Is Our Economy Going To Crash?

Is our economy going to crash?

  • It is going to crash hard, all at once.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • It will be a slow gradual decline.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It is crashing now and is already in decline.

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • My personal economy already has crashed.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • My personal econony ain't doing so hot.

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • We will have a depression worse then the 1930's

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Our econony is wonderful.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There will be no crash, how ridiculous!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My personal economy has never been better!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There will be no depression.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
@Beekissed you are blessed in that you live a self sufficient life. Many are not as fortunate as you and a rumble in the country's economy will hurt and hurt deeply.

I can see you both missed the point of my post. I'm not blessed because I am in any way "self sufficient"...I'm blessed because God's grace for me is sufficient~I can trust Him to care for me, no matter what happens to the economy, to my health, to my existence.

There is no such thing in this world as being "self sufficient" nor "self reliant, self sustaining, or self anything" and I recognized that years ago, which is another reason I kind of drifted away from this forum. It has no basis in reality.

You are worried, and rightly so, because you depend on this world's riches and goods to give you peace of mind and they cannot be depended upon. I have never been overly "blessed" with the riches of this world, but am very deeply blessed with the riches of my real Home, my Heavenly one. Compared to the riches of this world...well...there's simply no comparison.

The difference? I don't have to worry. About anything. Not dying and especially not about living. About one thing you are both correct...I am very and truly blessed, but it has nothing to do with myself nor my Earthly circumstances.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2016
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not here
@Beekissed, I did not mean to imply you were blessed because of the way you choose to live your life as far as meeting your daily physical needs, but because what appears to be a gift of rock solid faith and the way this faith appears to have allowed you to live in such a carefree, joyous way as you tell us you do.

However, saying this forum has no basis in reality, and that folks like us depend on the world's riches and goods to give us peace of mind, is quite harsh IMO, and the latter certainly an incorrect presumption on your part.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
@Beekissed, I did not mean to imply you were blessed because of the way you choose to live your life as far as meeting your daily physical needs, but because what appears to be a gift of rock solid faith and the way this faith appears to have allowed you to live in such a carefree, joyous way as you tell us you do.

However, saying this forum has no basis in reality, and that folks like us depend on the world's riches and goods to give us peace of mind, is quite harsh IMO, and the latter certainly an incorrect presumption on your part.

I didn't mean it to be a harsh sounding phrase, Moon, but it does seem to be truth...if one is worried about the economy crashing, that would seem to indicate a fear of losing one's money or goods or the availability of those goods in the resulting collapse. That would also seem to indicate that the fear is related to a dependence upon these things to feel at peace and to be without worry over it how one will continue on. Maybe I'm seeing that all wrong and the conversations about the economy are just idle chatter about something of little consequence? If so, I do apologize as I didn't realize it was all theory and that no one is really worried about such things.

I didn't say the forum has no basis in reality, as we are surely real and are talking on this forum, but the illusion of self sufficiency surely does have no basis in reality. There is not one person living on this Earth that is nor can ever be self sufficient or even sufficient, apart from God, so my assessment of the term "self sufficient" as having no basis in reality is truth.

Sometimes it's difficult to communicate properly on a forum, so please forgive me if I read the posts entirely wrong and made presumptions from what I read. It's a difficult thing. Two of my posts were misread here as well, so it seems we are all struggling to communicate our thoughts properly.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I love my Excalibur! I didn't get the square solid sheets that fit the shelves, but I use the circular ones from my old dehydrator; they fit inside all right and saved me some money. Besides fruit leather, I like using them to dehydrate extra eggs for winter when the ducks don't lay as regularly. The Excalibur dries them so quickly that I don't really worry about bacteria growing in the raw eggs (although I make sure the eggs are cooked THOROUGHLY when I used the dried ones). Plus, the Excalibur's design lends itself to conversion to solar drying if electricity isn't available (sort of like this picture)

I've been convinced that we are heading for an economic crisis for several years. I read Ferfal's descriptions of life after the crash in Argentina and used that as a measure of what to expect. One thing he mentions is that electricity and other utilities became unreliable as the utility companies didn't have the money to maintain their equipment the way they used to. Since I couldn't afford solar power, I've concentrated on non-electric as much as possible (which also means less reliance on natural gas since that needs electricity to deliver it). We got a wood stove this year, and are in the process of getting a manual pump for our well that will slide in next to the electric one.

The biggest thing we did to help us through the crash is to become debt free. In the event of a major crash and anarchy, we could get by without any money expenditure except property tax (even if the government falls, you can bet your life there will be SOMEBODY with their hand out and backed by bully boys)


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2016
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not here
@Beekissed, I don't worry about an economic disaster or the world unraveling. I just wish to be prepared because I truly think it is going to happen. If we lost our jobs, our business, and our "toys" over an economic crash, I would be happy enough to plant and hunt, preserve some of the bounty, have some kind of roof over my head, a bit of heat when it gets cold and the ability to defend these simple things. In fact, I feel a simpler life like that is preferably. But, I do understand what you are saying, and you make sense. I think we just are looking at different sides of the same coin...for lack of a better analogy. Perhaps the difference is if there were to be an economic disaster today, you would be fine with it, while I have some work to do yet to be fine with it. I'm newer at this. That does not mean I am worried.

