keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I cannot believe he just walked in the yard like that! how rude!

I agree, a fence would be a good idea...just think, if the landlord will let you fence it, you would just need a cute hen house for the ladies........ :lol:

Eleanor laid an egg two days ago - I know it had to be hers, because she's in the bantam pen and there are no other Large Fowl white egg layers in that coop. It was waaaaaaaay too big to be a bantam egg (I have two white bantam egg layers there).

Then I caught Lou on the nest, and she left us a pretty brown egg...and yesterday I caught Dolley on the nest! so YAY The Ladies are coming into laying. :D


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Thanks, Becca! I didn't even notice.... :p

QA, How nice to hear The Ladies are laying again! :ya

I noticed on my last visit that Eleanor seems very content in that house.... I was worried she was staying on the roost because of the rowdy boys in that pen..... Martha sure has her opinion of that place! :lol:

It was good to talk to you today.

I talked to Christine and she is saving that young pair for you. We just need to set a day for transport....... ;)


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
We had frost this morning! Sun is out and we're supposed to reach 50 today.

TR said that there was a huge raccoon at the back deck last night (early this morning) when he came home from work; it ran off when TR pulled into the parking area. And this morning there was a large squirrel at the bird feeders when he took Titan out. We were completely fenced at the farm, so aren't used to having wildlife (except birds) right at the back door.

Today I am helping serve at Lead the Way Cafe, which is the cafeteria style dinner served at church after the school kids are done with Adventure Club. Adventure Club runs from 4 to 5:30pm and then dinner is offered. Then the families can join their kids for a hot inexpensive meal. At Lead the Way Cafe, a family of 4 can eat for $5.

Today's entree is mac & cheese, plus there will be tossed salad, fresh fruit, soup, hot dogs and a choice of beverages (lemonade, water, iced tea, fruit juice).

This year I have made soup a number of times for Lead the Way, but signed up in January to serve this week. TR will drop me off at church on his way to work, and my friend Pat will drive me home after.

Baker Creek called today to confirm our address because they are shipping our seeds...... :clap

Well, I best go get some errands run before TR has to leave for work.

Have a great day! Enjoy the sun if you've got it! :D


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
In the 40s and rain today - 90% chance.... There is a rumor that we might get snow tomorrow, as the temps are supposed to dip into the low 30s. Not quite gardening weather just yet. :)

We had about 40 kids and families last night at Lead The Way. I made the mac and cheese with Parmesan, Cheddar, American and mozzarella cheeses. Bev made potato and bacon soup. There was only two bowls of soup left (out of 3 gallons) and 3 servings of mac and cheese, and there wasn't any tossed salad leftover either. The church staff will probably eat the left overs for lunch today.

The new range at church was supposed to be delivered today. However, we've asked the supplier to delay delivery for 1 week. This Friday our Christo mission team is having a community spaghetti dinner fund raiser and on Saturday afternoon there is a wedding. I usually clean the church kitchen on Saturday, so I will have to check the church calender to see when I can sneak in to clean. Maybe I will go to church a couple hours early tonight and clean before my 3:16 class at 7pm. Of course, that kind of defeats the purpose of making sure the kitchen is clean for Sunday... So maybe (if nothing is going on at the time) I can go in very early on Saturday morning and clean then. :p

In the United Methodist Church, the contracts that pastors sign agree to being moved as needed by the conference bishop. We were told during last Sunday's service that Pastor Josh and his wife Eileen will be leaving our congregation effective July 1st. Josh is our Associate Pastor and with this move he will become a Senior Pastor at his own church. Now we are waiting to hear who will replace Josh. Pastor Meredith (our Senior Pastor) says we will continue with all the new programs Josh started while with us, including the WOW2 Sunday service at Harassments, the local biker bar.

Well, I best get a move on.... Have a great day!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Left the library yesterday and felt a migraine coming on... so we went home and I think I slept most of yesterday... Woke up about 10 pm to find we are completely covered in SNOW!!

I'm feeling much better today.

Today the wind is about 35 mph and the temps are in the low 30s. Tonight's high is forecast to be 18 blah!

