Low cost High Speed internet for low income families


Sustainable Newbie
Oct 20, 2011
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This is just my own opinion about computers being a neccesity or a luxury.....First of all, having internet access at work does not necessarily mean that a person can use it for their own personal use. When I worked for the public school system, it was a "no, no" to use company computers for personal use. If caught we could have been fired. Seemed the concern was that people could pick up a virus and mess up the work system; and the fact that we were being paid for doing the school a days work for a days pay.....kinda cheating the company when you do personal things on the computer on company time....right?

I have a computer, I love it, I use it alot! BUT, if I could not afford to pay for this service with what my paycheck is, then I would just have to forfit the luxury of having it. Ex....when I go to the grocey store and want rib eye steak and I do not have the funds then it's hamburger steak instead. I do not expect anyone to lower the cost of luxuries because I cannot to afford it. Shame on us, being so spoiled, always wanting something for nothing, or "free" at the expense of others! :thumbsup


Power Conserver
Aug 31, 2011
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nananne said:
This is just my own opinion about computers being a neccesity or a luxury.....First of all, having internet access at work does not necessarily mean that a person can use it for their own personal use. When I worked for the public school system, it was a "no, no" to use company computers for personal use. If caught we could have been fired. Seemed the concern was that people could pick up a virus and mess up the work system; and the fact that we were being paid for doing the school a days work for a days pay.....kinda cheating the company when you do personal things on the computer on company time....right?

I have a computer, I love it, I use it alot! BUT, if I could not afford to pay for this service with what my paycheck is, then I would just have to forfit the luxury of having it. Ex....when I go to the grocey store and want rib eye steak and I do not have the funds then it's hamburger steak instead. I do not expect anyone to lower the cost of luxuries because I cannot to afford it. Shame on us, being so spoiled, always wanting something for nothing, or "free" at the expense of others! :thumbsup
Exactly what I think 100%!:clap


Power Conserver
Mar 3, 2011
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Marianne said:
Windyhillfarms said:
so if Internet is a "necessity" how did people live for HUNDREDS of years prior to its invention? It's not a necessity, it's one of those things that have made life easier and because it's easier, it's now a "necessity". Trust me, you would not die if you didn't have internet. That's the question people need to ask themselves... would I cease to exist if I did not have _______________________? You'd be surprised how many "necessities" really aren't necessary for sustaining life.
I can agree with you to a point. OTOH, I don't need a phone or a car to survive (think Amish), but it'd be a major inconvience not to have either in my world.

I was against getting a computer for a long time. Now I'm really glad we have them (yes, two - DH's job REQUIRES him to have a lap top that he carries into accounts), I have a PC doing internet sales for the same company. But mostly I use mine for information gathering, like having the latest and greatest library/university at my fingertips. Hey, I found you guys, more information gathering. :D

I have no problem with lower income people getting a break on the cost. My kids were on the free lunch program at school and free sports at the YMCA for several years. I don't want to open Pandora's box, but thank God it was available - we were doing good to eat and pay our water bill at the time.

Today's schools have computers, but they aren't available to students in the evening when they're doing homework. My grandson would have to drive 50 miles round trip to the closest library. I think they're an asset (and a curse sometimes).
I agree with this. And I would also add~~~~When you narrowly define "necessity" and "luxury", I must agree that I agree with earlier definitions in that we would "survive" without luxuries. However, I believe living this life is a bit more than just surviving ... really what would be the point after awhile???

How is it, that we can work our tail feathers off for 40 + hours a week ( People on SS have one and two jobs +) find all sorts of ways to make do and do without, but still have a difficult time making ends meet? Eating and paying the electric should not be so difficult. We are not on this planet to merely survive.... are we?


Power Conserver
Aug 31, 2011
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I don't think we're here to merely survive and I KNOW for a fact, I wasn't put on this earth to work and pay for somebody else's internet ...


Lovin' The Homestead
May 19, 2011
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I am happy to have part of my taxes go to help the less fortunate, absolutely. But Laureli, I think you are right that the real problem is that modern life has gotten way too expensive and there just are enough wages that can be earned to pay for it. I don't think people want handouts, what they want is a way to earn a living wage.

Then again, wiser heads than mine figured this out 2000 years ago.

"The poor will always be with you,"; "It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven."


