How many of your SS choices were values/beliefs-based vs. financial?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
My mother and I often discuss this aspect of living SS. I know the Amish and Mennonite communities belief systems dictate a lot of their lifestyle choices.

I was wondering how many of you chose this type of life because you have certain values that conflict with an easier, more materialistic way of life?

I know that I don't have cable/sattelite TV~even if I could afford it~ because it brings an element into my home that I don't wish to affect our lives.

I've never felt right about the thoughts of buying so much when others have so little, as Christian teachings tell me that God allows some to prosper more only so they can help others who have less. I wouldn't feel badly about buying something nice once in awhile if I could afford it~like clothing or a small vacation~but I would never feel good about an indulgent lifestyle at all.

I've always valued hard-work and independence because I was always taught neither a borrower nor a lender be, from the Bible, and that sloth was a sin.

My folks always taught us that our bodies were a temple of God and encouraged good, wholesome foods and an avoidance of addictive substances~so that cuts out smoking, drinking, and fast, processed foods.

See how it all ties in? I didn't realize it, as I was growing up, just how subtlety my beliefs had painted my lifestyle choices.

Do any of you feel your SS lifestyle was rooted first in your value system, or did it stem solely from a need to make changes financially and for your health?


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 16, 2008
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I have always been fascinated with the pioneer period. I loved the idea of a simple life that you made from the land. I have never stopped to think about connecting my ss lifestyle with my beliefs but BeeKissed you make a good point.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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For us, it was a financial must. Literally. We went from an income of $50 K a year to zilch. So it was literally survive by the seat of your pants over night type deal.

In 3 years I've learned to barter, sew, sell what we grow/make, and to save, pinch pennies, use coupons.

That has evolved into a lifestyle that follows God's plan for us without us really trying. If that makes sense. He just kind of has his way with us, and even when we needed something and weren't sure how we'd manage, he has provided. Not that He's necessarily gave what we wanted/needed, but when He didn't give, He's helped us survive without. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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no my SS isn't based on my belief system for the whole.

It is financial but it is also about my values regarding saving the planet. From what I see, if we don't start conserving, using less, try to reverse some horrible effects we have started on this planet, then there will be no where to survive.

So I guess I follow the chain back. There is one thing we can not live without, the planet we are standing on and using its resources.

Of course my parents did instill frugal ways. I learned alot from people just listening to their views. Some good, some bad.

I have no problem spending my hard earned money on what I want even if others don't have the level I do. There will never be true equality for financial in this world. And also, there isn't true equality in wildlife in general. It is survival of the fittest basically. And I don't ever seeing this while I help others and do what I can, I also do live my life to the way I want to go thru this journey.

So I guess a little of all of it is what makes up wonderful ME! HA HA HA


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
I would say that the majority of how I live is for reasons of values and beliefs (albeit not Christian religious ones), not just for financial reasons. OTOH I won't say that the fact that it makes life more affordable, as well as PLEASANTER (to my tastes anyhow), doesn't come in there somewhere too, as reinforcement at least :)

I just think it's fundamentally wrong to buy new when used is available and will do; wrong to use more when less will do; wrong to pay other people to do something that I could do myself; wrong not to learn HOW to do things myself if the need should arise; wrong to spend lots of money living fancily when other people have trouble living *poorly*; etc.

Furthermore I refuse to be led by the nose by Madison Avenue and the media into getting into financial trouble buying things that nobody really needs anyhow and mostly are not good for me or for the world.

Basically I believe in "enough." You know?

My mom is Pennsylvania Dutch, this probably has something to do with the attitudes I grew up with :)

I *have* been in debt in the past, btw - during grad school and subsequent years my credit card balances crept upwards, chiefly because of owning a horse I couldn't really afford but hey :p But having sampled being in debt, I have NO intention of going back to it <g>



Power Conserver
Jul 11, 2008
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Bauxite, Arkansas
I am a Christian but my SS choices is not based on my belief. I was raised to try to live within my means. I have seen 2 elderly couples who pinched pennies all their life they never got to enjoy a vacation. One couple died and no telling how much money they left behind and it went to a ungradful nephew. The other couple is still alive and is already having problems with their one daughter trying to spend their money on things like a trip to New York and charged 40,000 on a credit card. Their money will be gone in 6 months after they are dead. They both got really sick a few years ago and she brought her house plans to school (she is a music teacher) to work on because she thought they were going to die.

I think there is a happy medium.



Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Well, I am not a very religious person, although I am leaning more in that direction :)

I grew up in a financially unstable (self employed) environment and my personality is to roll with things and learn to do without when necessary. What has changed in the last year or so is that even when money is plentiful, I prefer my more frugal ways. I prefer to spend less so that I have more of a cushion in the event of an emergency. I hate being wasteful and firmly believe in waste not want not .

I also like being close to the land, nothing makes me happier than seeing new sprouts break thru the soil! I can not wait to get my ducks and chickens...but the practical side of me tells me to wait bit longer until the dust from our move has settled. I think my DH would say I am practical to a fault :idunno

I do not fall into the 'gotta have it' traps that society and the media set for us. I am a minimalist in many ways....I don't fit in here (my community) so much, but after ten years I am getting more and more comfortable with my choice to NOT keep up with the Joneses and in fact I feel more sorry for them, being victims of a materialistic lifestyle that they are forever chasing.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 9, 2009
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Our beliefs and values (also not Christian) are what started us towards living self-sufficiently. My Grandma (was a devout Christian) drilled it into me that there was no way I could sleep at night, warm and well-fed if my neighbors were cold and starving so it was my duty to make sure my family's NEEDS were met and then to make sure my community was okay. So I ask myself almost daily "is this something we NEED?"


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
For me, the 2 are irrevocably intertwined. Some are mostly based on my beliefs (no TV, recycling), some mostly based on finances (running my cars into the ground), but I think they all have components of both. Like, having no TV saves me a lot of money and keeps my kids pretty much in the dark over what sort of things they could be begging for :), which saves me even more money. I run my cars into the ground to save money, but I also would consider it morally objectionable to junk them just so I could have the pleasure of a newer car.

Very interesting... I wonder how many begin in 1 camp and eventually come to occupy both camps...

Plus, as has been mentioned before, it's sometimes very useful to cloak our SS beliefs in "financial savings" language when useful to convert family members :)


Enjoys Recycling
Jan 16, 2009
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North West Mississippi
My desire to become more ss is born from a desire to be a better steward of all of our resources - money, natural resources, hard work, etc. I believe it honors God to use things efficiently, to appreciate enough, and to give back to the world around us.

I agree with BeeKissed on the original post (though we do have cable t.v.). Also, I have always felt a connection with the pioneer way of life. My grandparents set the example for me to want to live a more simple life. The were county folk who were born in the early 1900s. They lived all their lives making the most of what they had. They were simple and content which is what I hope to be.