hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sounds like you're really busy.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Ehh, could be worse I guess.
I've got to remember to call the appliance place today and find out what their fees are so I can figure out when we can get someone out here to check all this not working quite right stuff! I need to run a load of laundry and I'm afraid to do it with the way the washer sounded!
Yesterday I finally got over to Ts house to get the chicken stock started. Since we started so late we decided to can it on Friday. That works better anyway. The poor bf got caught in some accident on the highway and it took him 4 hours to get home from a normally 45 minute commute. It's never a good sign when the sign board says the next interchange is 6 miles and 25 minutes away.
He got home and crashed, and that was about it for our day.
I should really vacuum and do some cleaning today. The gal from the extension office is coming by today to help me hey the plan finalized for the pasture and my hay guy is stopping by to give me a quote on tilling just so we can cost compare us renting a tiller and the bfs time vs them just doing it so he doesn't have to. Hopefully the hay guy will be cheap and I can hire them to save the bf the time. Before that can happen the hay feeder must be finished and I have to buy the rest of the step in posts that I need to redo the electric. Then off course I have to get the landlord in on the loop and make sure he'll pay for the seeding that's going to need to be done three different times before the field will be solid enough again. This process is going to tale longer than it would if we just sprayed, but I'm not interested in spraying. I just hope it works out to be cheaper.... I'd it doesn't then I'm not sure how I'll convince the landlord that its a good idea... I'm not sure that environmental stewardship is enough of a reason in his book.
Always something....


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
always... hope the landlord gets onboard and pays for the seeding. i don't spray either. the electric company hates me because i have run their spraying crew off before and they have to come back and hand cut anything they deem to tall under their lines. it is so much easier for them to spray


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yes, spraying is the easy way out. I'm just hoping it costs more than the triple seeding will. I still haven't caught up with the gal yet, hopefully I can do that next week.
Yesterday in the office was quiet. I about fried my eyeballs working on getting some data into a spreadsheet. It's tedious and time consuming but once it's done it will be done and she sheet will be usable for us.
I also talked to the folks at the tire website and they are sending two new tires to replace the two that can't be balanced to spec. They are also going to refund me the money that it would cost for all the repeated balancing. That's a good thing because my mechanic isn't actually charging me for all of that so it's money in my pocket. I'll try to give him some, but I know he won't take it, so I'll but him gifts of beer, which I know he won't refuse! That's be about $180 back in our pockets! It's been a pain and I like things right the first time but I'll take this mistake if it means is costing me less for the tires!
Now I have to get ahold of the appliance people to find out how much is going to cost to get the washer, dryer and dish washer looked at.
I've gotta get things cleaned up today since there will be people in the house this weekend. Then my friends T and I need to get together again to get this chicken stock canned. She had a migraine yesterday, so I hope she's feeling better today.
I guess I need to hop to it....


