
Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
I think I will get the snap trap, then. And when it has done the deed, I will attach my dustpan to the end of a broom handle, and use a broom in the other hand and walk the thing out to the trash can.

Or maybe I can make cat noises.

Or import Momma.

How am I going to sleep tonight?

Bait it with peanut butter and sunflower seeds?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I keep One-Bite bars in my cellar. They have to gnaw those to get the food and they die within a day of eating it. They usually crawl outside to die, so I don't have stinky rotten things in the cellar or the house. I do, however, have to pick up the dead rodent and give it a toss out in the field. Only had to do that the first year but don't anymore because I have cats now.

Those nice plastic traps, like Noobie described, that you just have to press to release the mice are great and they can be sanitized and descented for further use. Bait with PB or bacon for quick results! Those kind of traps are a good investment and easy to set. No chance of getting your fingers snapped in the trap! :p


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Here's an idea for you.....I'm the one who takes care of such matters in my house, so I've worked out the least distasteful method. The mice can move into the house in droves in the fall. EVERY bit of food we have is in glass the moment it comes into the house....but with the animals, there is always spilled grain and seeds, and it doesn't take much to feed a large family of mice!

So I keep small boxes and set the cheap wooden snap traps inside them. Shoe boxes work great, or small gift boxes. I cut small doors in the sides of the box, and carefully set the traps, put them in the box, close the box, and put it into my crawl space or kitchen cupboard, where ever I heard recent activity. Then I just throw the entire box into the garbage. That is the weinie way to do it!!! :lol:


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
The weenie way is the only way around here.

Okay, tonight is the first night of The Hunt. I didn't want to set a trap where i saw the "evidnece", so I set it up in the garage.

First, I ought to say that I was on my way to the dollar store to get snap traps, but fortunately checked my bank balance and I was overdrawn for the first time in EVER. I had three checks for the same amount and one had not come in, and I thought it had. Anyway, not even a dollar to my name for two more weeks. And me with 15 pounds of Elberta peaches to can, and no cans. Guess I will freeze.

Anyway, I found my tallest Rubbermaid tote, and made sure there were no footholds inside. Dumped about a cup of the seeds in the bottom and put it in the garage, which is probably where the rodent came in from. I placed the tote near an easily climbed area, and put the lid on with an opening right by where the climbing spot is. Ostensibly, the mouse will climb up the exterior ladder like thingy and then down through the small gap in the lid, eat himself sick and then have no way out. I check in the morning, if there is a capture, then I will slied the lid on tight and scream like a girl until my son-in-law comes to take it away.

We will see how it works. If it doesn't Plan B will be implemented.

Synchonize watches...don Ninja garb, and GO !

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
Ldychef2k said:
The weenie way is the only way around here.

Okay, tonight is the first night of The Hunt. I didn't want to set a trap where i saw the "evidnece", so I set it up in the garage.

First, I ought to say that I was on my way to the dollar store to get snap traps, but fortunately checked my bank balance and I was overdrawn for the first time in EVER. I had three checks for the same amount and one had not come in, and I thought it had. Anyway, not even a dollar to my name for two more weeks. And me with 15 pounds of Elberta peaches to can, and no cans. Guess I will freeze.

Anyway, I found my tallest Rubbermaid tote, and made sure there were no footholds inside. Dumped about a cup of the seeds in the bottom and put it in the garage, which is probably where the rodent came in from. I placed the tote near an easily climbed area, and put the lid on with an opening right by where the climbing spot is. Ostensibly, the mouse will climb up the exterior ladder like thingy and then down through the small gap in the lid, eat himself sick and then have no way out. I check in the morning, if there is a capture, then I will slied the lid on tight and scream like a girl until my son-in-law comes to take it away.

We will see how it works. If it doesn't Plan B will be implemented.

Synchonize watches...don Ninja garb, and GO !
OMG your story is the bomb dot com! :lol:

In college we set a mouse trap for the mouse that we heard and it cought a RAT by the tail... He tried to go back down the tub drain from which he entered, but the trap kept him from getting too far down the drain. Donned in cowboy boots and that is about it, I felt so useless, I sprayed the bugger with raid! I had my oven mits on JIC! After many "thwapping" noises (of him backing up and trying to go back down) he finally escaped the "tail trap".

I slept with one eye open from then on till the end of my lease!!!!


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
You mean Raid won't work?

So much for Plan B.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Ldychef2k said:
You mean Raid won't work?

So much for Plan B.

Okay....I have to be the first to say it....

You gals are such GIRLS!!!!! :plbb :D :lol:

Wanna hear a good one? When I first moved here, there were these big, brown rats in the cellar house. I know this because I moved something and two rats fell out of it...... :p

So, I put out my One-Bite and checked the next day. Nothing. Then I forgot about it in all the moving and grooving. A couple of days later, I go out and find the rats lying near the door, apparently unable to get out to breathe their last breath. Oh, too bad! :hit NOT! :p

So, being the practical woman that I am and not having a SIL to which to scream and having boys who feel a "you killed it, you clean it" attitude......

I picked up the rats by the tails and walked calmly to the fence and gave them a toss. They fell at my feet, tails missing the skin. Ew. :sick

I gingerly pick them up by the naked, bony tails and give a toss....success! :)

Later that night I am showering and notice a worm-like thing circling the drain, but not going down. I bend over, wondering how an earth worm got in my tub without me noticing it. I picked it up~ being the tomboy that I am~and the worm has FUR! :th

Yep. You guessed it. When I tossed the rats and the fur skinned off the tails, one flew up into my hair and I had been wearing a dead rat's tail in my hair all day long without knowing it.....

.....guess I should have used a rat-tail comb to comb out my hair that evening! :lol: