Migraine Headaches


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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Texas Hill Country
One of the reasons why some people do better low carb, or gluten free has NOTHING to do with the carbs or the gluten.

It has to do with the additives IN the carbs. Carbs are a primary source of food irritants.

Preservatives are in every baked good, even in most organic ones (organic preservatives are still preservatives). Those preservatives are designed to kill living cells - and they damage many that they do not kill, inside and outside the body.

Potatoes contain a sprout inhibitor. Organic ones USUALLY do not, but some are sprayed with an "organic" sprout inhibitor, so you do have to test some. This is a really harsh chemical and can cause all sorts of systemic reactions, both short term and long term.

Artificial sweeteners of many kinds are hidden in baked goods and candies. Aspartame is bad news, Splenda may not be much better (it makes me sick), Acesulfame Potassium is who knows what, and there are all sorts of sugar alcohols. "Natural" sweeteners may also contain contaminants, or not be as safe as touted. Stevia is almost always a processed extract, not a natural food, so it is no safer than chemical sweeteners, and can cause sensitivities.

Many unhealthy oils are in baked goods also, soy is only the beginning. And even oils that are usually healthy can cause sensitivities in some individuals.

Artificial flavors and colors are also added to all kinds of baked goods. Mostly, they are chemicals, and have a high rate of irritation.

Many kinds of fresh fruit are sprayed with preservatives prior to shipping, in order to withstand long distance transport. Some also have high levels of pesticides in them. SOME organics won't, but others are still treated with "organic" preservatives or detergents. Safest are fruits that are naturally peeled before eating - bananas, melons, etc. Regular apples are always treated, and we've had a VERY hard time finding organic apples in the last year that were not chemically treated, even when buying organic apples.

Anyway, a lot of times, it isn't what it appears to be. It is often something that is along for the ride.

I found that when I cleaned up the carbs in my diet, my pre-diabetes simply went away, and the Crohn's stopped progressing.

Also, some supplements can cause headaches. If you get more than you need, or if you take one that has an additive that you can't handle (that is pretty common), then it can give you a crasher.

I used to have headaches (migraines and sinus headaches) almost daily. It is rare that I have one now, and they are never as bad as they used to be.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
I have migraines also. My DD has them super bad. She started having them when she was around 8 or 9. No-one belived that a child could have migraines, but we happened to see a documentary on childhood migraines and that is when we realized that that was what our DD was suffering from.
DD has a series of specialists working with her at Kaiser. One of the things they advised her to do, works like a charm for me, but it doesn't help her much. DD is on medication to prevent migraines. She has to take it all the time. It helps, but she still gets migraines, just not as often and most of the time they are not as severe as they are when she doesn't take her meds.

At first sign of a migraine, the aura, I take an advil and drink as much coca cola as I can stand. I keep it around for just that purpose. I have to hide it, so someone (stepson) doesn't drink my last one. It has to be coca cola, not a substitute brand. I get an icepack, I have a soft one, put it on my neck, lie down in a dark room and close my eyes. Most of the time, I don't even get the headache anymore. It all goes away after about 1/2 hour. Sometimes I still get the headache, but it doesn't get as bad and I can still function. I used to get migraines so bad, that I would often be out of commission for the day. And I used to throw up.

One of the things that can trigger migraines is garlic. When the doctor told me that, I said I can give up chocolate and red wine, but no way am I giving up garlic. :lol:


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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lwheelr said:
One of the reasons why some people do better low carb, or gluten free has NOTHING to do with the carbs or the gluten.

It has to do with the additives IN the carbs. Carbs are a primary source of food irritants.
I can agree with the additives for certain. Although I think the lowered insulin from going low carb contributes greatly as well.

Anyway, a lot of times, it isn't what it appears to be. It is often something that is along for the ride.
"organic preservatives are still preservatives" I really wish more people understood that. All natural and organic do not mean digestible or healthy or safe. :he


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 17, 2010
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Folsom, Ca
I have something called cronic migraine. Meaning I get them several times a week. The first thing to do is figure out your triggers, Basically thing of what you do or have eaten recently as soon ast the vision problems set in. For me, red wine, dark chocolate or other strong foods will trigger it, as well as flashing lights. The foods take a longer time to set in, but if flashing lights hit my eyes it's almost immediate. You can immagin how frustrating it is to drive past trees when the sun is just coming through them!

Another important thing is AS SOON AS you know a migraine is coming on, do something about it. So when your vision blurs, go lay down in a dark, very quiet room, with a cool cloth over your eyes. Caffine can help, but sometimes it can be a temporary fix and after it wears off the migraine can be worse. I've had both reactions to the caffine probs, but what works for me is to take the pain meds at the same time I have some caffine. that way the coffee kicks the migraine, and the meds keep it from coming back.

Good luck! I know it's not fun!! Let us know what you find out please!


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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Texas Hill Country
Migraines are generally thought to be caused by dilation or constriction of blood vessels. One reason that the same medications do not work for everyone is that it can be either one.

There are herbs that can help.

Valerian - be careful, it is not safe during pregnancy, and it may be addictive. But it is a painkiller.

