In your opinion.........


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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it does depend on what kinds of break downs we are talking about but in general, society will not 'just literally be over'
it won't will evolve and change all the time. There was always good and bad in this world and it will never be perfect. It just changes as with anything else.

Veggie PAK

Power Conserver
Jun 6, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
The breakdown is ongoing, and HERE, just not so in-your-face yet, so be ready just in case.
I agree that it's here, but it's going to get far worse. It's a combination of things actually. It's an ongoing progression of bad decisions by our elected officials. Bad decisions that do not represent the will of the people they were elected to represent, but serve the corporations that buy their votes. Then there's those people that really believe in "entitlement". Over the life span of 3 or 4 generations, they have now come to expect the government (us, and our taxes) to actually take care of them while they sit on their butts as if the government was their mama. Look at those people in New Orleans with Katrina. They just sat there and complained that the government wasn't doing enough to help them. What did they do to prepare for what happened? Anything? That's the kind of people that will be the zombies during an "event" of any proportion.

Now, having said that, it is possible that they are ignorant of what they should be doing to prepare for any event. In their way of life and living conditions, who would have taught them? That's why when I'm in the grocery store buying for my storage and someone says something about the quantities, I take them aside and explain to them why I do it. I have yet for someone to disagree with what I am doing after I explain why I am doing it. It's hard and feels somewhat awkward, but every question about what we do is an opportunity to enlighten someone else about self reliance and self sustainability.

I try to share what others have shared with me. When I'm shopping and I see a person pick up a container of Hershey's chocolate syrup, I excuse myself into their shopping trip and tell them that Nesquik syrup has no high fructose corn syrup in it. So far, they have put the Hershey's back on the shelf. I share with people at the milk case that a particular brand is certified to have no RBGH in it. I had a woman stop me in the store and ask me why I was buying organic products. I took 15 minutes and explained all about the GMO nightmare that is being put upon the American people. She was surprised!

It's kind of like what the Bible says: "Don't withhold good from someone when it is in the power of your hand to do it." We have to assume that the other people just don't know as much about things as we do. And I don't mean that in a pompous way. We need to be more willing to share information so the masses will be enlightened as to how to protect themselves. The more they are prepared, the more we are insulated against the numbers that aren't prepared.

However, gangs will be roaming the streets when something does go down and the police aren't available. I'm not talking about people looking for food either. I'm talking about people that are going to TAKE your food whether you like it or not. It is at this point that I introduce them to my friends... Smith & Wesson.


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
abifae said:
Well, depends on how you define break down.

Basic stuff has been breaking down for a few generations. Manners, families....

Infrastructure is getting old and no money to fix it...

But if you mean riots and full out police state, it is really hard to guess. I think sometime this generation.
What she said. :D

When you look at the current situation in Greece, with the rioting and mass protests over entitlement and budget cuts, I believe that you are looking at the US in the not too distant future. Our situation is no different, and in some ways worse, than that of Greece. With the number of people relying on Government checks and food subsidies at record levels and ever increasing, when the fiscal realities finally do catch up to us, I believe that it will be bad. Add to that the number of extreme groups already calling for protests and outright revolution fueling the protests, the cities will not be a good place to be. I do believe that we have some very "interesting" times in store for us.

Society is sitting on a powder keg unlike any that we have seen in quite a while. All that it would take to ignite the fuse, is a runaway banking crisis or a sudden devaluation of the dollar, collapse of the European Union and the Euro, war in the middle east and the associated doubling, tripling, or more of oil prices, or China collapsing economically or socially. All of these are definite possibilities at the moment, and one or two of them happening could cause all of the others to follow.

Everyone talks about how China holds almost a trillion dollars worth of US Treasury bonds, and the dire consequences that would happen if they decided to cut their losses and dump them on the market. Nobody mentions the fact that middle eastern countries (Muslim) hold a total of around 1.6 trillion of our T Bills. Given the world's current situation, what are the possibilities that something could happen to cause those countries to unite against us and dump their holdings? We (the US) have gotten ourselves into a very precarious situation financially, and the chances of a happy ending is getting more and more remote.

I would advise everyone to take the time to read world history, and to examine the current global affairs, and then decide for yourself the possible timetables and whether stocking up may be a good idea.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 10, 2010
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Gobles Michigan
NEW YORK (AP) More than 700 protesters demonstrating against corporate greed, global warming and social inequality, among other grievances, were arrested Saturday after they swarmed the Brooklyn Bridge and shut down a lane of traffic for several hours in a tense confrontation with police.

In My Opinion.... We are darn close. :cool:


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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lighthawk said:
NEW YORK (AP) More than 700 protesters demonstrating against corporate greed, global warming and social inequality, among other grievances, were arrested Saturday after they swarmed the Brooklyn Bridge and shut down a lane of traffic for several hours in a tense confrontation with police.

In My Opinion.... We are darn close. :cool:
VERY close


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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BarredBuff said:
lighthawk said:
NEW YORK (AP) More than 700 protesters demonstrating against corporate greed, global warming and social inequality, among other grievances, were arrested Saturday after they swarmed the Brooklyn Bridge and shut down a lane of traffic for several hours in a tense confrontation with police.

In My Opinion.... We are darn close. :cool:
VERY close
Relax a little - a lot of that group is the social anarchist group that is always protesting the G8/G20 meetings - and college kids thinking it's cool to "rage against THE MAN". Look back at the strikes and protests in the early 1900's - people were getting tear gassed and shot. When the WWI veterans marched on DC for bonuses they weren't paid, the army charged and scattered them with cavalry for heavens sake. I also remember the riots in the 1970's.

Stay vigilant, but don't paranoia take over.


Power Conserver
Apr 30, 2011
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FarmerJamie said:
BarredBuff said:
lighthawk said:
NEW YORK (AP) More than 700 protesters demonstrating against corporate greed, global warming and social inequality, among other grievances, were arrested Saturday after they swarmed the Brooklyn Bridge and shut down a lane of traffic for several hours in a tense confrontation with police.

In My Opinion.... We are darn close. :cool:
VERY close
Relax a little - a lot of that group is the social anarchist group that is always protesting the G8/G20 meetings - and college kids thinking it's cool to "rage against THE MAN". Look back at the strikes and protests in the early 1900's - people were getting tear gassed and shot. When the WWI veterans marched on DC for bonuses they weren't paid, the army charged and scattered them with cavalry for heavens sake. I also remember the riots in the 1970's.

Stay vigilant, but don't paranoia take over.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
I agree with ya FarmerJamie

just check history, as with any topic :p


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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FarmerJamie said:
Relax a little - a lot of that group is the social anarchist group that is always protesting the G8/G20 meetings - and college kids thinking it's cool to "rage against THE MAN". Look back at the strikes and protests in the early 1900's - people were getting tear gassed and shot. When the WWI veterans marched on DC for bonuses they weren't paid, the army charged and scattered them with cavalry for heavens sake. I also remember the riots in the 1970's.

Stay vigilant, but don't paranoia take over.
Agreed, as well.

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