I'm new, lost and don't know where to begin


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I second that--I am a permies.com lurker!!

So how's it going? Are you closer to moving? Ya know you gotta get back here and give us an update!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
San Diego High Desert
Oh, so sorry. We are a Christian family of 8. My husband, myself and 5 children at home ages range from 7 to 17. The oldest is 21, married with our first grandchild on the way and trying to make it on their own. She is a receptionist and he is a budding veterinarian. I am a nurse and the company my husband had worked for many years had went thru a major shake-up earlier this year and he chose to take early retirement. We currently live in Los Angeles area. We had done well enough for ourselves over the years that we pretty much bought whatever we needed, but under the circumstances over the last year and reduced income we are having to learn how to do more things for ourselves in order to make those ends meet. Then about a month ago, we learned we had inherited the family farm in New Hampshire from my husbands great-uncle. Come to find out it had once been part of a much larger tract of 160 acres homestead that has since been plotted out. Because of health issues the great-uncle had been in a nursing home facility for the last several years, leaving the house boarded up.
From the information we've been able to obtain about the property, there is a 2-story house, barn and other outbuildings, fruit orchard and gardens. There is a well with old hand pump and a creek running thru the back of the property for water sources, but no electricity or phone directly to the property. Everything is pretty much overgrown and will need a lot of work. We as a family had a sit down meeting and it's been decided that we will be moving up there come this next spring and in the meantime we are trying to learn as much as we can about how to become as self sufficient as possible. Cost of living in LA is depleting our life savings and retirement income on a daily basis so the decision to move was a no-brainer. Our oldest son and his family will be moving with us.
We have a five year plan that goes something like this- the first year will be doing repairs, cleaning it up to find out just what we have and what we'll need. The second and third year will include animals for meat, by-products and reproducing and crops and gardens to not only feed us as a large family but also those animals. The fourth year should be our adjustment year and that is to say that by then we should have a pretty good idea of what we are doing, what needs increased and what needs to be scaled back so that by the fifth year we should be completely or nearly so, self sufficient by living off this land and income produced from it and not having to rely on retirement income or whatever savings may be left. As you can see the first couple of years will be the most expensive because of start up costs and the learning phase. Going from big city life that we have taken for granted, to living like our pioneer ancestors in a matter of a few months will definitely be culture shock for all of us. We haven't even been camping before.

Things we will need to obtain:

chickens-for eggs, meat, restock and income
cows-for milk & by products, meat, restock and income
turkeys-meat, restock and income
pigs-meat, restock and income
a few horses-work, transportation, possibly income
seeds-vegetables, grains, herbs, pasture/hay
canning supplies
grain and meat grinders

Things we need to learn:

animal husbandry
how to garden, harvest, save seeds for future needs
how to preserve the harvest
how to cook from scratch

--and I'm sure there is a lot more that we will be needing that we haven't even thought of so please feel free to jump right in with thoughts and ideas.

PS. yes, we've been doing a lot of reading here on the forum, books, online searches and obtaining any and all information we can get our hands on. We are trying to learn and prepare as much as possible now because once we move our information resources will be much more limited and when we do move, there is no going back. :frow

OH my goodness.... I read the whole thread. I agree do not get horses yet. Get moved in join in the church and solidify the friends you made when you visited. They will be your Greatest resource. I agree with BEEKISSED whole hearted on all aspects.

Animal husbandry comes with practice some trial and error and a WHOLE bunch of mentoring from people who do it daily.

I live in San Diego and I KNOW I would have to learn a complete new skillset in order to live somewhere that has Snow. Like how to drive with out gettin killed. But OMG what a beautiful place to retire to... Sigh.



Enjoys Recycling
Aug 6, 2013
Reaction score
What a wonderful opportunity for you and your family. Plan to enjoy it thoroughly. I recommend any and all of the "guide" books published by Storey Publishing - they have guides to chickens, pigs, horses, cows, etc, etc. And then John Seymour's "The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live it". There are lots of helpful books out there but you cannot go wrong nor waste your funds with the Storey Guides and Seymour's book.
storey guide.jpg
Storey Publishing offers a lot of "other" books now as well - but the most helpful are formatted and titled like the one shown here: i.e., "Storey's Guide to.....". ENJOY. (And post photos and updates, please).