You are so right about the difficulty at times communicating in a forum, and I, too, am not always the best at it! So, forgive me too.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2016
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not here
@Britesea, can you explain a little more how the Excalibur design lends itself to conversion to solar power if electricity isn't available. I don't think I followed you from the picture you posted.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Wow Bee, that did come across a little hard. I know you didn't mean it to sound that way, so no offense taken. I love you and appreciate the wisdom you bring to the forum. Yes, I have worldly goods, am I rich? I don't consider myself to be so, but in comparison to others less fortunate, I suppose I could be considered "rich." At the same time, I only have to look next door or across the road to see homes MUCH "richer" than ours. We sold a home much nicer than this mobile home and paid for it and the 8 acres it sets on. We sold some land and paid for the improvements we wanted to make here. Both the previous home and land were the result of years of going to work, making the payments, doing without, and finally getting it paid for. Everything that we have, we have worked hard for. We've been up and we've been down. We've had plenty and we've been so broke that the electricity was cut off. Through it all, God saw to it that we never missed a meal. We never went hungry and while we had hard times, we also had good times. We consider ourselves blessed.

We give God the credit for our present home, for finding buyers for our land and previous home, both handled without a realtor. Throughout the whole process of buying a new home, selling and moving, God had his hand in it all. We were led here, maybe to be a blessing and help to our community. Maybe we are supposed to be here, because hard times are certainly coming. There are families near us with small children. There are older couples living near us. Black, white, Hispanic and even native Americans in the mix that makes us a community. The knowledge we have on being "self sufficient" "self reliant", "self sustaining", or" self anything" might come in handy in helping our community survive. Cut off the paycheck on most families and they will be hungry in short order.

Am I worried? You bet I am. Can I do anything about it? Some, no. Some, yes. I will work hard to be prepared, not to hunker down and to heck with everyone else, but to be able to help others in my community that need help. I sure can't help anyone else if I can't help myself. Our own daughter and family is the reason we are here. If the economy goes to crap, they will be hurt badly by it. Both of them are educated and have the student loans to prove it. That's how it is in today's world. You go to the dance, you pay the fiddler. And pay and pay and pay...... The old saying, God helps those that help themselves.....might I add.... God helps those who help themselves AND who help others.

When we talk about being or becoming self sufficient, it doesn't come from a selfish place. It comes from a wiser place of knowing that we are to be prepared. Remember the story of the wise and foolish virgins? Matthew 25: 1-13 Christ gave warning to be prepared when he comes. I try my best to be prepared for when He comes or when I leave this world. In the meantime, I live in this world and I try to be prepared for whatever might come. I can't control the economy. I can't control inflation. I can't control wars. What the world leaders do is not for our benefit, but for theirs. For every one of us that are on this forum or others like it, there are hundreds of thousands more that don't have a clue. I can't help them all, but I can help those around me.

I say all this in explanation so that you understand that the "self" in SS doesn't necessarily mean selfish, but prepared. Prepared for what? We don't even know what is coming down the road, but we know something is coming, it's not good, and we don't want to be caught living out in La-La Land when it hits. At our present rate of debt, we as a country cannot continue on this road to rack and ruin. Bee, you are right in saying that forums can be difficult to get our point across. So please don't be offended by what I have written, you are a valued member here and I always look forward to your postings.

So stocking up on things that we use gives me a certain peace of mind. How can stocking up be a bad thing, when through the dreams of Pharaoh, Joseph interpreted them, stocked up for the coming famine, and saved nations, most notably his own family? God is giving me the ability to see beyond all the ponies and rainbows spouted by the country's inept leaders so that we can be a benefit to our selves, our family, our neighbors and our community. The growing pile of canning supplies might help a family have something to eat. The garden seeds might help a family grow something to eat. Stocking up? You bet we are. Doing all we can to be able to take care of ourselves when, and I say when not if, the economy goes to crap? You bet we are. We won't be a burden on our community, but a help to our community. The Lord is showing us the warning signs, who is paying attention?


Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
I agree with Bay....God guides us to help ourselves & others.

The drive to do so is not from anyone else and it was planted there when we were young to learn and grow with the seeds of wisdom being given to us. SS does not mean exclusion but inclusion, sharing and teaching (IMO). Sharing & teaching are within this forum and you, Bee, are meant to be a part of it otherwise God would not have guided you here.

I believe we are to help ourselves (includes personal self, blood and extended families of the community). God helps those who help themselves, right? :love

So it seems sad that you do not post as much as you have been so blessed with ability, experience, good health and your daily needs. Much of this could be shared to help others become as blessed and thankful for that. I enjoy your posts and the wisdom that you put before us, your crafts, & your calming lifestyle. It encourages me to push myself to do more of the things I should. -- which includes thanking Him for the things I have. Sometimes replies are quick & may not have sounded soft or kind, just typed what came to mind. Always easier when we are face to face. ;):hugs
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