Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
Ugh, didn't get anything of significance done outside today. However, I did get some things taken care of. Had to get my truck inspected. Done. Needed to pick up grain. Done. Needed shavings. Done. Needed a few things from the grocery store. Done. We have to get out again on Friday for what is probably the last follow-up with the neurosurgeon. He's still doing well after his last adjustment, so I don't predict anything else with this surgeon unless DH decides to go through with the spinal decompression. Sigh...
I will be prying all goes well at the dr.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
@The Porch - thanks!

It has been a beautiful day so I took advantage and was outside nearly all day. We've got the first hard freeze of the winter headed our way. Needed to get some preps taken care of. So far- so good. Just hope I'm not forgetting anything!

Shouldn't have any babies due until the end of the month so not worried about that right now. Doesn't mean we won't have another round of freezes when they are due, but I'll worry about that if/when I need to.

Doc appt in the morning and PT in the afternoon so I won't get much else done. Maybe get some chili started in the crock pot at some point.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Doc appt. went well. Doc is really pleased with DH's progress! He actually forgot his cane and had to walk with just my hand on his arm. That's pretty darn good considering that he was mostly in a wheelchair several months ago! Next follow up in 3 months. PT continues and he's doing well with that also. Now, he just needs more strength training and endurance.

Didn't really have time for cold weather preps today, but I'll resume tomorrow. Not a whole lot left to do so I can easily get it finished before the badness gets here. Speaking of the badness - we're predicted to get snow! Real, white, cold, wet snow. Forecast is for 4 - 6 inches in the Houston area. Yikes! Not sure if I'm excited about it or dreading it, lol. All I really know is that there'll be a whole lot of extra work around here for a while.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Snow and ice here too. Going to get feed this morning. I’ve been feeding extra, with moms nursing lambs and the colder weather. I’ve got preps to do too, but not a lot. I’ll leave a consultation with pregnant ewes to either lamb NOW or cross their legs and suck it up for a week!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Going to get feed this morning. I’ve been feeding extra, with moms nursing lambs and the colder weather.
I'm good on feed and hay. I'm really glad I don't have lactating does right now because they need so much water. I'll be hauling enough as it is!

I got gas the other day, but I found a couple more empty cans I can use. I'll go ahead and fill up the generator and that'll empty another can.. Not sure why I don't really trust that our power will stay on. Our big ol' generator is greedy too. In the deep freeze in '21 it cost $50 a day to run it 24/7. If we don't have power the well doesn't run. If the well can't run I'll have problems with pipes freezing. Do NOT want that. Been there.... :confused: :mad: :confused:

Only plants I'm really worried about are my three small Meyer lemon trees. I lost my big, established lemons in '21. I've been trying to get these going since them. I pulled some turnips a couple days ago and I'll go ahead and cut some cabbage and collard greens too. I know they're pretty cold hardy, but not sure about temps down to the teens. :fl:hu

I'll bring the English Shepherds in during the coldest nights, but the Anatolians will be out doing their job. However, it'll be much easier for them because I'll close the roll up door on the northeast side of the barn and give them some deep hay bedding. They 'll hunker down together and be ok. Thank goodness still no babies. Earliest deliveries shouldn't happen before the end of the month or early Feb. Hoping we have no more cold weather coming then.

Texans meeting up with Kansas City today. I told DH that if we can beat them they should go ahead and just give us the Super Bowl at that point, lol. It's gonna be cold on that field today. We're predicted to be the underdogs - but we've been there before. Hope my boys can pull it out!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Been mourning the demise of the Houston Texans.:( Nothing to do but wait on next year...again!

Spent about 5 hours outside yesterday finishing up winter preps. Thought it would only take an hour or so, lol. I was overly optimistic. However - I am about as ready as I can be for whatever winter can throw at me. Emphasis on "as ready as I can be." Might be some things I didn't think about or plan for.

Extra hay racks inside the big barn. The round bale sits outside under a lean to. In high winds and or rain they don't love standing out there to eat. Now they don't have to. Also closed the big door on the northeast side to block the wind. Makes the barn so much cozier. LGD's have several deep hay piles they can snuggle down into.

I filled up three more gas cans in case the generator is needed. It's hungry and eats a lot of gas, but under these circumstances I don't even care! Water is turned off out to the animal pens so I shouldn't have to worry about broken pipes out there. I'll be hauling water for them. My garden cart will carry four 5-gallon buckets so it's not too hard on me. Just have to go slow so I don't splash it out everywhere. Don't have lids for those buckets.

If the bigger generator breaks down I have a smaller back up generator. It won't give us all the power we need - but it'll still run the water well. If that one breaks down I have water drawn up for animals, flushing and drinking. If I run out of that I'll have to pull water from the pond. I won't be drinking that. LOL!

Moved the English Shepherd crates back inside the breezeway so they can be more comfortable. Their crates generally sit on the back porch which faces north. Not a good situation for them in this kind of weather. They feel special coming inside again.

I've got full hay racks in the small barn for the smaller Myotonic goats and another cart full of hay ready to replace what they eat. They get fresh warm water delivered to them also.

Quail pens are bedded with hay so they can hide in it and not only be warmer but feel safe. The opening to the shed they live under has a new tarp hanging to block the wind. They enjoyed their warm water this morning. With their weather protection and lights they're still laying fairly well.

I'll be doing any dirty laundry I can find today too. I'd like to have everything caught up "just because." Plenty of home canned heat and eat meals in the pantry. Need to use up some fresh cabbage too. Cutting more today.

Hope I didn't do all this for nothing. We better get some snow dammit! :hide