JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
punkin said:
Reading about your brownies made me hungry. So, I popped some cookies in the oven.

It's only 10:45 am, but I'm gonna eat some, and it's all your falt :rolleyes: :gig
:lol: :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
15 May 09

So, why doesnt it just FREAKIN RAIN SOME MORE!!! :rant I dont know how much more rain we can take! I think I am growing GILLS!! and I already have flat feet...whats that between my toes!??? WEBBING!?? :barnie OK, who else is OVER the rain!??
I was able to get the beets in..and some cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflour. Now, as long as they dont ROT! :somad
So, Thursday, I was planning to take myself out to bingo. Havent been in a while...and I sooo needed a night out. Got all the chores done early...cleaned up, jumped in the truck, and away I go! As I pass the barn...I hear Sonny boy out there Bawling. Now, he had a bottle already..and he was "fine" but the girls were out in the grass, enjoying themselves...he was lonely. So, I turned around, came back home...changed clothes into "barn clothes" and trucked my butt out there. I decided...it was time. He needs sunshine, and grass....so out he went with the girls. Oh, they chased him, and butted him a few times...but he learned fast to just turn his rump to them, and they will pretty much leave him alone...untill.....he decided to get up on "Nellys tree stump" There he was...standing tall and proud...then WHAM! Nelly took him out! Oh, she is a mean little girl. He fell off...shook it off, and she hopped up on "her" stump. :tongue So, I went over....made her get down..and I sat on the stump!! :lol: I sat out there iwth them for about 2 hours...makeing sure the girls were not too mean to Sonny Boy. He seems to be doing fine. Then, this morning, I went out to give him a bottle...and I noticed he has the runs. :barnie Of course I FREAKED!! SCOURS!??? WORMS??? My poor baby. I RAN to the house, and E Mailed the girl I got the sheep from...she assured me its OK, because he is on the bottle still, and to just make sure he gets more pellets. So, I ran out there, and gave him his OWN bowl of pellets...and did so several times today...this evening...guess what!?? Sonny Boy dropped little hard poopies!:clap He just needed more solids in his diet! :rolleyes: I know....im wierd...but seeing little pellets from him made me feel LOTS better! He is doing alot better with the girls today...and they let him back in the barn last night, which I was worried about at first. So, now my little "flock" is united! :celebrate Harmony has fallen on Heavens Door Acres...once again! :D


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Justusnak, you are always good for a laugh! Love reading your journal! :D Growin' gills and webbing here too! :frow


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
16 May 09

What a "rollercoaster day" It actually started a few days ago...septic issues. YUK! :sick With all the rain...our tank filled up, and backed up. :rolleyes: We tried to remedy the problem, but decided it was out of our league, so I called the septic guy. He showed up today...and as I feared..we need a whole new system. See, the people that built the house, did so without inspectors. Something we didnt know, untill after we signed on the dotted line. Of course! Now, 4 years later....we realised...the tank is set into the ground..too low( the ground water drains into it after every rain)...sideways,( makeing a 45 degree turn into the tank, causeing blockages) the finger system was run INTO the woods, ( tree roots collapsed the drains) So, the total cost? $5,500!! :th I sure hope the bank sees things our way! If not....well...anyone have any extra coffee cans we can use!?? LOL Might be time to build that outhouse... LOL
Then my brother, his wife and daughter came for a day visit. I had a turkey in the freezer, from last years batch...so I stuffed it, and popped it in the oven...made a small version of Thanksgiving dinner. My niece will be 2 next month, and is such a sweet mannered child...I just love being around her. Everything is new to her, and exciteing. We took her out to the sheep....she kept pointing and saying " BIG DOGGIE" :love Finally got her to say cheep. LOL We had a great visit...good meal..and coffee on the front porch afterwards....watching Anna chase the kitties. ( Who were NOT thrilled) LOL Then I spotted a tree frog on the porch. ( we call em "sticky frogs") You know...my daughter is 25 yrs old...and I totally forgot just how high pitched a little girl can scream! ALL the chickens, the turkeys, and the sheep went NUTS! LOL Needless to say...she was NOT thrilled with a "sticky frog" sticking to her arm! :gig I havent laughed that hard in a long time...it felt good! So, even tho the septic is caputt...we spent the rest of the day on a high note. :thumbsup


