Home vet care...


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I can handle med fixes on my goats easily....I did have to take off a broken bleeding horn on a distressed goat.....wow the blood, but I cut it off, blood stop medicine and fixed her up. Yup, elbow deep getting some babies out of mommas.

I fixed open sores and stitched one goat up a little to help that wound.

No other "vet procedures" really. Most things were cured with shots from the vet...like the cats getting into battles and getting lame with infection and such. But again, those are shots.

Never fixed a dislocated leg on any critter. Had a couple baby goats break their legs in the hay feeder by getting hung upside down, but we just let it heal as is. They go to the sale with a dangling leg, the meat guys don't care about that.......they heal fast on their own and do fine on 3 legs til they hit the sale.....so....????
sorry, can't truly tell ya how to do a real vet procedure like you are needing. Can you maybe go to the ASPCA and ask them to do it for free...sometimes they will work on a distressed animal to help ya.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I expect this thread will be removed...it was on BYC. Get this...the folks over there thought I was doing something cruel and illegal to my cat! :lol:

Illegal? Sorry, my cat...I can kick it, kill it, eat it, if I so wish! What is with these bleeding heart :rant so-and-sos that they care more about a cat than they do about all the babies being murdered each day in abortion clinics? Yes. Murdered. Cut to pieces, or dissolved with concentrated salt liquid, and sucked out of the womb.

As far as cruel....how cruel is it to keep a cat, an obvious predator and outside dwelling animal, inside for their entire lives, remove their claws so they can no longer defend themselves..just to save your furniture, and give him something to eat that doesn't even resemble what he would eat in his natural habitat? I've always felt this was cruel, but does my opinion count? Of course not, as it is your business and your animal and I could care less what you feel about it all....as I would hope you would care less about what I feel about my animals.

Gee whiz, folks! This used to be Earth...I have no idea what these are...these alien life-forms that now populate it, and when the true humans of this Earth will be finally extinct.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
I hear ya on the people who put the life of an animal over humans. Drives me crazy that someone would think an animal is more important than humans.

I am all for caring for an animal, no abuse, no neglect, etc. etc....but to treat an animal like it is a person, to give it human rights is beyond me...LOL

well you had your say and I am sure some are seething about it...but I support you!


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I would just like to say that kicking a cat is *not* legal anywhere I know of, and even if it were, having inadequate legal protection given to some does not mean that protection should be taken away from everyone else too. It just means that you don't think that laws are fair or the way they should be. Which to some degree will always be true anyhow - you can't make laws to suit everyone, so everyone will be to some degree unhappy with ANY set of laws.

Not everyone in the country shares your views on abortion; not everyone in the country shares my views about what rights animals should have (*not* absolutely equal rights with humans, btw). <shrug>. If you want people to be understanding, respectful and accepting of your views, it would be helpful to be understanding, respectful and accepting of theirs too ;)

Furthermore, I own 4 indoor-only cats who would be more or less immediately squished by speeding gravel trucks or commuters, and eaten by coyotes and raccoons, and until a year or two ago also infected with diseases by my neighbor's horde of feral cats who would then shred my cats like goin' thru a chipper. That is what it is like around here.

My 4 cats seem VERY VERY HAPPY thankyouverymuch, by any measure you can think of, with their indoor life. It certainly is not "cruel", excusemeverymuch. I can give them a good life indoors but not outdoors; so they stay in. Other people who can give them a good life outdoors, that's wonderful, but not every person nor every cat is in the same circumstance.

I think it is perfectly reasonable for a person to try to fix their cat's dislocated leg if a vet is just not an option. It is, actually, technically illegal in most/all states I believe (at least it is illegal to do it on another person's cat, not certain about your own), but what can I say, the AVMA is a powerful lobbying force :/ If it's the only way the cat's leg has a chance to get fixed and you can try to do it yourself then more power to you!

How is the cat doing, btw?

Pat, not actually an 'alien life-form' or, to my way of thinking, bleeding heart so-and-so


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 14, 2008
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So. California
I'm with you pat. I would probably be considered a "bleeding heart", in that I hate to see animals harmed unnecessarily. I can't imagine why you would want to kick your cat, and I can't imagine why it should be ok for someone to deliberately harm an animal just because you don't agree with abortion or how it's done.

I have had indoor cats for some of the same reasons as Pat. If I had outdoor cats, I wouldn't have had them for long. Coyotes tend to make a meal out of cats roaming outdoors pretty quickly around here.

I also think it is reasonable for a person with some knowledge of what they are doing, to attempt to give it care you might otherwise not be able to treat. As long as you do some research (which you apparently have), I have no problem with it. ETA: That doesn't mean I think people should be performing bloat procedures or the like, but that trying to fix a dislocated joint isn't out in left-field.

Heather- also not an alien life-form even though I might be a bleeding-heart in the eyes of many.

