Super Self-Sufficient
If I'm really interested in something I can learn and remember everything about it. If it doesn't hold much interest for me then my brain goes "why bother?"
at the level my memory works if i went that ways with learning i'd end up being just a happy little potato and not much more. to really memorize anything takes me several months of repetition. when i was trying to learn to read and play music i realized within a year that it just wasn't a skill i could get easily. one song only part ways took me about a year... so now at least i can really appreciate the people who do make music and have those skills, but i am not one of them.
Our temps are supposed to stay low today so I'll try to get some despised chores done outside. I hate weed whacking more than anything in the world. It kills my arms/hand and I'll regret doing it for the next week. But, it has to be done.
oh, yeah, i don't like anything involving noise so weed whacking and mowing are two of my least favorite things to do here.
i'm very glad we're almost done getting rid of the lawn/grassy areas and that i can do almost all my other work with loppers, hoe, shovel, scraper and knife when needed.
plus i always try to encourage Mom to replace harder to maintain things by easier to maintain ones. so i think after this morning's conversation it sounded like we've got two small gardens that she'll redo this season and hopefully i won't have to touch them for several years.