Help me slay this electric bill?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I don't know if it's the same all over, but I've read that in my area and with my electric company, often times the rates per kW are cheaper after 10 pm and on Sundays. I generally wait to do my laundry then, particularly in the winter when using the dryer.

I required that all children's computers not only be off by a certain time of the night~I don't CARE if they ARE in "power save mode"!!!~and that the laptops actually be unplugged from the wall or the power strip for all their gadgets to be turned off completely each night.

All electric clocks changed to battery run, especially the bedside clocks~these suck an amazing amount of power. Who knew?

All big items like towels, rugs, etc. that CAN be dried by draping over a chair, drying rack, etc., will be removed from the dryer in the winter time and air dried. No small loads of laundry are allowed at my takes just as much electricity to run a small load as a big load, so the kids must combine loads until they get a big load. Same with the dryer.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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edjanuary39 - 74*??? I would melt! :lol: Try layering - t-shirt, button shirt, sweater, fleece vest if your back or shouldders tend to get cold. Then you can take off or add on as needed. I started out with a cotton turtleneck and a wool pullover this morning; did a bit of running around, cleaning etc., and the pullover came off; am sitting at the computer now, and the pullover is about to go back on :rolleyes:. When I lived in Germany my doctor gave me a little lecture about always wearing an undershirt in the winter, to keep my kidneys warm!:lol: Long underwear are good too, and warm socks. And at night there is nothing cozier for the toes than a hot water bottle, or, more often these days, a rice sack heated in the microwave. And add another blanket. And flannel nighties are lovely.
Our thermostat is automatic, and starts to ramp up the temperature gradually at around 6:00 in the morning, so the heat pump can get us from 58* to 64* at a leisurely pace. We have used a freestanding heater, also on a thermostat, to warm the bathroom when it is really cold; the hardest part of getting up on a cold morning, I think, is leaving a warm bed for an icy bathroom.


Power Conserver
Dec 1, 2011
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You know how they always say women get colder than men? Well absolutely true! I have always been skinny-not healthy, but skinny-not near enough fat! I already wear 2 layers! Double socks and slippers just to think I might be warm! My house is cold to me at 74! If I had my way it would be 78. I also have several button up sweaters- cute ones, and flannel and fleece pajamas, flannel sheets, warm blankets and a quilt on the bed. I've been researching the energy audit, but I'm cold everywhere ive ever lived. As a kid my mom would steal my clothes and burn them so I couldn't wear flannel in 90+ degree weather. I can only swim-even in warm water for about 30-45 minutes before I get cold, even if its 100 outside. im a bit strange i guess, but i dont hold any body warmth, but i give it off! My husband has to use a "buffer" pillow to sleep next to me. i had never actually been hot enough to truly sweat until i was pregnant, which up until this last summer was the hottest summer in Oklahoma. But now i can sweat without being warm, one of the benefits of having a baby i guess, he's 11 now, so its probably not going to change. My hands are always cold, toes haven't been warm since the temps hit the 50's. I'm just frozen natured! Yes i have asked the dr about it, more than one, they said do more exercising, but as soon as my blood settles back, i get cold again. Been tested numerous times for anemia, thyroid and a couple of weird tests i can't remember to make sure im healthy, all are good.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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edjanuary39 said:
You know how they always say women get colder than men? Well absolutely true! I have always been skinny-not healthy, but skinny-not near enough fat! I already wear 2 layers! Double socks and slippers just to think I might be warm! My house is cold to me at 74! If I had my way it would be 78. I also have several button up sweaters- cute ones, and flannel and fleece pajamas, flannel sheets, warm blankets and a quilt on the bed. I've been researching the energy audit, but I'm cold everywhere ive ever lived. As a kid my mom would steal my clothes and burn them so I couldn't wear flannel in 90+ degree weather. I can only swim-even in warm water for about 30-45 minutes before I get cold, even if its 100 outside. im a bit strange i guess, but i dont hold any body warmth, but i give it off! My husband has to use a "buffer" pillow to sleep next to me. i had never actually been hot enough to truly sweat until i was pregnant, which up until this last summer was the hottest summer in Oklahoma. But now i can sweat without being warm, one of the benefits of having a baby i guess, he's 11 now, so its probably not going to change. My hands are always cold, toes haven't been warm since the temps hit the 50's. I'm just frozen natured! Yes i have asked the dr about it, more than one, they said do more exercising, but as soon as my blood settles back, i get cold again. Been tested numerous times for anemia, thyroid and a couple of weird tests i can't remember to make sure im healthy, all are good.
Oh my, that sounds unpleasant. I will never again complain that I *run hot* :lol: I think in my case it is genetic, or at least early training in a cold house. DH is also more comfortable in somewhat colder inside temperatures than most/many Americans, but he still gets colder more quickly than I. In winter I sleep with a blanket and a light duvet; he needs at least another layer, and sometimes more. 64* is a compromise for us; I would be just as happy at 62*, and he would prefer 66* or 68*. I have spoken with my sisters-in-law, and apparently they have the same dynamics going on in their marriages with my brothers, only reversed. My brothers *run hot*, just as I do, and the wives need added warmth. That's why I say it might be genetic :lol:


