HeatherLynnKy on the farm Ranting and hormone crazy tonight warning


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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sSome of you might have chatted with me on other forums like BYC or backyard herds. I use something pretty close to my username here on all the forums. I don't like to hide behind multiple identities because frankly I can't remember that much info. I am a mom to 4 great kids, and 5 goats, and tons of chickens, ducks, geese. I have a sweet little jersey heifer named Bessie who is one of my pride and joys. Just gotta watch her tongue. She is a very heavy kisser and she will pin me quicker than anything to bestow one on me.

My husband and I moved out to my parents farm when I had my last child 3 years ago. We rented out our house in town and moved into their attic of all places. Its actually a pretty nice attic since my dad never does anything half way. But we decided my parents were older and needing us here most of the week, it just made no sense to live far away. So we made the best decision ever and its a lifestyle that is still evolving. We changed everything about ourselves for the better I think. My husband fell in love with a wide open starry sky. He cannot get enough of it. I have my animals which are my form of therapy. Apparently i cannot have enough things to love. I might have overloving syndrome. Pretty good possibility, or at least my husband thinks so.

So over the past 3 years a wood furnace has been installed, as basement cleared out to eventually become more bedrooms, a barn built, a workshop built. We are studying solar right now and really hope to implement that soon. In the summer almost every veggie we eat is from the garden. I hope soon we can say that year around. My kids gorge on blueberries right off the bush. We have planted several dozen nut trees and almost as many fruit trees. I learned to can foods. My husband learned to process a chicken for the freezer. We are all studying youtube videos on goats giving birth in preparation for the arrival of our baby goats soon. With that will come goats milk and a further change in our life style. My parents gave in to the chickens pretty easy. A good bit of fighting went into me getting the jersey heifer which I had wanted for the longest time. I danced around like a little kid at Christmas when I bought her. The goats were not much of a fight because i told them it was either a goat kid or another real kid. They voted for a goat kid. Goat math is amazingly like chicken math. Now my husband is working from home and during his free time working on the farm. Its fun saying the farm. My parents always called it that but its really starting to be one. I started studying herbals and reflexology and looking at taking a hands on class on accupressure. My daughter has expressed interest in studying natural medicine so not just mommy can take care of the family. My 12 year old wakes up early all on his own to take care of his hens and do animal chores. The kids are all excited when I mentioned learning to do fecals on the goats. Just another way to take care of them AND save money.Slowly but surely we are working toward a self sufficient life style. Its not been a fast trip but we are enjoying the stops along the way.

Another part of our lifestyle change was we started working on becoming debt free. We are now 6 months away from that goal. We are down to my student loans which just got put on the fast track to payoff. Amazing what simply deciding to move out here meant. We are not the same people at all and our kids are becoming such very useful, self sufficient people. Frugality isn't just something their grampa Glen preaches about, its part of their belief system now.

We also left our mega church where we were pretty content but not very inspired and found the cutest little country church that really just has pushed the family in new and exciting ways. I have older kids begging to go to church meetings on Wednessday night now and volunteering for trips to the nursing home. Best of all we are having so much fun here. Its a happy place for us. My son even talked my parents into coming to church with us and they fell in love with the church people there.

Moving tot he country was the best thing we ever did. It allowed us to get in touch with the better parts of ourselves and hopefully that just keeps going. Still lots of improvements to make. I am struggling on this whole clean eating thing and still fighting anxiety, the kids sometimes miss the convenience of living in town but its been good to us and a great experience so far. Even the hard parts i would not give up for anything.


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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It is a wonderful life. More wonderful when you look at the big picture than the small stuff but that's just life. The small stuff is always a pain.

So I am almost done with my over busy time. Not sure how it will all get done, and the kids sorta went on strike today and didn't do anything they were assigned. Everyone has weekend chores but for whatever reason they figure they are exempt this weekend. Tomorrow is wicked busy and so is Monday and Tuesday so I guess they will be making it up to DH and I during thanksgiving. They want more animals as pets but then they don't do the work. If I do the work then they are a farm animal ( not that I don't love on them tons but no child gets to claim a farm animal as his or her own) Ah well, Bessie is due to get a new little friend next week. Not sure how that miracle is going to fit into the schedule but it pretty much has to. Still working on a name. Females on the farm so far are Cloe, Rowan, Leila, Bessie, Betsie, Betty, Holly, Crystal, Olivia. My milkers so far all have B names. I am leaning toward blossom but not sure yet. Open to suggestions. Its another little soft brown jersey heifer.The goats are due to kid any day now and that is setting nerves on end. My mom pretty much wants me to move into the barn. I am not sure how she thinks that is going to work out. It would so not be funny if they started in the middle of thanksgiving dinner or DD ballet tomorrow. I can see rushing home to be midwife to my goats. Maybe I should skip the heels tomorrow.

DH is looking at handguns tonight. He is determined to get something a bit more than my shotgun for home defense. I really think me and the shotgun are scary enough for the job. I can look pretty crazed when the need arises. Ah well, he is male and must have a new toy. I guess a gun is cheaper than the 4 wheeler he thinks he needs.

