitute? I don't know, but I really feel most happy with things this simple. I don't think I would change that simplistic outlook, even if I had lots of money.

We were also discussing how everything happens for a reason and that maybe God has put this mindset on some people like us because he knew that we could help others in a time of great need. Sort of like the times that are approaching us in the coming years. Maybe it has nothing to do with what I want at all....maybe God just made me this way for a reason.

I don't know, but sometimes we try to talk about these things and reason them out because its all such a mystery to me. So glad there are others that feel like there is honor and good in this lifestyle, instead of mere excentricity.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
You know.....just yesterday DH and I went to Ohio, ( only about an 1 1/2 hr drive) to visit my Aunt. She is a widow and seems everyone forgot she was there. I dont get to see her often, but we talk on the phone a few times a month. Anyways...when we got there, another aunt whome I havent seen in almost 40 yrs was there. We talked, she asked about our lifestyle..and what we were " up to" now. I told her all about our little farm, the animals, fruit and veggies I canned....and she had the silliest smile on her face. When I finally stopped long enough to take a breath....( I can get very chatty when it comes to our way of life) She grandmother would be so very proud of you. I melted. My grandmother passed away when I was quite young, I think I was 5 or 6. My aunt told me she never could " get into the canning thing" I days, we really dont have a choice do we? She just smiled and said..I will be going through all my boxes, and ANY canning jars I might have, are yours! WOohoo! Lucky me!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Well I have only recently hit this SS path, it has been stewing in my mind for the last year or so..... and since we are still in suburbia, yes people think that my ideals are weird. I don't even talk about it much, but people are surprised by my garden and my effort to learn canning this past summer was met by some giggles and bewildered looks :rolleyes: When I mention that I want chickens well, you'd think I am suggesting something insane!

I think that as Beekissed said Gods lead you this way. When I was a young adult my father moved from the city to the country, we had horses, he had a small orchard, huge garden, chickens and I was charmed by the lifestyle.

Fast forward 20 years and I see that our world is going to hell and I am tiered of being a contributing factor. I enjoy being frugal and living simply...people think I am nuts because I don't have a cell phone, don't want a new car, don't wear all the latest fashions or sling a designer purse over my arm...then if they find out that I have a bunny just for the fertilizer she produces, well yeah, I am a nut!

The hard work I face is nothing compared to all of you, but a job well done gives more satisfaction than anything else. Yesterday I sent my DH and my 12 yr old son out on a firewood foraging mission....really stepping outside the box for DH but he was a good sport and indulged me :) They brought home enough for several nice fires. As we sat and enjoyed a warm beautiful fire last night, he was beaming with pride and could not believe how great it was that he and our son went out and found all the wood that we were enjoying ...for FREE!!
Yep, we are weird.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Justusnak, you really scored! That's what happened to me this year and I scored big time....just by talking about what kind of lifestyle I was trying to obtain....jars, canners, strainers, wheat grinders, numerous tins of name came pouring in. Just when we want to do it, someone else does not. And I think it makes them feel good to know that someone will put their stuff to good use, instead of some stranger getting it and tossing it in a building somewhere. Isn't it great?

Dace, that was a wonderful story about your hubby and son....I bet they will feel that sense of strength and accomplishment with each new step they take on this road. Its not for the faint of heart or the slacker...I think it takes some resolve and determination to give up one life and work towards another. Some people have it, some don't, some won't even try to see if they have it or not! And...heck, free firewood? That makes for an extra warm fire, when you aren't burning money to keep warm!

I wonder what draws some people into this, sort of like a compulsion, isn't it? What is it about us that makes us want to take the road less traveled....actually a road that is going the opposite direction of the rest of the world. I like to ponder it and often wonder...why me? What is it that makes me love the idea of this? Is a call from God, or some deep down residual call to find one's roots and heritage; a nostalgic urge to keep hold on an era that was simple, true and real. I don't know at all, as I didn't just wake one day and want to do this or even read an article in a mag and think it sounded quaint. I have wanted to do this since I was a little girl! :)


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
Beekissed said:
I wonder what draws some people into this, sort of like a compulsion, isn't it? What is it about us that makes us want to take the road less traveled....actually a road that is going the opposite direction of the rest of the world. I like to ponder it and often wonder...why me? What is it that makes me love the idea of this? Is a call from God, or some deep down residual call to find one's roots and heritage; a nostalgic urge to keep hold on an era that was simple, true and real.
Just seems sensible to me <shrug>.

I mean, you look around you at so much of the stuff that people have these days, and the way the advertising industry wants us to think we should live, and you think "gee, people did PERFECTLY FINE without all that, twenty or fifty or a hundred years ago, and just look at how much it costs and how much it messes up your life. Really, why bother?"

Equal parts laziness and cynical perspective I guess, for me :)

Pat, for whom there are very few people whose opinions of me I actually care about :p


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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OK I feel outta place now didn't choose to live simply, we had to simplify out of necessity. Husband was injured, doctors refuse to release him to work a job, I was going to school, already had 3 kids at home, and 4 on the way....Hubby still has not been released to go to work, and we found we have enjoyed having both of us home with the kids.

First year we sold off our fancy camaro. Paid off our house. After that we sold anything that was of value in our home just to make ends meet.

Each spring we have made our garden bigger.

I started accepting handmedowns for the kids (and US!) when they were offered and using them instead of passing them on to someone else.

I first decided to get chickens when I was in school. Paid for first flock out of the financial aid I hadn't used for school. Probably wasn't a smart use of that money, but I had my chickens. Chickens were stolen 6 months later. January rolls around, I sell my expensive digital camera to buy more chickens :p

It seems like ever since anything we need that will help us around the place, or provide a source of income or barter, just drops in our lap. Last month it was goats. This month I got incubators and quail and more chickens and ducks!

Oh, and now someone is giving us a free horse!

I guess I am trying to say we didn't necessarily start out wanting to be SS, but the more we tried to get away from SS, the more we became SS lolol

We don't have cell phones, kids don't have video games, we don't have running water, we drive old vehicles that we managed to barter for, so no $ spent purchasing them....what else? not sure, but we are loving it.

We do not have a lot of money at all, so some months it feels like we barely are going to make it, but God always manages things so everything is A OK!

Oh and yesterday, I got 2 surprises in the mail! FREE SEEDS for our garden!!

edited for typo