Healthcare on a budget..anyone lowed cholestrol without Rx?


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
rhoda_bruce said:
Guess I can do a web-search when I get a chance, but afraid I've never heard of ACV or paleo. Neither has DH. I am having some issues myself with planter's fasciitis, which I am trying to deal with naturally, with little success and have no idea how I'm going to do all my chores.
Guess we just both getting old.
Patandchickens had a recent thread on plantar fasciitis you might hunt up.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
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rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Yes, the stretching exercises really helped by baaad plantar fasciaitis (sp??). I was hurting really bad for probably a year, now it hasn't bothered me in at least two years. I'll see if I can find that thread for you.

The ACV stands for Apple Cider Vinegar, but you need the organic stuff with the mother, like Sufficientforme said. The only brand in my area is Braggs, and I could only get it at a health food store. Nasty tasting stuff, too. But I used the last inch of the bottle (with the dregs) and make my own now with organic apple juice. It tastes a lot better and a lot cheaper.

Didn't find the thread real quick, but here's a link that gives you some exercises.

Those RX crocs didn't help me a bit. Hated it too. I used to love crocs! But I had some other foot thing that started hurting every time I wore them. So I ended up blowing $59 on some that ended up in my friend's closet. Bummer.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Trying a different way of walking may help with the PF. The nice Croc shoes just promote more calf flexion as you have to walk a little differently in them to keep them on your feet. If you can practice walking heel to toe and pushing off with the ball of your foot, making sure your calf muscles are flexing well with each step, you can achieve a more permanent fix for your PF. If your calf muscles are underdeveloped the fascia tends to be thicker and tighter, drawing the Achilles tendon tighter, which pulls against the muscles, fascia and bones of your feet.

A brisk walk~like you are in a hurry to get somewhere~ of short duration each day, using the correct walking method, will keep your feet and legs toned. I know it hurts to start doing this when you already have PF, but it pays off in a short time.

You might also, in addition to ACV and garlic, add some good fats to your hubby's diet, if you are not already. Olive oil is a great choice. Sometimes the body stores the wrong fats because they are denied the good ones. Raw almonds are also a good source, though they say no more than 10 a day.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
My co-worker all wore crocs a while back and swore they were betta than sliced bread, so I bought a pair. I must have been doing something wrong, but I couldn't even finish a shift with them. I took them off and finished my meds in socks. But I believe they would work for most people....maybe even me if I was doing it right. IDK. Anyway there was only one woman there who could have fit them; my grandma's aide, so I gave them to her. Perhaps I can work on developing some nice calves. What have I got to lose? I've tried almost everything I can think of and it certainly can't hurt to have a developed muscle. I wake up and before I even get outta bed, I am flexing my foot around to prepare for that introduction to the floor and hoping it won't be too bad. I do a few things thru the day to help myself, depending on how I feel and then @ night, I have taken to sleeping face down with my feet hanging over the edge of the bed to keep it @ the proper angle. Thanx for all the links. I'll check them. I've been going thru a lot of stress lately. I want to nurse because I can make in 32 hours much more than I am now making in 84 hours at my current job, but that requires a good pair of feet. I am hoping to nurse because I want to spend more time home. My kids need me to teach them and my chores don't get done as well when I'm not here seeing to them. There are so many farm activities I can do if I just have more time home. And my grandmother is so sick and I don't know how long she has left because the doctor is doing all he can and she isn't responding...and my mom isn't well herself and I'm trying to fill in for her. But all that takes time and I am expected to pull 7 straight 12 hour shifts starting Wednesday = those 84 hours I'm now stuck with. If I can just perform the duties of my profession without suffering too much pain, I can do more for my family all around.
DH has been following up on the suggestions of ACV and paleo. Its rather interesting actually. We had ACV in the cupboard, but reading on later, I guess its not the right one, but we each took a bit today. I have heard over the years that it is almost a cure-all, so I said, even if my cholestrol is fine, I'm sure it can't hurt planter's fasciitis, so I put a tablespoon in some OJ.
I'm not sure what DH is going to do, but he was probably walking around with hi cholestrol long before he finally got caught with it by the doctor....he thought he was having heart problems and went in. They never entertained the idea of attempting to fix the problem without meds; infact they said it had to be meds because diet alone wouldn't do it. He was @ 250 and they put him on Lipitor 40mgs. I thought that was kinda hi because I give old ladies 10 and 20 mgs, and this was his very first dosage, but it wasn't me writting the script. And the man writting the script looked like he eats fried foods each meal and never touches him telling me diet wouldn't help didn't mean much to me. To me it seems if we can come up with a game plan to keep his diet healthy and monitor his levels, I'd want to try. If we can't do it after months of toying with it, we can admit defeat and humbly go to the docs office.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
The other day I was waiting for my boiled eggs to finish cooking and I was doing a bit of cleaning, just little things, in the kitchen. I noticed that my "oil jugs", which are a couple of old glass coke bottles with a cork and pour spout in the top, were out of oil. One of the bottles had been holding a vegetable oil blend and the other holds olive oil. If I need a bit of grease in a pan, it is easy to just shake a little out of my handy jug. I decided to give them a good scrubbing before refilling them.

