

Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Mainergal, it sure must ave taken some getting use to, moving from down south to maine...! I know what you mean about those rotten high taxes in coastal communities.
I've been eyeing Maine for years as place for my last stand and to pass on to younger family members that are interested..I wasborn and raised on eastern long island,it was once God's country.A community of fisherman and farmers.Now a large part of the area is a play ground for the rich and famous.Then a huge pool of cheap forgien labor moved into the area.The school taxes skyrocketed and we needed teachers that could teach these young kids to speak English.
I've seen some good deals up in Maine on small farms, much lower taxes, breathing room, and hopefully more honest people
Its pretty sad when you can't even leave a darn hose or something in your front yard and it gets stolen.
I know it can get wicked cold in northern Maine, and there is little work for income.Lots of working folks from my area , locals for generations have moved down to the Carolina's. Some came back after awhile, deciding it wasn't any better down their...
I guess, its the old trade off, some good things and not so good, where ever you go..
Hey, thanks Mainergal for the warm invite to Nice to know there are warm folks there..:)


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Frontline
We Maina's welcome most. As long as you leave all the bull**** at the Portsmouth :lol: bridge, Give the finger til you get past Brunswick Augusta area. That's about when you get to the real Maine. There will always be a north vs South in Maine. If your not afraid of honesty and some hard work Maine aint that bad. Yessa!!! If I didn't have my business so set up where I am or lived in the family house I would consider moving more north myself. Good luck :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 26, 2009
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pine county, mn
ok, THEFAN, you live in my dream place! love deer isle, and would do just about anything to live there - just have no idea how to support myself there. it has been about 6 years since I was there last.

lucky you!


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Frontline
lalaland said:
ok, THEFAN, you live in my dream place! love deer isle, and would do just about anything to live there - just have no idea how to support myself there. it has been about 6 years since I was there last.

lucky you!
Thank you and we are blessed with such beauty and peace. Yes, work is hard to come by. If you don't fish, work for the school. nursing home or have a trade there is very little. A lot of wealthy people here and they help tremendously with the self-employeed. The island is full of trust fund babies trying to get back to nature too. Getting back to self-sufficent live style because they can with a bank account behind them. The island has a lot of factions. We respect the people who come here and think local but really hate it when transplants come and try and tell us what is best. A real issue with this is buying land. Not cheap at all 1 acre 15,000 to 100s of thousands on the shore. Thats if you can find a build able or livable lot. Taxes are high and we are getting reevaluated soon. That should really help. All I can say is thank god for homestead exemption. :) But it is nice to go across the road and get a peck of clams when I want them. pill up my trailor full of seaweed for the garden. Take a quite boat ride with a friend in the afternoon and get some lobsters. There is something to be said aboutn that. God blessed Maine and it's people for a reason. :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
THEFAN...sounds like paradise..:) Years ago we had areas around here like where you live.We called it The Promiseland, stunningly beautiful, a community of fisherman, builders and farmers a bit to the west.But, you know the old saying
" time and tied waits for no man " It's still one of the few places you can get a mess of piss and hard clams that come from somewhat clean waters.The brown tide took most of the blue eyed bay scallops that were so abundent, not that long ago.Its sad to see the change, its hard to find work here now.The invaders work dirt cheap and overwhelm everything..
When i can sell my home, i hope to move northward. Its amazing how much where you live sounds like it was here yrs. ago..!
Lobster and clams were so you folks have bay scallops up your way..?
I know what you mean about the north v. south thing in some places up in Maine.I was there with my wife on a coastal vacation in the 80's...Some people drove by us on the highway yelling " go back to f______ NY" , well, wife and i were a bit surprised..! lol, but had a great time none the less..hit a couple of those clam bakes along the way...
I was just reading about the large welfare payouts in Maine yesterday.I came across an article by accident, and was kinda surprised to read it.I guess there are alot of poor folk up there...? Still it can't be as bad as NYS..? Were facing a 5 billion dollar deficit this coming yr..!
I guess everyplace has its problems,i just never figured Maine had large welfare rolls...Anyway,its still a land of great beauty, clean air & water,much forest, and thats saying alot these days..!! Property tax wise, i guess you just gotta do your homework...Thanks for posting, i enjoyed the read..:)