Chamomile - dilates blood vessels.

Peppermint - mild relaxant, can be helpful with many kinds of headaches.

Red Raspberry - strong tea is a vaso-constrictor (blood vessel constrictor).

I'm sure there are others also. Those are the ones I have used.

Woodland Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 16, 2008
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lwheelr said:
One of the reasons why some people do better low carb, or gluten free has NOTHING to do with the carbs or the gluten.

It has to do with the additives IN the carbs. Carbs are a primary source of food irritants.

Preservatives are in every baked good, even in most organic ones (organic preservatives are still preservatives). Those preservatives are designed to kill living cells - and they damage many that they do not kill, inside and outside the body.

Potatoes contain a sprout inhibitor. Organic ones USUALLY do not, but some are sprayed with an "organic" sprout inhibitor, so you do have to test some. This is a really harsh chemical and can cause all sorts of systemic reactions, both short term and long term.

Artificial sweeteners of many kinds are hidden in baked goods and candies. Aspartame is bad news, Splenda may not be much better (it makes me sick), Acesulfame Potassium is who knows what, and there are all sorts of sugar alcohols. "Natural" sweeteners may also contain contaminants, or not be as safe as touted. Stevia is almost always a processed extract, not a natural food, so it is no safer than chemical sweeteners, and can cause sensitivities.

Many unhealthy oils are in baked goods also, soy is only the beginning. And even oils that are usually healthy can cause sensitivities in some individuals.

Artificial flavors and colors are also added to all kinds of baked goods. Mostly, they are chemicals, and have a high rate of irritation.

Many kinds of fresh fruit are sprayed with preservatives prior to shipping, in order to withstand long distance transport. Some also have high levels of pesticides in them. SOME organics won't, but others are still treated with "organic" preservatives or detergents. Safest are fruits that are naturally peeled before eating - bananas, melons, etc. Regular apples are always treated, and we've had a VERY hard time finding organic apples in the last year that were not chemically treated, even when buying organic apples.

Anyway, a lot of times, it isn't what it appears to be. It is often something that is along for the ride.

I found that when I cleaned up the carbs in my diet, my pre-diabetes simply went away, and the Crohn's stopped progressing.

Also, some supplements can cause headaches. If you get more than you need, or if you take one that has an additive that you can't handle (that is pretty common), then it can give you a crasher.

I used to have headaches (migraines and sinus headaches) almost daily. It is rare that I have one now, and they are never as bad as they used to be.
All of the above and ....

Sometimes people don't think of the other chemicals we expose our bodies to through cleaning products, personal care products, air fresheners, scented laundry products, scented candles, walking through a store where new products are gassing out and more.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
Texas Hill Country
Sometimes people don't think of the other chemicals we expose our bodies to through cleaning products, personal care products, air fresheners, scented laundry products, scented candles, walking through a store where new products are gassing out and more.
Just going to a public swimming pool will give me a crashing headache. The chlorine sets me off every time.

Those stupid tree deodorizers they hang in cars are deadly too. When we bought a car a year ago I removed it from the mirror the minute we left the dealership. But still had problems all the way home (an hour drive). Wasn't till we were home I discovered that the vandals had hung another of them in the back of the car - there it was, the poisonous little shrub dangling from the dress hook in the back.

Took me two days to get over that headache.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
omg those deoderizers are nasty.

and i cannot do indoor pools. unless i can find a non chlorine one. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Watch out for any synthetic scents--scented candles and diffusers, "air fresheners" of any sort, perfumes and scented body products, etc.

Most scents contains hormone disrupting chemicals, all derived from petroleum products. It used to be, not sure if this is still true, that some "air freshener" products (particularly the jelly-like one that was contained in a plastic holder with perforations) contained formaldehyde. Watch out for Febreeze products as well, these are made from a weird sugar molecule and never actually leave your environment, you just can't smell them after a while.

I am quite chemically-sensitive (I have mild asthma) and can't even walk down the "cleaning products" aisle at the grocery store without getting a massive headache. I can smell that aisle two aisles away, because we don't have anything in our house that is scented (other than with certain essential oils that I know I can tolerate).


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
FarmerDenise said:
At first sign of a migraine, the aura, I take an advil and drink as much coca cola as I can stand. I keep it around for just that purpose. I have to hide it, so someone (stepson) doesn't drink my last one. It has to be coca cola, not a substitute brand. I get an icepack, I have a soft one, put it on my neck, lie down in a dark room and close my eyes. Most of the time, I don't even get the headache anymore. It all goes away after about 1/2 hour. Sometimes I still get the headache, but it doesn't get as bad and I can still function. I used to get migraines so bad, that I would often be out of commission for the day. And I used to throw up.

One of the things that can trigger migraines is garlic. When the doctor told me that, I said I can give up chocolate and red wine, but no way am I giving up garlic. :lol:
My DD tried that a few times, we found that chugging a coke gave her an upset stomach, so we started buying Starbucks Double Shots and she would stash them in her medicine cabinet. Seemed to help a little in the short term, but she felt that the migraine was just on hold and poised to come back.