Going a bit nuts---


Power Conserver
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
I kicked Direct Tv to the curb. I was having off and on issues and I called when the whole thing went out. Had to wait 4 days for my "free" service call since I was "such a valuable customer". After two days it worked fine again. Fast forward 6 weeks it happened again. So I call again and this time I am told that I have to pay for a service call. I told him that 6 weeks ago I was "valued" and it would have been free, but I cancelled when I realized everything worked again.

Well, an hour later I was so mad my face was red. This kid kept telling me all about how I probably have squirrels chewing through my cables. I told him I have two cats, two dogs and 6 roosters that keep ALL chipmunks and squirrels far away from my property. He told me over and over about the squirrels, I demanded a manager and he kept telling me they are just too busy. Somehow I did finally get a free service call (still had to wait 3 days) after being on hold while HE talked to the manager. I was prepared to cancel the whole thing if I got a manager on the line when he came back with the free service call. So a very nice kid came out and it was literally a loose screw on the dish unit. Hhhhhmmmmm, no squirrels.

I spent the next month figuring out how I can watch the few shows I still enjoy watching and with Netflix, online watching and I may add Hulu or Amazon I am direct tv free 3 months now. When I called to cancel the NICEST woman in the whole world talked to me and tried to talk me out of my decision. I told her that the NICE reps need to be the ones handling the customers the first time around and maybe I wouldn't be cancelling. I also told her to check my phone logs because I was cancelling only because of the last conversation about the "squirrels" and how you don't get a "free" service call if you cancel the service. AND she told me that you ALWAYS get a manager if you ask for one, I told her that was "bullsh8**"

I had to ship everything back, they would not come pick it up etc. They sent a box and packaging and I packed it up and I'm done. It's really nice to NOT pay that $80 per month.

Tami :)


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
central WI
Wow, chefmom, that SO sounds like my interactions with Verizon over their crappy internet service! They charge $40/month for broadband, but
I've only ever gotten dial-up speeds. They apparently have graciousness training while insistently and repeatedly not telling you what you want
to hear. SO frustrating! I'm trying to cancel my contract AND get a partial refund, but no go so far.


Power Conserver
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
I would brag how we've quit TV since February 2011, but we've been watching an awful lot of shows on free hulu.
Dishnet wouldn't deal discounts or give us back AMC until after we disconnected. Too late then! My sis only has the lowest netflix for over two years. DH has lost more weight with no TV than any other single change.

Now if only we could manage to quit internet, we'd have a life!