I don't scrub them out very often - usually I just top them back up, so they hold the oil quite a while. I first cleaned out the olive oil jug. It was a bit greasy, but cleaned up slick as a whistle. Then I cleaned up the vegetable oil jug. YUCK. There were great globs of jelly-like material in the bottom of the jug and some sticky kind of sediment on the side of the bottle. It took three scrub ups and a bottle brush with a green scrubby to get all of the gunk cleaned out. :sick

If the different oils do that to a bottle, what do they do to our veins? We have been eating less and less vegetable oil in this house for years. Now we ONLY eat butter, lard, and olive oil. Now BOTH jugs are full of olive oil.

My hubby is very active, athletic and thin. He is also on cholesterol medications. His is a family problem and the people in his gene pool do not have heart disease, they all die from strokes. :/ He has controlled his cholesterol before with diet alone, but he now chooses the medication to help him. He was on a high protein/low fat diet at the time. Lots of fruit, veggies, fresh bread, broiled fish and skinless baked chicken. He also HAD to exercise at least 4 nights a week on his stationary bike for 30 to 40 minutes or he could not keep his levels down. It was a lot of hard work. That is why he prefers the medication. He still eats a decent diet (just more variety) and still rides his bike or walks, but it stresses him far less. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
I worked as a nurse Monday and arrived early, so I had a little conversation with the PT in rehab and spoke of exercises and that bit about the calf muscle and she explained that I am probably hurting when I walk, so I am probably limpling because using my foot correctly is too painful, and therefore I am not putting any strain on my calf as someone would normally when walking properly, but that even if it hurts, I should force myself to walk and not limp.
I have also been standing on a stuffed animal that I always hated (a full sized boa constrictor toy). I had forgotten about advice to stand on tennis balls and the PT suggest golf balls (sounds very painful). It doesn't seem like it, but standing on that toy is stressful to my foot.....I tried it on the good foot and no big deal, but I can feel a strain on the bad one for sure. Been trying to do it a few minutes at a time a few times a day. It really bothers my kids to see me on that snake.
The PT says that planter's fasciitis is fairly easy to fix if I can keep at it. My shift wasn't too hard, so I didn't go home looking like a cripple. DH and I are now on our 84 hour work week at our easy jobs, so home is being neglected. Not sure what we going to do about his problem still.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 14, 2009
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My cholesterol dropped a lot after I stopped eating meat and less dairy.I was jucing a lot. I would recommend testing and then doing atleast 2 months no meat.I did 3 and then retested.Once I added meats back into the diet though my numbers went back up. I will try and find my blood work papers.Only bad thing was my HDL dropped along with the LDL.I read that often happens and that eventaully I would have gotten my HDL back up. I got lazy though and slid back into old eating habits.