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Frontline
DuppyDo said:
THEFAN...sounds like paradise..:) Years ago we had areas around here like where you live.We called it The Promiseland, stunningly beautiful, a community of fisherman, builders and farmers a bit to the west.But, you know the old saying
" time and tied waits for no man " It's still one of the few places you can get a mess of piss and hard clams that come from somewhat clean waters.The brown tide took most of the blue eyed bay scallops that were so abundent, not that long ago.Its sad to see the change, its hard to find work here now.The invaders work dirt cheap and overwhelm everything..
When i can sell my home, i hope to move northward. Its amazing how much where you live sounds like it was here yrs. ago..!
Lobster and clams were so you folks have bay scallops up your way..?
I know what you mean about the north v. south thing in some places up in Maine.I was there with my wife on a coastal vacation in the 80's...Some people drove by us on the highway yelling " go back to f______ NY" , well, wife and i were a bit surprised..! lol, but had a great time none the less..hit a couple of those clam bakes along the way...
I was just reading about the large welfare payouts in Maine yesterday.I came across an article by accident, and was kinda surprised to read it.I guess there are alot of poor folk up there...? Still it can't be as bad as NYS..? Were facing a 5 billion dollar deficit this coming yr..!
I guess everyplace has its problems,i just never figured Maine had large welfare rolls...Anyway,its still a land of great beauty, clean air & water,much forest, and thats saying alot these days..!! Property tax wise, i guess you just gotta do your homework...Thanks for posting, i enjoyed the read..:)
Our scallops aren't bay, they're quarter size. Not the small things. As for the invaders. I have seen one pserons try it here and they left real quick when word got around that they were trying to come here people here don't like that style of business. We take care of our own and 90% of the people who move or summer here now this. I seen a lot of blow thres in my time. :) As for the tax payer nipple suckers. Yup we have a few. With a State of 1.3 million and no business so your bound to have your share. The middle class is mostly self-employeed here. We all know the middle class is the backbone of America. Maine has a good rep for it's hard work for a reason. A lot of the welfare are transplants also. Good bennies tend to attract a lot of scum. :( Sorry I call it how I see it. A lot of massholes up here now. especially mid-state. I guess it will be a matter of time before they find there way over to Downeast but It will be awhile. Tough hardworking people over here who don't take ship from anyone. Still the way it was when I was a kid. Church on sunday and most everything is closed. Life on a Island is a blessing. I'm sure in 10 or 15 yrs I'll get my half-million for my house from some rich ars and I will proably take it and move north.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
In reading this string, I noticed that THEFAN indicates Maine having 1.3 million people and still has some "Welfare Drift"into the state.
I find that interesting. I don't understand why the government who, without even checking or caring, allows the welfare population to drift from one place to another without stopping their "eligibility" unless they have been employed in the new location FIRST. I suppose I just don't get it...but when I see three generations of welfare recipients who make more than I do because they keep having babies with no other means of support, the hair on the back of my neck begins to stand.

Fortunately, here in SDAK we have some "natural" deterrents. The weather keeps out all but the hardiest of "drifters". We do get our share though, but I notice they often leave before the winter sets in...THANK GOODNESS. -25F doesn't usually seem all that appealing to that type of individual. Although some are pretty sophisticated. They come here because it is close to two other states and they hit them all for benefits with not one of the agencies checking into their legitimacy. Your tax dollars are squandered by this technique.

I am all for helping a person when they are down, but for just so long. After ONE episode of welfare, (say about 6 months) they need to get a job and begin to pay taxes and contribute to the general welfare of the citizens of this country. We are being inundated with folks from other countries who know they can come here and get free money to live on, send some of it back to their friends/family wherever they came from and either have them come here or support them there.

This is why we, and our unborn great-grandchildren are in debt.
Why don't folks in that eastern city between Maryland and Virginia listen? :somad

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I know one thing that would help, and that would be to stop granting citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants. That amendment (don't recall now the number) was enacted to ensure that those born to people legal in this country were automatically citizens. This was enacted shortly after the Civil war. It was never intended to be (ab)used the way it is today.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
They call them " Drop Babies" DenimDeb, those woman cross the border close to their due date and give birth. Not only does the baby instantly become a US citizen, the illegal parents become eligble for housing, health and food assistance. My hometown has been destroyed by this type nonsense, i hate NY, can't wait to get out.Now a big battle is brewing again with the immigration bill.
Now the dirty bums can't shove their amnesty bill down our throats, since the good guys bumped allot of the bleeding heart bums out of office in the last elections...No amnesty, get in line like everyone else from a distant land and wait your turn if you want a chance to be a US citizen..! It's disgusting whatthese people have done to our great land.Just go to their country and try to do what they do here..You'd get thrown out or land in jail...
One reason they likely don't go to Maine much is because people their wouldn't hire illgals.They go to areas where the money is and work for cash, pay no tax and overwhelm the schools, hospitals and anything they can get their hands on...they are reason America is falling, they take everything and give nothing back
then send the cash out of the country...
It just really pissess me off...They are destroying the future of our children...! Now you all know why i want to head for the hils, into the sticks, away from this crap..I'm done ranting...Now can i have some of those tasty Maine scallops..? :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Frontline
DuppyDo said:
They call them " Drop Babies" DenimDeb, those woman cross the border close to their due date and give birth. Not only does the baby instantly become a US citizen, the illegal parents become eligble for housing, health and food assistance. My hometown has been destroyed by this type nonsense, i hate NY, can't wait to get out.Now a big battle is brewing again with the immigration bill.
Now the dirty bums can't shove their amnesty bill down our throats, since the good guys bumped allot of the bleeding heart bums out of office in the last elections...No amnesty, get in line like everyone else from a distant land and wait your turn if you want a chance to be a US citizen..! It's disgusting whatthese people have done to our great land.Just go to their country and try to do what they do here..You'd get thrown out or land in jail...
One reason they likely don't go to Maine much is because people their wouldn't hire illgals.They go to areas where the money is and work for cash, pay no tax and overwhelm the schools, hospitals and anything they can get their hands on...they are reason America is falling, they take everything and give nothing back
then send the cash out of the country...
It just really pissess me off...They are destroying the future of our children...! Now you all know why i want to head for the hils, into the sticks, away from this crap..I'm done ranting...Now can i have some of those tasty Maine scallops..? :)
If and when they show there heads up here we call them depleters. You have it right. They take and don't give anything back. There is a reason why the Statue of Liberty has that little message at the bottom of her feet and the last part is a big one. GOLDEN DOOR!!! YES WE HAVE A DOOR!!! Anyway I am done with my rant too.

As for the scallopes the season starts up a few weeks.

What we get here

crab/crab meat
Green Sea Urchins

These are our big items. Not so much the Cod, hake or Haddack anymore.

I lobster , clam and macheral only. The rest I barter for. I usually will mow my neighbors yard and get all the crabmeat I need for the season. Trying to work out a deal with a farmer off island to trade lobsters for cow, lamb. Old yankee trading is the way to go.

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