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
17 May 09

Today was a productive day, sorta. :/
A guy DH works with asked him last week, if he wanted a lawn roller. He said he lost the plug for it, and it was just too big for his yard. So, today we went and picked it up. This thing is HUGE! What a great "gift" We will surely be able to put it to good use.
Then another guy DH works with, asked him if we wanted what was left of last years firewood? Its Cherry, and ash..and some locust I think. Anyways...we get over there, and there is about 5 ricks of wood! SWEET! Thats almost half of what we will go through. We took one truck load today, but will have to make at least 3 more trips! Im sure the "nosey neighbors" are wondering WHY we are putting in firewood in May. LOL Never too early as far as I am concerned. The driveing was the worst part. Both places were just about 40 minutes one way. So, most of the day was spent on the road.
The weather is supposed to be sunny and warm all week. I am hopeing the garden area dries out enough for one more tilling, then I will have to make hilled rows, to plant on. Dont want to take a chance of them drowning out. Maybe...just MAYBE I can get my corn planted by weeks end. Oh, and the weather guy said...light frost tonight!?? WHAT!?? in MAY!??? Jeesh...Mother Nature needs to take a pill !:lol: Guess I am glad I dont have my tender plants set out yet in the garden. All things happen for a reason..all the rain has kept me from setting tomato and peppers...and now a light frost. I need to run into town tomorrow....and get some good topsoil. I am planting my carrots in raised wood crates...hopeing I can get something MORE than fingerlings.I will try to get pics when I am done planting them.
Well....another day gone...and im whooped! Didnt really "work" hard today, but all the driving really sucks the energy right out of me.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
I know, we are to have record breaking lows tonight, and it is COLD outside. We are dropping 2 degrees an hour now, I just checked its 43 out there.

We are expected to hit 30 degrees at 0600 Monday morning, glad I put off planting.

I covered my peas, and all root crops, just in case it gets lower.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Can I ask a dumb question, did you cook your turkey frozen? I am just wondering because I didn't know you could do that.

Also I got my garden in the beginning of May and then we had frost too so at like 11 at night I am outside putting plastic bags and plastic sheeting over my garden. It was crazy but I only lost two pepper plants. It was too early for me to plant them anyway but see I am learning. :rolleyes:


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Boy, am I with you on the rain!!! We are so wet and sloppy. My Buff Orp's run is so soggy and stinks.

This week is suuuuuposed to be rain-free and in the low 80's. My tomatoes will be OK. It only dipped to 44 last night.

I hope there are some sunshine days ahead!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Woke this morning to 35 degrees. I sure hope this is the LAST cold spell. I dont even want to go outside. We forgot to turn the furnace back on...so its a little chily in the house this morning. Maybe one LAST fire in the woodstove.
homesteadmomma..no, I thawed the turkey in the sink, the night before. I dont think you can cook them frozen. Your wouldnt be able to get the gibblets and stuff out of a frozen bird.
Well...time to "buck up" and get outside to feed these animals. I just hope the cold didnt hurt my grapes. They are so loaded with blossoms...I am expecting my FIRST good year with them.
Punkin...I DO know the MUD. I am tired of wearing water boots...I want my tennys!! You can throw some stall dry out there to calm the smell a bit...or AG lime. I use the lime...works almost instantly...and wont hurt the chickens. I have been shoveling the pine shaveings from thier coops, to the runs for 2 years now, and ALMOST have it built up high enough so they dont flood. Just in a few spots. And, the chickens love to scratch around in the old shaveings. I know one thing, IF I ever decide to not have chickens.....( which I know I wont ever do)...THATS where I would plant my garden. HAHAHA!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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You should get one of those composting toilet thingys!!! Incinolet, that's it! It burns your poo!