Ice cream alternatives


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2016
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not here
The brain is made of cholesterol. Stupid to try and remove that

True the brain needs cholesterol. I was reading a study a few weeks ago that since the introduction of statin drugs (the most prescribed drug in the world), the rate of heart disease has not really changed significantly, but there has been an immense rise in dementia and Alzheimer's in the same time period. One theory is because of the need for cholesterol in the brain. However, other studies have shown there is some evidence that long-term statin use may protect against dementia. Scientists believe this is because certain types of dementia are caused by small blockages in blood vessels that carry blood to the brain.

There is also a theory with a lot of support that heart disease is not caused by cholesterol, but by inflammation in the body (too much western diet! excessive meat, sugar, etc and too little raw plants), and that the cholesterol is actually attempting to alleviate this for the body...that the inflammation is actually the culprit, not the cholesterol. It's like not knowing what causes fires, but you always see firemen at a fire. You could mistakenly theorize that firemen cause fires.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
And the moral of this story is--STAY OFF STATIN DRUGS AND EAT MORE ICE CREAM!

SORRY, but no. So.... Sugar consumption is correlated with, and possibly causative of, heart disease. And, of course, there was some research and a scandalous cover-up by the sugar industry in the 70's which just broke a few months ago.

"A 2015 study found that high sugar intake (50 g/day) of any kind (high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, or honey) for two weeks was associated with elevated triglyceride levels in individuals who had normal glucose tolerance or who had impaired glucose tolerance.6 Elevated triglycerides is a risk factor for heart disease. As a basis for comparison, one teaspoon of table sugar provides 4.2 g sugar, one teaspoon of high fructose corn syrup provides 5 g sugar, and one teaspoon of honey provides 6 g sugar.

The average intake of added sugars in the United States is high—14% of calories (81 g) among children and 17% (77 g) among adults.7 If the 2015 study showing 50 g per day increases triglycerides can be duplicated, that would indicate that we're still consuming too much added sugars."

Sorry. Skip the ice cream. Who's with me on whole milk yogurt for creamy deliciousness?
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Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
America got FAT on high sugar, low fat diet. Is that not enough evidence?

I'm learning from my own sugar-calorie-induced malnutrition over here. I'm a few weeks in and still having trouble meeting my RDA for various nutrients and minerals, but I already feel much, much better. (And processed foods suddenly taste overly-sweet to me! How fast we adjust!)


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier
I saw all the reports on those paid studies.

Back in the late 90s early 00s I read about a study done in the 70s where a research group that had decided to try and induce high cholesterol in patients. Study was supposed to go on for 6 months but they had to quit it early because it worked too well. They fed the participants processed grain and sugar based foods to do so. Actually, if I remember correctly, what they fed has turned into the current standard american diet. The study didn't go over well in the "health" community for what are now obvious reasons.

I try and limit my sugar intake since I'm teetering on the edge of diabetes. It's an issue for many on mom's side of the family. Unlike my brothers, I've done very well on it not advancing. I have normal blood sugars and great blood work if I'm allowed to follow what I know I can handle food wise. Lots of veggies covered with butter and some meat. Adding fat into the diet was the hard part as it takes a lot to get over the brainwashing about fat from when I was a kid. But with the right amount of fat, you don't eat as much. It's kind of built in stop.

I'd rather have my kombucha than most other things so most of what I get sugar wise comes from what's left in that after the fermenting, but I do like a bit of homemade jam in my yogurt.

If you stick to the serving sizes from 50 years ago on stuff like ice cream, it satisfies the craving and you don't get too much extra sugar. And always eat the good stuff. No point in skipping something if it makes you overeat something else.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I am using Azomite in my garden this year, plus I make it available to my animals. It is rock dust from an ancient lava flow in Utah and it covers most of the minerals, if not all. So my garden produce will be healthier and so will the meat from the lambs and pigs. Or so it works in theory......LOL Animals and plants and people cannot be healthy if the building blocks for nutrition are not there, available for them to consume.

So even though I might sound like I am a champion for sugar, in reality I am a champion for proper nutrition.....

my twisted humor gets me in trouble..........