Testing cost went from $10 to 45 for a full Cholesterol panel,so we don't test as often as we did.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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The answer is DIET, DIET, DIET.
What goes in causes cholesterol to rise. Have DH eat NOTHING but raw fruit and vegetables for 2 weeks and cholesterol reading will be completely normal unless he has one of the VERY RARE genetic cholesterol related diseases.

As for ACV, one Tbs ACV and one Tbs honey in a large glass of water will make the ACV almost imperceptible and very easy to drink. I just have it for supper every night. Not sure where my Cholesterol is now but it was normal before I started to drink ACV. I do notice that my arthritic back doesn't hurt as much in the AM after the ACV started. YMMV.

If DH wants his cholesterol to lower, change his diet, and keep it changed. You can't go back to steak, hamburger and all that stuff that "tastes good" and expect your circulating cholesterol to go down.

I used to have my USMC pilots do this to show them that it works. One guy didn't do it and when he came in two weeks later, his cholesterol was still way too high. I told him that he hadn't followed my direction and he said "yeah, my wife thought you were a kook so I didn't do it." I told him to go do it and come back in two weeks. The next time he came in two weeks later, his cholesterol was 140 so then he believed me. The important point is that you have to change what you eat rather than take pills.

The comments made about the disparity between the "total Cholesterol" and the fractions of the total are important. While this is NOT the only issue with respect to heart disease, it is important.

You can live quite well on 4 ounces of red meat once a week. Stick to fruits and vegetables. Fish is good, too! Raw fish, (done properly) is very good.

// -... - //
Trim sends


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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You can't go back to steak, hamburger and all that stuff that "tastes good" and expect your circulating cholesterol to go down.
Steak and hamburger are NOT the problems. It is the roll or bun, the potatoes, the rice, sugar based sauces, sugary drinks or drinks filled with HFCS and dessert, etc... All these things cause inflammation. Cholesterol is what your body uses to REPAIR DAMAGE. Lowering cholesterol is GETTING RID OF THE REPAIR doesn't eliminate the cause of the damage.

"Cholesterol has only been shown to be correlated, meaning associated, with heart disease. That would be like saying fireman cause every fire just by association. Would you want to chase off all the firemen? Cholesterol never has really been shown to be a significant underlying root cause of heart disease or any disease. Before you or anyone goes on drugs for lowering cholesterol, please do your research first and take your lives and your health in your own hands." - Dr. Ron Rosedale

As for the fruit portion of your recommendation, fructose is very inflammatory unless you are talking low sugar berries. Fructose also raises triglycerides.
Here is a great lecture by an endocrinologist that gives the low down pretty well.

I know this goes against most of what you were taught in medical school, but the reasons we changed away from a diet high in natural fats in the first place is a case study in horrible science and bad medicine. It all started with Ancel Keys and a completely fudged study and look where it's gotten us.

"the lipid hypothesis really gained traction in the 1950s, when physiologist Ancel Keys, Ph.D., published what became known as the Seven Countries Study.

Keys presented a comparison of heart disease mortality and fat intake across seven different countries. His comparison showed a remarkable relationship. The countries with the highest fat intake had the highest levels of heart disease. The countries with the lowest fat intake had the lowest levels of heart disease. Those in the middle fell conveniently in between.

At the time, Jacob Yerushalmy, a PhD statistician, at the University of California at Berkeley pointed out that we had data on the amount of fat consumed in 22 countries. So why wasnt it called the 22 Country Study?

It wasnt called that, because Ancel Keys started with the conclusion. Then he cherry-picked the countries that matched his pre-conceived notion and threw out the ones that contradicted it. And most of them did! When all 22 countries were analyzed, the remarkable relationship remarkably disappeared.

Furthermore, Keys established no causative basis. And he based his conclusions on only two phenomena dietary fat and heart disease. This did not account for the possibility that something else could have caused the heart disease."

And one more thing to keep in mind...
"[Dr.] Lundell points out that an article published in the American Heart Journal last year, showed that in an examination of 137,000 people admitted to the hospital with heart attack, 70% of them had normal blood cholesterol levels"

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