Do you have SS friends? Or do your friends think you are weird?


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Homesteadmom said:
DrakeMaiden said:
miss_thenorth said:
Go hug your duck!
:D Well, I would, but they get a little edgy about close personal contact. :/

The best friendships I have are friends I met in college and an older couple that used to be our neighbors. I find it really hard to break away from everything to visit friends or even to have them over. I still appreciate them and have some things in common with them, but what can I say? They are entrenched in their city lives and I am entrenched in my "backwoods" life. I don't enjoy visiting the city anymore. It is like pulling teeth to get me to go "out on the town." City life always depressed me when I lived in Seattle. There is little there for me. I need to be surrounded by living things . . . the more the merrier.

Friendships require a certain amount of regular attention. When you are raising a garden and livestock, you often have very little energy left over for your friendships . . . especially if you are also working a job. At least this is true for me. If your friends lived down the street, it would be easier to stay in touch. But when you add together the fact that they don't live close, and they don't live in the same environment, then it takes a lot of energy to maintain that friendship. Some friends are worth the extra effort and some may not be.

You know, it is soooo much easier to not have to get dressed up, but to just log on to this forum and interact with like minds. :)
Ds's duck loves to lay his head in the crook of your arm!
I know what you mean about leaving the property it is hard to do when everything is growing & needing tending to along with the animals & then I add homeschooling to my plate too & people wonder why I never go anywhere. I know some people who are on the go constantly & I could not live that life. I do enjoy interactions with others but it is hard to do a lot of it(I don't want a lot anyway). I have a moms group from church we meet once a month at a park(will be too hot for that soon) & a frugal momma's group we meet once a month to share ideas for helping stretch our $$'s & PE class for ds each Fri afternoon for an hr. So I get to socialize, not to mention church on sun. But it is really hard to maintain friendships with people who do not share your lifestyles & they have no clue or desire to have a clue about it & make fun of you for it.
Very true. Sometimes a person gets lucky, though, and meets people who are interested in different ways of living than their own! It's very nice you have those opportunities for socializing. Now that my kids are in school, I miss those reasons for getting together with other moms.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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DrakeMaiden said:
Homesteadmom said:
Absolutely nothing!! Although I do enjoy adult conversation from time to time. Child conversations & animal conversation can get a little boring sometimes.

I guess that's another plus of this forum . . . the conversation is written down so if you get distracted by kids and animals, you can just pick back up where you left off!
True, true & if it takes you a few days then no one feels slighted.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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me&thegals said:
Homesteadmom said:
me&thegals said:
And, yeah, who cares if you only get 1 cup of syrup? We only get a few quarts from our trees, but it really is great for kids to understand their food. We took pictures last year of the whole process, then typed up captions and made a 3-ring binder story of maple syrup, brought it into their kindergarten and 2nd grade classes. My kids presented the story, and I served mini homemade pancakes with maple syrup. The kids loved it! My daughter's little friend has been requesting more maple syrup :woot Another child more connected to his food.
Have you considered entering this in your local county fair?
I hadn't, but it might be fun for the kids :) We ARE talking some pretty low-quality syrup here. I just keep telling myself all that sediment on the bottom is vitamins and minerals!
I was thinking the presentation would be a good entry for them.


Power Conserver
Jan 1, 2009
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My sister thinks I am a freak...she's preganant and eating bar mom and dad like it becuase they get goodies...homemade granola, bread, eggs, other think I need a hobby that involves a PS3 or Wii or something more "up to date!?"
I enjoy it and it keeps me healthy, happy, and aware of my body and what is going into it.