Paul came by today and he and TR finished taking the large stuff out of the basement. They found 2 or 3 cases of empty (but filthy) quart and half gallon canning jars, which they have left so I can clean and sterilize for future use.

A bunch of cardboard and rotted wood went into the burn pile, but with the high winds, we aren't burning today. As a result, a lot of the small stuff is blowing around the yard. :(

Have a great day!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Cold and damp... temps in the 40s ... although the forecast calls for temps to be between 70 and 80 by Easter Sunday!!

TR has to work 4 hours on Easter Sunday morning, so I will be at home getting ready for my sis-in-law and nephew to come from NY as they are joining us for dinner.

Brushy Mountain called late last week to say some of my hive order parts are on back-order, so another week before it arrives... :(

I have left two messages with the bee guy - no answer from him. Our club members usually buy from him every year, because he is somewhat local.... I am going to call him again and see what is going on with my bee order...

April 17 is our next Beek Association meeting. After our pot luck lunch, there will be a demonstration of installing a bee package and then we will have our annual auction. One of the items being auctioned off is the hive Roland made during last month's meeting and the bee package being installed. I still haven't decided what to take for the auction. I have been doing a lot of knitting lately, so maybe I'll take a handmade.....something. TR thinks I should bake goodies or take some homemade jams. :D

Well, I've got to get to the local flower shop to order some flowers for Sunday for church.

Have a great week!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Oh, I can't wait to see the bee setup!!! I hope the guy gets back with you and all goes well! Our temps are supposed to get into the 80s for the weekend too!

We have lots going on....we are renewing our membership with Red Lane Baptist Church since we will be about 5 minutes from their when we move. I can't wait for the kids to do Vacation Bible School this summer. They have a special easter program for the kids on Saturday and we are really excited to be going!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Lori, our Adventure Club (school agers 1st through 6th grade) are doing Nic at Nite - about Nicodemus' night visits to talk with Jesus about faith... Easter Morning. The kids always do a great program at Easter at our church too.

I'm sure you will be glad to get your ds and dd back into a good church program. Is Red Lane your family church we discussed earlier? If so, I hope things are going better for the congregation.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
75 by 10:30 this morning! :celebrate

Our Brushy Mountain Beefarm shipment arrived this morning!! We had a great time unpacking everything and set it up in the mud room. I still have to put the foundation in the frames, and get set up outside. We got the garden hive with the copper top and it is very beautiful.

Yesterday TR burned the last of the crap Paul removed from the basement last week, so the burn pile doesn't take up 20 feet of backyard now. :)

Today TR was raking leaves from under the lilac by the back deck and cleaning out the alcove where the mower and stuff are being stored. (This is the area the landlord thinks we should use for The Ladies.)

Anyway that guy who was walking the back property when Paul left metal scrap in the backyard showed up again today. He was asking TR if he could start hauling away the metal scrap around the farm - there is a bunch of stuff near the old fuel tanks....a tractor, a hay bale ladder, etc.... all really old farm equipment that is sitting around getting older and rustier. :rolleyes:

TR told the guy that we don't own the property and he needs to stop coming here. He told him the landlord lives next door and if he has questions, he should talk to them. TR told the guy if he shows up again, TR is calling the police. Since our landlords are NEVER home, I have to call them and let them know what is going on.

Busy week-end coming up.... I have volunteered to make 2 breakfast casseroles for Easter Sunrise breakfast (after early service), as Pat said we were short 1 casserole. So I am making Breakfast Pizza and Breakfast Tacos. TR and I will make them Saturday afternoon and take them with us when we go to church Saturday night for prayer vigil. Then they will just needed heated up Sunday morning during early service. I did not sign up for serving and TR has to work Easter morning. My sister-in-law expects to be at our place our 4 or 5 pm Sunday. We will be having beef tenderloin, asparagus, tossed salad and something for dessert... I haven't decided what yet.

Maybe with bee equipment now available for housing bees, and garden season approaching, this journal will start to sound more ss..

I may or may not get back to the library to chat away on my journal. Have a great week-end!

He has risen! Have a Blessed Easter!


edited for typos