Eastern Tip Of Long Island,NY


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Folks, just joined SS tonite..Love reading all your post and relating to your lifestyles..I have a rather large garden, 31 chickens and a few hives of honeybees. After a rather long lapse, i've started canning foods again this fall.Looking forward to getting a real homestead someday, until then i'm making due with my 1 1/2 acres....
Most folk around here are more interested in there swimming pools and manicured lawns, so this forum is the place for me to be to share and learn...thanks for letting me introduce myself...Kevin


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Glad to have you! Sounds like you will fit in perfectly with all the chicken and bee people on here, to be sure! :)

Chime in any time you like and tell us more about yourself and your life on Long Island....heard its pretty pricey to live there. :p


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Indiana
Hi kevin , welcome ! I'm envying your bees ! Maybe that'll be my next project. I drool every time I see the neighbour behind us beehives.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks Beekissed and sweetcorn for replying, I always feel a little awkward when i first join a new forum..:) Not much to tell Beekissed, i'm just a divorced middle ages guy who loves working the land. My dad and granddad were avid gardeners, so i learned young to grow stuff.. Yes, land and living on long island is expensive..! Luckly i bought my house and land over 20yrs ago when i was making a good living commerical fishing out of Montauk Pt., ny and its fully paided for. Taxes and high cost of living here are a killer...I should have sold before the housing crash started and bought a little spread somewhere..Oh,well...kinda late for that now..Now a days, i paint houses, bang nails, whatever i can find to do to pay the bills, and of course work my land when i can...
I started beekeeping 3 yrs ago, with one hive i bought in northern Mass. I'm holding my own, theres so much to learn and the poor girls have alot working against them...Disease, mites, CCD...Then you have to hope for decent weather and a good nector flow so the girls do well, and hopefully you'll get some surplus honey... I love it though, its a challenge, because i won't use any chemicals in my hives. So far my one hive has multiplied to six hives in my 3 yrs...This yr i'll likely get about 70-80lbs of honey from my hives when i get around to extracting, which is fine by me..:) Some beeks(beekeepers) get up to 100 lbs of surplus honey from a single hive...!! I've got lots to learn yet, but i'm having fun and really enjoying it... I get more than enough honey for myself and i like giving some to my family members...Maybe someday i'll make a few bucks at it...
You two should check out Beesource.com if you want lots of good info about beekeeping...good luck...! Well,thats a bit about me, look forward reading and learning more here..


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Oh, I've been to Beesource.com but found them pretty rude and opinionated, so switched to Beemaster.com and seemed to find some very nice folks, thanks to Reinbeau!

Can't wait to have bees in the spring, as I have an orchard and large garden that will benefit from their patronage! :D


Enjoys Recycling
Dec 26, 2008
Reaction score
DuppyDo said:
Thanks Beekissed and sweetcorn for replying, I always feel a little awkward when i first join a new forum..:) Not much to tell Beekissed, i'm just a divorced middle ages guy who loves working the land. My dad and granddad were avid gardeners, so i learned young to grow stuff.. Yes, land and living on long island is expensive..! Luckly i bought my house and land over 20yrs ago when i was making a good living commerical fishing out of Montauk Pt., ny and its fully paided for. Taxes and high cost of living here are a killer...I should have sold before the housing crash started and bought a little spread somewhere..Oh,well...kinda late for that now..Now a days, i paint houses, bang nails, whatever i can find to do to pay the bills, and of course work my land when i can...
I started beekeeping 3 yrs ago, with one hive i bought in northern Mass. I'm holding my own, theres so much to learn and the poor girls have alot working against them...Disease, mites, CCD...Then you have to hope for decent weather and a good nector flow so the girls do well, and hopefully you'll get some surplus honey... I love it though, its a challenge, because i won't use any chemicals in my hives. So far my one hive has multiplied to six hives in my 3 yrs...This yr i'll likely get about 70-80lbs of honey from my hives when i get around to extracting, which is fine by me..:) Some beeks(beekeepers) get up to 100 lbs of surplus honey from a single hive...!! I've got lots to learn yet, but i'm having fun and really enjoying it... I get more than enough honey for myself and i like giving some to my family members...Maybe someday i'll make a few bucks at it...
You two should check out Beesource.com if you want lots of good info about beekeeping...good luck...! Well,thats a bit about me, look forward reading and learning more here..
Hey I just joined but I am not that far I am in lower westchester ny HI!

I go fishing on the Viking once a year with Captain Steve and the boys for 3 day Tuna/Tile, and sword (my 3 day vacation with out my ds) I love it out there!!! Oh so would your honey be considered organic (maybe not certified) but it sounds like you use chemical free methods, if you are ever selling I would love to buy some :) Bugs give me the heebie jeebies so I never even considered bee keeping but think it is fascinating.

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