Dh and my dad got 3 loads of free firewood over the past few days too. Just logs that needed split. With the new wood deliveries, so far I think we have 5 ricks of wood and still working on that 6th rick. We have at least another load coming and of course tons of wood here that still needs to be cut. The wood furnace is great. We just need to get a solar panel and batteries to make sure the blowers work during an outage and we are pretty set. We got the generator for the freezers and such. So far so good up on our hill this year. I really feel that we made significant progress toward our debt free and self sufficient life this year. If next year is this good I will be more than content. I will be thrilled.

On another front, I decided to skip the Black Friday craziness and budget breaking and do all my shopping online. It took less than an hour. Yep I'm serious. One gift for me, DH, oldest DS, and oldest DD. Everyone wanted a tablet and thats all the budget would allow. Even got them on a preblack friday online deal. Under 100 for each one. Its not the biggest or best but the kids will be thrilled. The 2 littles get more presents but since budgets are limited it still goes pretty dang fast. My entire Christmas budget for the entire family is less than a certain relative spends on just one child.( this year I went a bit overboard and its 600 for the 8 of us and the gifts for relatives) I have no clue how some of the family spend so much but I do know they won't be sleeping in nice warm beds on Friday. I would rather spend less and get more sleep. YAY sleep. YAY no credit cards. YAY no almost getting run over in the mall parking lot ( my first and last black friday trip to the mall, not pretty)

So tomorrow before the ballet performance I have 2 talks to give at church about our scouts going to a nursing home. Its a lot of fun when we go but getting everyone organized, cards made, and gifts bought to pass out can be a bit of a organizational challenge. Talking in front of the entire church is just a me challenge. I am trying to do positive visualization but its not going well. In my mind I fell off the stage a few times already. Me and public speaking is not always a pretty thing to witness. I get an A for preparation though. I already decorated a donation box and put it in the car. Thats something close to a miracle for me. After the talks I will rush home and get DD ready and get the kiddies settled with DS who is babysitting because he has no choice. Then off to the performance. Then rush back home to make a meal. We will get some chores done. Get dance clothing washed and hung up. Get DD fed, a long hot soak and early to bed because she has to get up at 6am to get ready for another performance Monday morning. I get a few hours to get farm chores done before I have to pick her up and I am grateful for that. No homeschooling next week but I am not telling the kids that. They get to do a couple hours reading and a written summary each day. Just to make sure they have something constructive to do, other than tormenting the littles or annoying grandparents.

Right now i am listening to Grace by Laura Story and staring out a dark window. Even through the window I can see a couple stars. I have the urge to go sit on the porch with the husband and count some stars. It might be busy, smelly, dirty, noisy( thats the human and goat kids fault) and a million other things but its just so great living out here. Yep counting the stars sounds like a fine before bed activity.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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You write such a good journal. Its sounds great, I was looking at your username, do you live in Kentucky?


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Oh man its an early morning. I sat here for a couple minutes trying to remember how to spell Yep. Someday my daughter will be on stage and this will all be worth it but I swear I am worn out. Ah well pop some vit C and Echinacia to keep the colds at bay and keep on moving.

So answer to question, yes I am in Kentucky. I live out in Cecilia which is just past Elizabethtown. I probably should pop that into my profile at some point huh. I will add that to my to do list today. I would write more but I have to get dressed. I have to be at church in less than an hour. That falling off the stage thing is looking like a huge possibility if I do not wake up a bit better.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Oh well you're about 4 or 5 hours away from us then. We are in Eastern Kentucky, 60 miles east of Lexington.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm wanting to move out of NJ, and Kentucky is one of the states I'm looking at. I'm enjoying your journal. Sounds like my kind of life.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Denim Deb said:
I'm wanting to move out of NJ, and Kentucky is one of the states I'm looking at. I'm enjoying your journal. Sounds like my kind of life.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yes, Little Bro, I wanna move nearer to you. :hugs


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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My husband is from Massachusetts and he loves it here. He finally feels at home. Even when opportunity arises he doesn't even consider going back. Its a nice place to live. I liked living in Massachusetts with him but I love it here. Cost of living is pretty dang low too.

One day of performances down and 2 to go for DD. Having a hard time keeping up with her back to back schedule and the animals. Praying like mad the goats do not kid until after Tuesday. My husband ticked one off trying to check her udders today. She is super furry and even though you can now see them its hard to tell how firm they are getting. Poor man is ready for mom to be back on full time goat duty. After Tuesday i am doing nothing but farm work and relaxing. I am not getting even close to the malls, any main roads with stores. Its just not worth the stress.

I was asked at church today if I raise my own turkey. I think maybe next year I should do that too. I just bought one this year but I will get closer and closer to my ideal. Besides I really want some of those bourbon reds. I sat with the seed catalogs today and planned out my new herb garden. I think it might be slightly bigger than DH was planning on but that's ok. I want four raised beds I think. 2 medicinal, 1 culinary, 1 other. Just based on everything I am looking at. I could start with just 2 square raised beds and later add 2 more when I need them. I don't want to take on more than I can handle. Right now i have the chickens and ducks and geese and goats and cows and dance and boy scouts and american heritage girls and homeschooling. I also am starting some private classes on a reflexology/accupressure type therapy. Only so many things you can start at once but prioritizing is not easy. I see so many things being needed in the near future so which ones do I target first?

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