Power Conserver
Dec 1, 2011
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I think your right, a combination of genetics and early training. but my son is always hot when he plays and I always tell him to put on a coat-he thinks its ok to play outside in 40's with a short sleeve shirt and jacket, no gloves no hat, hole-y pants, so we have had the lecture session many times recently. But if he never goes outside-rainy days usually he says he's freezing when I am almost comfortable. Kids. I could get so much more done if I was better acclimated to cold weather. I put off any major outside work till its nicer. Of course I get out and feed which only takes a few minutes, but no brushing horses, no extra time that I dont absolutely have to be outside. Summer is my season, I usually fall behind on housework because im outside. I even plan way ahead and put my Christmas lights up in October on a nice day so I dont have to do it in the cold! And now with exception to some have+to stuff that we need done now, all projects are on hold till spring, unless we get an Oklahoma day. Our weather can go from blizzard to 70 degrees in a matter of days so we usually get a few actually warm days in the dead of winter. Maybe that has something to do with my inability to acclimate! Did you know that meteorologists actually have to accurately predict Oklahoma weather to pass their school. Because its so difficult to get right. I went to France in high school and over there when they say its going to be 49, its 49. Here when they say its goi9ng to be 49, you can expect 45-55. Literally that much difference. And rain- we have had 100% chance of rain and had sunny skies- all day. And then 30% and have rain all day. So no one here trusts the weather man. Last winter we had 2 or 3 70 degree days right before or right after the blizzard. In February. We all have become our own weather forecasters. I can tell you when rain is most likely coming. And you know the temperature for today and how to dress by touching a window, and knowing what season it is. Just some strange info for ya.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
edjanuary - I can SOOOO relate!!! I am a small person, and I am ALWAYS cold. We had riding lessons this morning, the low last night was 26 (I didn't even check to find out what it actually was this morning, I didn't want to know!), and so this morning I put on my thick alpaca socks, a pair of thermal pants, a pair of fleece pants, a pair of winter riding breeches (like ski pants with suede in the seat!!), my under armor cold gear shirt, a long sleeve carhard turtle neck, a heavy wool sweater, my carhart jacket, my winter riding tall boots, wrist warmers, heavy gloves, and my fleece gator hood (covers all of my head and neck, and can even cover my mouth if I want, but that usually traps too much moisture and creates condensation). I got hot trying to groom the dirt off the beast, but once I got down to the arena I was still a little warm, but BARELY. This afternoon when I was only watching and just sitting in the sun, I was just right in the layers. As soon as the sun went behind the trees I was COLD almost immediately.