Power Conserver
Mar 3, 2011
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Leta said:
I am happy to have part of my taxes go to help the less fortunate, absolutely. But Laureli, I think you are right that the real problem is that modern life has gotten way too expensive and there just are enough wages that can be earned to pay for it. I don't think people want handouts, what they want is a way to earn a living wage. ABSOLUTELY

Then again, wiser heads than mine figured this out 2000 years ago.

"The poor will always be with you,"; "It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven."
Thank you Leta, for saying what I couldn't convey more succinctly. Windyhillfarms, you are right... work to pay someone's internet? My first thought is no, but it's complicated cause I am ready and willing to help someone less forunate, but it is the company that offers deals to new customers which at times are way more appealing and costs less than my current rate! So why do they do this?

I have called my internet provider and ask them to give me a deal since I have been with them for over 5 years. I see the deals they offer first time customers . I don't think it would hurt to ask them for their latest promotional pricing. I have seen different financial advisors write and tell people to call up credit card companies and ask for lower interest rates and some will actually lower your interest rates. hard to say what they will or won't do these days, but this was a few years ago when transfering balances was so normal.

I actually got a bit off topic and forgot that the thread started as Lowcost Internet for ..." I was merely focused on "luxury" and "necessity" and ran away from the topic that started it all. And I also think I need to stop posting on this topic cause i can't seem to carry a straight thought. :rolleyes:


Power Conserver
Aug 31, 2011
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I have no problem providing for those who have less than I. Although, I can't say that would extend to internet service. Would I give them food, shelter if needed, clothes, without a doubt. Internet, not so much. I can't afford to have TV at my house. Plain and simple can't afford it. It was a choice between internet and TV, and the internet won. If I can't afford it, I can't have it. Period. If I want TV, I can get a second job, or cut something else out. I chose internet because I have the ability to work from home and not have to drive 30 miles on two days out of my week. It is all about what you can afford and what you choose to spend your money on. I find it extremely annoying when I see promotions for "new customers" and that same deal isn't afforded to existing customers. I'll leave the company and not look back, at least not until they have a deal for "new customers" again ... ;)


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Windyhillfarms said:
so if Internet is a "necessity" how did people live for HUNDREDS of years prior to its invention? It's not a necessity, it's one of those things that have made life easier and because it's easier, it's now a "necessity". Trust me, you would not die if you didn't have internet. That's the question people need to ask themselves... would I cease to exist if I did not have _______________________? You'd be surprised how many "necessities" really aren't necessary for sustaining life.
No, I wouldn't be surprised. I understand that I can live, breathe and survive without the internet. I did it for ages without a computer even until I wanted to work from home when my babies were born and I needed both computer and internet to be able to do that job. That job has given me healthcare coverage and allowed me to raise my kids without daycare--both financially and emotionally enriching.

One way I use internet is to inform my egg customers when I've delivered their eggs to a drop spot. One min in an e-mail can notify 10 families of that fact. If I relied on phone, it would take 1-2 min of each of their time, 10-20 min total of mine. Instead, I do a quick e-mail and use that time for better, more productive things. My income from eggs is dramatically higher from not needing to repeat a lengthy phone process 3 times per week when I make deliveries to different drop sites.

So, while internet is not a NECESSITY in the way food is, it is a 21st century requirement to do business efficiently and sometimes, at all.

I would have very little way of ordering almost all of my seed supplies or soaping supplies without the internet. All the organic suppliers only became known to me after I researched them online. I learned beekeeping exclusively online, as nobody around here did topbar hives. I got the plans for the hives online. My accountant charges me far less if I use my computer to organize my tax info in a way that allows him to download it into his own computer program.

I have no desire to be connected all the time. My cell phone is for emergencies and stays turned off. We have no TV. I rarely listen to the radio--just WPR and NPR. We are very "turned off" technologically in our household. But the internet has allowed me to make a living for the entire time I have been raising a family and it has very much enriched my life. We live in the information age, and some things change constantly and rapidly--even beloved books aren't freely available or up to date enough for some things we want to research...

I would be thrilled to have the rural poor have subsidized internet IF used for pulling themselves out of poverty and not just internet surfing.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 19, 2011
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Yeah, same for us- it was internet or TV and internet won. Because the internet at least has the potential to be a tool, to whereas TV is really just a toy.


Power Conserver
Dec 22, 2009
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What my internet company did was this, $74.99 for internet and if I want cable $5.00 extra, or $74.99 for cable and $5.00 a month for internet. Wish I had a different option damm close to cancelling it hard to justify $80.00 to use the net.

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