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
hopefully the tire $ will be enough to pay for fixin' the appliances.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
That would be really helpful, goatgurl. There's plenty of things that I could use that money for!
So this weekend has been insane! Friday I got a pretty good amount of cleaning done, though I didn't quite get everything done that I would have liked. But I got the major things done. We picked up JS from the airport and came home and crashed.
JS and I headed out really early to start working on horses. My plan was to drop her off, go back and feed my friend's horses then go grab us breakfast. Best laid plans....
On the way down to the barn to drop her off my truck was running really rough, not shifting well and it was obvious something was not right at all. I texted the bf and he told me he'd check it this afternoon when we got home.
Then he tells me he took the washer apart and there was a brick in it and that was the problem. I'm sitting there wondering how the hell s brick got in my washer and then he explained that it was a stabilizer under the drum to balance the machine. The bolt had come loose, so the brick was banging around. He fixed that layer in the day after he got new bolts and then did about 7 loads of laundry... it works fine!
In the mean time I headed to my friend's place and was about to get back in the truck when I was horrified to notice a huge puddle under the front end of the truck. It was dark colored and when I looked underneath it was ALL over everything.
I called the bf and he finished up the chores in the barn and hustled down to check on me. He found a rusted or hole in the transmission pipe. It was a stainless steel piece that attached to a hose, and he wasn't sure what was going to have to happen to fix it. My heart sunk at the thought of another major expense right now. He asked if I thought I could limp it home. I still can't drive his stick shift jeep. So I agreed and we agreed that I would only turn on the flashers if there was a big problem. It's only 12 miles home but there are some big holds and in many places no where to get off the road. Heading out their driveway is tricky because there is a steep hill that ends AT the road. As I was trying to go up it the trick attempted to shift and couldn't get into gear so my for sank to the floor and the rpms went way up with no forward power. I slammed on the brakes, thankfully the bf didn't hit me from behind and then slowly eased onto the gas with my for on the brake just in case. I got up over the edge of the hill and then was able to roll into the road. I used all the momentum I could working the dorm hills to get up the other side. It did the no acceleration thing a couple more times, but thankfully we didn't lose control completely and we got it home. I was really scared. Of course the bf blew it off, but I had to remind him that I don't do things like that!
So then we left and he took me to get breakfast and then dropped me off at the barn to work with JS and he headed home to get to work on my truck.
PH was kind enough to take JS and I to get something to eat and then back to the house after we finished the horses. She was the first person to have work done, which I did on purpose. Thankfully it worked out well!
The bf was still out running errands when we got back home and so the washer was still turned over on its side. I took the dogs for a quick walk after we finished lunch so they would be a bit more tired and calm while we had extra people in the house and in the mean time the bf got home, fixed the washer and then fixed my truck. He is so smart, he simply cut out the bad part of the pipe and attached a longer piece of rubber hose to it instead. Very cheap fix!
The gal came over to pick up JS and take her to her place and so the bf and I worked on the grocery list. The bf had a raging headache, so he decided to stay home. Then I ended up with a raging headache but I had to go feed the horses and go pick up JS. By the time we got home JS had a headache too so we concluded it was the weather and all crashed into bed.
She and I got up on Sunday and got organized to head to the other farm to start working on all the horses there. We managed to get all 12 done in one day. I was grateful we didn't have to go back again. They were all lovely horses, and the people were all nice. The barn manager became more and more open to the ideas as the day wore on.
We finished there and I checked in wroth the bf and he was out running errands, so we headed to take care of the horses. JS was so kind to look at my friend's horse, he was pretty out in his hips and she also noted that his feet were way too long and it was print a lot of strain on the backs of his legs. Hopefully I can convince her to talk to her farrier or possibly switch farriers to see if we can get him corrected before he ends up with an injury. JS also gave me some suggestions for changing their feed which should help. Now I have to figure out how to tell her to convince her its a good idea.
We left and I checked in with the bf and he was still on the way home. I was pulling down to a turn and noticed jeep lights behind me, then saw gosh flashing bar lights and I giggled and flicked my beagle lights several times to let him know o saw him. We just headed to the restaurant where we decided to get dinner and had a great time.
We all headed straight to bed when we got home!
Monday was lazier, she and I rolled out of bed pretty slowly and she worked on me which felt good. Then we feed the horses and headed out to the first horse for the morning. He had some major did going on, but she was able to help him get straightened or again.
We were starving so we headed in the direction of the next set of horses and grabbed lunch on the way by. The other two were in pretty tough shape too, one of them had some something silly and injured himself. JS resolved as much as she could, and then gave the owner some recommendations. We unloaded her stuff and I took the box with me and she left with the next lady that needed work done. It was a good trip, it was just exhausting.
I headed home and got storm out for a little while. It was much wrongdoer than I wanted but he did ok. I kinda had to get after him about staying focused which was frustrating me. I really probably shouldn't work him when it's windy because I don't like it any more than he does. I finished with him and chatted with the girls for a little while as they were getting ready to ride, and then took the dogs out for a walk.
The bf got home and I took a little while to collect some more walnuts before we had dinner of leftovers. We ran out to Walmart and then to the grocery store since I hadn't gotten there either yet, and finally came home where we crashed again. I hope I get a little time to recover this week!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Oh my goodness! You've been going non-stop!

So glad BF got your washer AND your truck fixed. It's great to have someone with those skills around.

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