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Really Northern California
Feeling can run very high on these topics- I think that Beekissed asked for help because she wants to do what she can to help this cat. I would take it to the vet too but I also am not raising children who need stuff that I am trying to provide.
So if all a person can do is try to help. I will try to help too. When I live, it is impossible to have a visit with the vet that doesn't cost over $100 even it nothing is actually done. I do not want to make a person feel worse that they already do about something that may be impossible for them to fix.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
Beekissed said:
Other than shots and worming, does anyone else out there do any "vet only" procedures on their animals?
We had a dog that was always getting into something & cutting himself wide open, I got tired of paying the vet so I started using a syringe full of neosporine 4x4 gauze pads & kerlix to treat him & he did just fine & dandy till he got a huge gapping wound over his eye, then he got an eye lift from the vet. I had a hen that had a chunk taken out of her side by a dog & I just put her by herself to let it heal. We have given our cattle their own meds & shots too. Being a nurse shots are easy to do.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
patandchickens said:
I would just like to say that kicking a cat is *not* legal anywhere I know of, and even if it were, having inadequate legal protection given to some does not mean that protection should be taken away from everyone else too. It just means that you don't think that laws are fair or the way they should be. Which to some degree will always be true anyhow - you can't make laws to suit everyone, so everyone will be to some degree unhappy with ANY set of laws.

Not everyone in the country shares your views on abortion; not everyone in the country shares my views about what rights animals should have (*not* absolutely equal rights with humans, btw). <shrug>. If you want people to be understanding, respectful and accepting of your views, it would be helpful to be understanding, respectful and accepting of theirs too ;)

Furthermore, I own 4 indoor-only cats who would be more or less immediately squished by speeding gravel trucks or commuters, and eaten by coyotes and raccoons, and until a year or two ago also infected with diseases by my neighbor's horde of feral cats who would then shred my cats like goin' thru a chipper. That is what it is like around here.

My 4 cats seem VERY VERY HAPPY thankyouverymuch, by any measure you can think of, with their indoor life. It certainly is not "cruel", excusemeverymuch. I can give them a good life indoors but not outdoors; so they stay in. Other people who can give them a good life outdoors, that's wonderful, but not every person nor every cat is in the same circumstance.

I think it is perfectly reasonable for a person to try to fix their cat's dislocated leg if a vet is just not an option. It is, actually, technically illegal in most/all states I believe (at least it is illegal to do it on another person's cat, not certain about your own), but what can I say, the AVMA is a powerful lobbying force :/ If it's the only way the cat's leg has a chance to get fixed and you can try to do it yourself then more power to you!

How is the cat doing, btw?

Pat, not actually an 'alien life-form' or, to my way of thinking, bleeding heart so-and-so
Pat, you kill me!!! See how things can get misconstrued on these posts? :lol: :rolleyes: I am not kicking any cats here, folks! :p I said that to make a point. What I do with my cat, is not only my business, but what I think is cruel and what everyone else thinks is cruel is two different things....which was my original point. My views on abortion are mine and I wasn't inflicting them on anyone....my point was, exactly, is that we all have differing views on what is cruel in this world. If someone posted on here that they have an abortion a week and they love it, I don't believe I would have anything at all to say about that! Which is why I was so steamed about folks thinking I'm cruel to my cat because I'm going to do a closed reduction on him....land sake's, folks!.... I'm not going to hurt him anymore than he is already hurting here.

We just take a very different view on what is practical at our house than you do at yours...its America and we're allowed, I believe, to have differing views. Now, to inflict mine on you...that's different. If I had your post removed because I thought you were cruel to abort your baby, then I would be inflicting my views on you! I wouldn't have your post removed...if I didn't like what I was reading, I would no longer read it....simple as that.

Yes, I can eat my cat. Not illegal to eat a cat here where we live (WV, folks, we still make moonshine here and share it with the local cops! :rolleyes: ). Not illegal to kick a cat or every man in a 500 mile radius would be in jail...I can just see them enforcing that one!

If you want people to be understanding, respectful and accepting of your views, it would be helpful to be understanding, respectful and accepting of theirs too ;)
I am extremely respectful of everyone's right to express their opinions...that was the point of my post. That I have opinions also and I don't get folks posts removed or complain about them just because I think its cruel to keep a cat or dog inside. As a matter of fact, I'm sure this is the first time you've heard that opinion from me....because its mine and I don't feel the need to inflict it on someone else just because they don't let their animals outside. I did it for this post to prove a point. We all have different ideas about just what is cruel!

Get with the program, folks. I wasn't criticizing you at all for your choices...I was trying to explain why I was ticked over someone trying to step on my toes for mine. I don't do it to them, they shouldn't do it to me. That was the whole point of the post...if you thought otherwise, then, once again, you've missed the point! Thankyouverymuch! :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
I understood your original post Beekissed.
I still support what you are saying about your pets and any other of your views. I get it :)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Thanks! Wanna see a pic of the cat that I mistreat on a daily basis...by hugging him half to death! ~Never been kicked in his life, treated like a king, strolls in and out the house at whim (mostly out) and drools when we pet him~ cat of the family?

Here he is contemplating drowning himself to escape the daily beatings ...(he is fascinated by the water and will dip his paw in and drink off his paw like a human!)


Here's one when he was just getting the hang of hunting birds...the boys built him his own tree stand. Now, he's not fat, folks...that is all fur! He just wanted you to know that! :D


And contemplating his escape from the humans who abuse him daily....