What I have found, though, is that eating real fat, i.e. real butter, coconut oil, eggs, etc, actually helps keep the body warm. Despite conventional wisdom, naturally saturated fats aren't bad for you, and are slow burning, which means that they are able to fuel the body for a long period of time, and thus can also help create heat. I discovered something that someone dubbed "bulletproof coffee" because of its power to fuel the body and keep the body warm. It is simply Coffee blended with butter. Sounds crazy, but I SWEAR up and down that it works. When I drink it, firstly, I am not hungry until lunch (and for someone who gets hungry a lot, that's a miracle!), and secondly, if I actually get up and start doing things I get HOT. Raging crazy HOT, which for me, never happens either!! The person that I read the article about was doing some mountain climbing in Tibet, and was at about 10,000 feet elevation, and the temps were below 10 degrees, not to mention the wind chill. He got to a rest cabin, and was met by a native that offered him Yak Butter Tea. Yak milk is VERY high in fat (how else do they survive in the cold, LOL) and so the tea combined with the yak butter helps keep the natives fueled and warm in the insanely cold climate. Sounds crazy, but it works (If you want to read about it, just google 'bulletproof coffee' it'll come right up)

So I guess if you don't like to be cold you can drink bulletproof coffee to stay warm so you can turn the thermostat down! LOL


Power Conserver
Dec 1, 2011
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I dont drink coffee but I may try that in tea! I get my caffeine fix from sweet tea, that's basically all I drink. I guess I should maybe clarify, I hate the taste of coffee. Maybe cocoa? That's a great idea, I'll have to start eating more natural fats, today it was around 50 and not too bad. I went and checked how much propane we have and was very happy! We've used about 15 gallons since Nov 1st. I was afraid it was going to be empty! Also I found a site today through consumer reports, They have a newsletter, so does consumer reports- for free, can't always get the details of all their reports, but the greener choices has some interesting articles. Found out how to figure how much electricity a space heater uses! They are all about 1500kw per hour- so 1500 x the hours you plan to use, then x your cost per kw-mine is .083, then divide by 1000. That gives you daily costs to run one. Thought I would share the site, I really like consumer reports and found their website and now get their newsletter too!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
edjanuary39 said:
I dont drink coffee but I may try that in tea! I get my caffeine fix from sweet tea, that's basically all I drink. I guess I should maybe clarify, I hate the taste of coffee. Maybe cocoa? That's a great idea, I'll have to start eating more natural fats, today it was around 50 and not too bad. I went and checked how much propane we have and was very happy! We've used about 15 gallons since Nov 1st. I was afraid it was going to be empty! Also I found a site today through consumer reports, They have a newsletter, so does consumer reports- for free, can't always get the details of all their reports, but the greener choices has some interesting articles. Found out how to figure how much electricity a space heater uses! They are all about 1500kw per hour- so 1500 x the hours you plan to use, then x your cost per kw-mine is .083, then divide by 1000. That gives you daily costs to run one. Thought I would share the site, I really like consumer reports and found their website and now get their newsletter too!
I am not a huge fan of coffee either, but I found that drinking GOOD qualtiy coffee with QUALITY raw cream (i.e. fat full, naturally!) and a LITTLE bit of raw sugar is ok. And add the butter and run in the blender for a few seconds, and oh man it is GOOD. You can make it without blending it, but its not as smooth, and it separates a little bit, but it is still drinkable!! LOL My mom suggested talking to an actual tea house to see what they might recommend with butter in terms of flavor, which I might do. I don't really want to have to drink coffee *every* morning, LOL. Just not THAT much of a fan!!

Coconut oil is also supposed to produce heat as your body digests it, but I like the flavor of butter a whole lot better :p Just make sure you're using good quality butter (oh, and unsalted, that would be gross!!)
Eating naturally saturated fats doesn't make you fat, contrary to popular belief. Quite the opposite in fact. But that is details that don't belong here :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
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rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Interesting! I think our thermostats just change sometimes. I'm in power saving mode bod...and I'm cold all the time!! Got the long johns on under my jeans, two shirts, still a bit cool.......AND DH and DS#1 are sitting in the same room wearing shorts and short sleeved shirts!!

I've done the same testing, everything okay. I'm far from skinny, too. I keep a little space heater by me just in case I need it. And I get 'the look' from the guys when I throw more wood in the woodstove. Yes, my chair is the closest to that, too.

But then I go to bed and in 10 minutes, boom! Hot flash and I'm cooked!

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