Flu and brochitis remedies anyone?


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Ok, well we survived the flu but now I am trying to slip into brochitis. I am putting up a good fight though. Got my homeopathic asthma and brochitis remedy on hand. Drinking acv water like 4 times a day. Lots of raw honey.

To get through the flu we did tons of elderberry syrup. Heck we were eating elderberry jam on toast too.
Massive amounts of camomile tea with tons of honey and a splash of lemon
Apple cider with clove, cinnamon, honey and lemon ( yum)
we ended up consuming almost 3 whole bulbs of garlic along with about 5 lbs of chicken for soup

You guys have any other remedies or preventatives you want to share. With these bugs I am sure everyone could use them.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Wash hands wash hands wash hands. It's the only preventative I know. DH has had the flu a few weeks ago, and now a stomach bug. I have gotten neither, and I attribute it to WASHING like a OCD maniac during cold and flu season! But if you get lucky and hit the jackpot...ACV and other remedies are better than letting the doctor poison your bug into submission.


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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I wash my hands but honestly with the kiddies I am doomed. Not one of them want their father, who is practically immune to everything, to take care of them when they are sick. They want mom and hugs and kisses and singing and someone to sit by them all night long. I get run down and an extra dose of germs and BAM. Now its down to preventing anyone from catching it again and avoiding the doctor. I am so proud that I am a year out from any of the steroids and such I was taking 4 times a year. Slowly but surely my immune system is healing and I am getting better faster. I think everyone needs to have these natural aids on hand though. I am sure I don't even know half as much as I should on treating and preventing but I thought I would share and maybe learn. That raw acv with the mother is awesome though. I was a bit skeptical about treating flu and brochitis stuff with it but I can really tell the difference. Heck my husband is ready to run and get more.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yep, kids are germ factories lol! We stayed sick a lot more when they were younger. For chest congestion, turnips work wonders! If you hollow out a turnip, and fill the hollow spot with brown sugar, let sit for 3-4 hours till it forms a syrup inside the turnip, that's a great cough and congestion rememdy. It sounds gross, but it works. It also works just to eat the darn turnip though :lol: Turnips are good for the lung, any lung ailment and I eat a pile of turnips. I love them anyway :)

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
Heather, I take medicine that lowers my immune system, so I am always looking for ways to boost it. I found a product called Trivera, on the net, that has Andrographis, Goldenseal and Echinacea in it. Also it has vitamin D3 and a prebiotic. It works well for me. Not too expensive, either. And of course, taking garlic regularly is helpful.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
My grand daughter had the flu, then her parents got it and called me to come get her as they were both too sick to take care of her. Then DH got it, then my mom, but I am still running. I have done all of the above only I ate lots more garlic. I chopped 3 cloves, mixed with honey and a heaping spoon of peanut butter and ate it. DH complained that my breath stunk up the whole room. :lol: I told him I didn't care, it kept the germs scared away! :gig I ate the garlic like that twice a day. The peanut butter and honey made it easier to eat.

Living the Simple Life

Power Conserver
Feb 9, 2011
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I take baking soda whenever I feel something coming on....except this past November when we were moving and I just didn't take the time...and ended up with pneumonia. Colds and other junk just doesn't seem to hang around with the baking soda. YMMV.

Here is the original article I read:

In todays modern world of medicine the FDA just will not let companies that sell products make medical claims about them unless they have been tested at great expense, and approved as a drug. But this was not always the case.

In a 1924 booklet published by the Arm & Hammer Soda Company, the company starts off saying, The proven value of Arm & Hammer Bicarbonate of Soda as a therapeutic agent is further evinced by the following evidence of a prominent physician named Dr. Volney S. Cheney, in a letter to the Church & Dwight Company:

In 1918 and 1919 while fighting the Flu with the U. S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely any one who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks.

Recommended dosages from the Arm and Hammer Company for colds and influenza back in 1925 were:
During the first day take six doses of half teaspoonful of Bicarbonate of Soda in glass of cool water, at about two hour intervals
During the second day take four doses of half teaspoonful of Bicarbonate of Soda in glass of cool water, at the same intervals
During the third day take two doses of half teaspoonful of Bicarbonate of Soda in glass of cool water morning and evening, and thereafter half teaspoonful in glass of cool water each morning until cold is cured


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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How did you know I just bought some. woot. I am all for not taking pharma drugs .

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Living the Simple Life said:
I take baking soda whenever I feel something coming on....except this past November when we were moving and I just didn't take the time...and ended up with pneumonia. Colds and other junk just doesn't seem to hang around with the baking soda. YMMV.

Here is the original article I read:

In todays modern world of medicine the FDA just will not let companies that sell products make medical claims about them unless they have been tested at great expense, and approved as a drug. But this was not always the case.

In a 1924 booklet published by the Arm & Hammer Soda Company, the company starts off saying, The proven value of Arm & Hammer Bicarbonate of Soda as a therapeutic agent is further evinced by the following evidence of a prominent physician named Dr. Volney S. Cheney, in a letter to the Church & Dwight Company:

In 1918 and 1919 while fighting the Flu with the U. S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely any one who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks.

Recommended dosages from the Arm and Hammer Company for colds and influenza back in 1925 were:
During the first day take six doses of half teaspoonful of Bicarbonate of Soda in glass of cool water, at about two hour intervals
During the second day take four doses of half teaspoonful of Bicarbonate of Soda in glass of cool water, at the same intervals
During the third day take two doses of half teaspoonful of Bicarbonate of Soda in glass of cool water morning and evening, and thereafter half teaspoonful in glass of cool water each morning until cold is cured
I've heard of this B4, but if someone is on a low salt diet (like me), they can't use this. Which is a shame since I've heard plenty of people say this works. :(

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