Female troubles....

On Our own

Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 21, 2009
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Ladies, I know I would have suffered something awful had I been born a hundred years ago. So I got to thinking in a SHTF scenario if we ran out of anti-biotics or other commercial cures for UTIs and yeast infections.... What do you use??

I know about cranberry and eating yogurt but that doesn't always do the trick. What options are there?


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
I once developed a major kidney infection. Hospitalized, intravenous antibiotics, sent home with a script.
The day after I was done with the script, the infection started creeping back in. I didn't want to go back to the Dr when the first time didn't work (this was back when I first started distrusting Drs) so I started flooding my system with cranberry.
I can't stand the taste of the juice, so I got dried cranberries, powdered them in my coffee grinder & took a heaping spoonful 3 times a day.
The infection went away. And hasn't come back. I take a couple of spoonfuls a week now, which is supposed to help prevent it.

I think the reason cranberry doesn't work for some people is that they are afraid to take enough. I would imagine you would have to eat a truckload of cranberries to poison yourself. You might get a sugar overdose first.

And on the yogurt, the best way isn't to eat it, but rather, to apply it directly to the affected area. Yep, you read that right. There are some details here: http://www.sufficientself.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2545


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Many people also use the commercial cranberry juice cocktail, which has more sugar than Coke! Sugar and processed grains in the diet feed the bacteria. So I have knocked out many a UTI with unsweetened cranberry juice in water (UGH!!!) and a NO sugar or processed food diet. I am prone to them, so I, too, take supplemental ORAC's daily and that helps a lot. When I run out for a couple of weeks, I feel the familiar pain starting. And I eat a "good" diet. Sheesh. Life is unfair. :rolleyes:

In a SHTF situation, once people ran out of stored processed foods, health would improve, and this type of infection would be pretty rare, I think.

I would harvest and dry every elderberry and wild dark berry like chokecherries and black cherries and grapes that I could get my hands on and use them. Also, kefir or yogurt....um.....d-word. Garlic in large quantities is an antibiotic. Garlic soup!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 11, 2009
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Prattville, Alabama
In a SHTF scenario, we'd all be in a tight spot, healthcare-wise. What would any of us girls do about BC? *That* could complicate things :p

On Our own

Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 21, 2009
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Actually the reason I can't do cranberry is because I have been dosing myself with ground cranberry for years and I developed cyctistis which annoyingly enough is aggravated by cranberry.

I had to stop taking cranberry to stop the pain, because it is not an infection.....

I'll have to try that yogurt application - I foresee an interesting conversation with DH! :lol:

On Our own

Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 21, 2009
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Occamstazer said:
In a SHTF scenario, we'd all be in a tight spot, healthcare-wise. What would any of us girls do about BC? *That* could complicate things :p
The best BC of all - NO. :lol: :gig

Actually, read a book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility. Hands down every woman should own a copy and give it to her daughter as soon as she hits puberty.


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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As a kid I adored cranberries- then I got a bad case of hives and doctor said to stay away from them. I sneak in some freshly ground cranberry relish at Thanksgiving with no ill effect.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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I have several protocols for urinary tract infection on my other computer that is not on the net right now. There are many choices for treatment. I will list just a few, and if you have chronic cystitis, called interstitial cystistis look carefully into both DMSO instillations and Iodine orally.

I have heard of few postive outcomes with the use of cranberry juice. Most people cannot tolerate drinking real cranberry juice and the sweetened bs that you buy in the store will not do it. It does not kill the pathogen in general. Cranberry when taken correctly will keep bacteria from adhering to the lining of the bladder. This treatment concerns me because this could leave the kidneys vulnerable to a bacterial infection that is not fully cured.

It is so important to learn how to cure UTI without antibiotics. Believe me. I have seen more antibiotic resisitant urinary track infections, and they are killers, a slow death, most often found in the elderly.

Iodine 10 drops in water 3 to 4 times a day. Continue for one day past all signs and sytptoms are gone. May take 4 to 10 days. I used it once and it took 3 days for symptoms to go away. Took it for 4 days to be sure I nailed it.
Everyone should have a bottle of Lugol's 5 or 7% in their arsenol.

Homeopathy - main remedies are cantharis, sarsaparilla, and mostly staphysagria which will cure over 50% of urianry tract infections. Keep 30c and 200c potency on hand. Have a basic knowledge on how to administer homeopathy. See: Dana Ullman's book "Everybodies guide to Homeopathic Medicines" and his website:

Staphysagria has also controlled (not cured) UTI and repeated kidney infection associated with chronic liver disease. This woman took 200c potency for several years with good effect in controling this most tortorous sysmtom of her liver disease.

MMS: see www.jimhumble.biz
Everyone should have a bottle of this in their arsenol.

Colloidal Silver in this preparation www.NutraSilver.com
30 drops 3 to 4 times a day with a large glass of water has been reported to work

for chronic recurring UTI where all the above treatments have failed (which is really hard for me to imagine!) do a search on D-Mannose. It will have to be taken daily probabl for a very long time.
This would be my absolute last choice.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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On Our own said:
Occamstazer said:
In a SHTF scenario, we'd all be in a tight spot, healthcare-wise. What would any of us girls do about BC? *That* could complicate things :p
The best BC of all - NO. :lol: :gig

Actually, read a book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility. Hands down every woman should own a copy and give it to her daughter as soon as she hits puberty.
Every woman should know how to determine when she is ovulating. All methods of birthcontrol aside from pills will be much much more effective if she has this knowledge.

With knowldege and use of ovulation awareness the diaphragm and condum are highly effective.

The diaphram needs to be resized after all pregnancies and after weight loss to assure proper fit. A good diaphram can last for years if properly cared for. In all my reproductive years I only had 3 or so. A spermicidal gel should be used with it. So stock up gals!

I always insisted on condum and diaphragm during ovulation. In non ovulation times the diaphragm iwith spermicide is generally considered sufficient. You gotta put it in before you start messin around. :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
Mackay, the cranberry (and other deep colored berries like free mentioned, blueberries especially) are supposed to make the lining of the urinary track "slicker" so the bacteria don't adhere & multiply. Since the bacteria are being flushed from your system when you urinate, lessening the numbers your body has to fight off; I'm not sure how that would put you at risk. Would you explain, please? :)

I'm uh.. fixed, so I don't have to worry about BC for myself. But, I have learned to recognize my body signals, so I will know when my cycle is coming on. Due to some serious pain & nausea issues, I like to be prepared. That is what I want to teach my daughter when she comes of age.
I got pregnant 3 times on BC (I've lost a baby), and yes, I did take them right, plus we used other prophylactics. But, I knew within days that something had changed. First child, I didn't realize what it was, the second I knew, but we lost her before she was born and by the third I was practically an old pro. I knew I was carrying, but it took the Dr. 4 additional days to get a positive.

Paying attention to your body is IMO, the most important step.

What all does that book cover, Occam? Body knowledge, herbs, homemade sponges?

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