Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Wow - today was a day... You know the kind of day that you wish you could've just slept through! It started about 1am this morning when my DS (who lives about 10 miles away) called me and said 'get downstairs, there's a tornado headed your way!' Talk about a wake up call - oh my! We came downstairs and turned on the weather channel and sure enough we were under a warning. They said there was a tornado 8 miles south of us moving due north and named a nearby County Road as a land mark - and that county road is less than a half-mile from me. But, thankfully we never say anything or heard anything and there were very minimal reports of damage. There was slight damage less than a mile from us so I guess it was our lucky night! :)

A few hours later (before 6) I was outside feeding with my cute little head-lamp on so I could see. I fed the little bucks (about 3.5 months old and when I was leaving their pen my light illuminated the shoulder area of one of the little guys and I just gasped! He had huge gash that started around the wither area and went down and back to his rib cage. The skin had totally pulled back and there was an open wound about 3 inches square. It was really fresh and really clean, so as soon as the vet opened I hauled him up there and left him so they could work on him. I came home, changed clothes and got to work by 9:30. At 9:34 my security company called and said an alarm was going off at my house so I jumped up and headed back home! There was a door open, but I think it was just that I hadn't pulled it all the way closed and the wind was blowing so...

Went to pick the little goat up this afternoon and there was a total deluge - and I mean unbelievable amounts of rain fell from the sky in a very short time. They were closing in 10 minutes so I wanted to get out of there and I got totally and completely soaked, to the skin, water running down my self inside my clothes, in my shoes, in the truck... crazy, crazy!

But, the good stuff is that DH cooked dinner! Yay!

Gotta leave here about 6:30 in the morning to go meet the new pup!
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Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Yep, I was....

So last night we didn't get tornado warnings - we got flash flood warnings - alllll night long. After about 3 of those obnoxious phone alerts I turned the stupid phone off. I figured I was up stairs so just LET IT FLOOD. I needed sleep, lol

Got up early this morning and went and picked up the new pup!!! She's 4 months old and is completely awesome! I took a crate with me to pick her up, but wanted her to ride with me inside the truck. Her former owner said she'd been in a vehicle a couple of times so I decided to give it a try. She rode perfectly in the floorboard of the truck for the entire two hours that it took to get home. She's been so well behaved all day long, but she's feeling her crazy tonight!

She's inside, but on a leash hooked to a door knob. She's systematically gone through all her new toys and decided that the rug would be better as a chew toy. Moved that out of her reach and she got the leash off the door knob and went straight for my Nike's! I re-configured the leash on the door knob so it would get tighter if she pulled on it, so she's staying where she's put right now. Best toy I got her was one of those rubber bone things with holes to stick treats in. It is keeping her totally occupied!

DH had a doc appt. this afternoon so she got to spend a couple hours in a crate. She totally tried to get out of 'time-out' time, but when I convinced her that she wasn't going to sneak out of it she reluctantly walked into her crate on her own accord and laid down...gave me 'the look' and took a nap. No crying or whining, but she was really happy to see us when we got home.

Meeting Maddie (the Pyr) went great! I took Maddie out of the pasture to the front yard and did the introduction on neutral ground. We went for a short walk together and all was well. They're not exactly bosom buddies yet, but given time I'm sure it'll happen.

Injured goat is looking great. He's eating, drinking, and pooping - so my guess is that he'll live!

Garden is booming along too. I'll probably be picking squash in a couple days. I've got peppers that will be ready soon too. Even have a few tomatoes - not ripe yet - but definitely coming along.

Fading fast here...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I Love My New Pup! Oh my goodness, I've never seen a smarter dog! In less than 24 hours she has learned to stay out of the kitchen, stay off the rug in the living room, not to try to exit a door before her 'people', and to 'leave it' concerning chickens and goats and horses. She's very 'keen' on the critters, but she hasn't broken out and tried to chase, eat or molest any animal on the farm.

Now - she's almost perfect, but not quite. I can't leave anything within her reach. She has tried to claim gloves, socks, shoes and all manner of things that I generally leave laying around. She's going to force me to be quite a bit more tidy, lol. But, hopefully I can be a slob again soon enough. It shouldn't be long before I can trust her in the yard alone. We just need to watch her and figure out if she's going to be a jumper or a climber, a chicken chaser or a goat molester and when all of that gets figured out she can spend more time outside.

OH, and she's not had a single accident! (did I say that I love this dog?)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like she's really going to work out well for you.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
what kind of coat does she have? Are you going to have to groom her regularly?

She sounds like a really wonderful dog- especially for only 4 months old.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
She's awesome!


That's Gracie on the right. She had just come out of the pond.

I've brushed her a couple of times and so far no shedding. But, I'm sure she will eventually.

Pic was taken on Mother's Day only a couple of days before I picked her up. She is about 30 lbs right now with a good bit more growing to do.

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