Natural Remedies To Battle Lymes Disease


On vacation
Apr 24, 2010
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Seems like I go through this ever year..I've been bitten three time this spring, deer ticks. I'm on a 30 day regiment of penacilin. The joints in my fingers are inflamed, traveling pain around shoulder neck area.
My crop of German White garlic isn't reaby yet this yr. It seems my fresh (after curing) garlic really helps allot..
The problem is i don't have fresh garlic on hand when i really need it.The store bought stuff just doesn't seem as good,and i avoid garlic imported from China. Don't know if its true or not, i've heard the Chinese garlic is injected with a presevative through the stem on top...
Anyway, what can i do until my garlic is ready to help with my Lymes disease?
Thanks for any help...Kevin


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Do you have chronic Lyme? I would assume so with the joint swelling and all. You need to find another way than penicillin. Those antibiotics will eventually do you in. Generally if you do not cure your lyme in its early stages, and vibramycin (doxycycline) and there are one or two others, is the drug of choice, antibiotics are of little help in the chronic stage.

I am very skeptical about treating lyme with pennicillin. Did your doctor say why he chose that medicine?

The difficulty with the lyme spirochete is that it forms cysts that are very tough and no antibioitic can destroy them. The cysts embed into joint tissue. Eventually they ruputre and millions of lyme bacteria pour out.

I have been watching and researching on lyme for about 5 years now. There are several options.

The herb samento in tincture form is very effective at killing the lyme pathogen. You may have other pathogens also that often travel with lyme. In order for samento to work well you need to take a powerful digestive enzyme BETWEEN MEALS. These enzymes are capbable of eathing away at the cyst and breaking it open.

Then exactly 1 hour after taking the enzymes you should take your samento tincture and many naturopaths also have you take colloidal silver, which I strongly recommend if you are using samento, at this time to be assured of the kill.

This should be done 3 to 4 times a day. You will have a herx reaction which is often difficult to get through. This is basically your body under stress as it eliminates the dead microbes. For lyme, for some people it can get very intense. But if you back off and don't keep the kill up you end up with just as many as you started with as new cysts are formed.

Our local naturapath uses and IV method to kill that includs the enzymes but he uses a prescription medication that is sodium chlorite. Its been on the market or quite a while and it can kill the microbes. I had a friend who lyme was nearly killing him a few years ago. He went to this naturopath and received this therapy along with some other IV stuff, but I think that was in the nutrient category. He was very very ill.

He remaind well for several years. Then the lyme started to come around again, for you see, it is very difficult to get all the cysts. He went back to the same naturopath and since he was not nearly as ill as previously they decided not to do IVs but to just do the samento and colloidal silver and enzymes at home. It worked well.

At this time I introduced him to MMS, for mms is essentially the same as the IV sodium chlorite he took by IV several years ago. Many lyme folks use MMS but I don't think that many know about the enzyme part which is crucial.

So after I told my friend about the MMS he called his doctor to ask him about it. The doctor looked into the mms and called back and said yes, use it. Its basically the same as the IV you did a few years ago. The doctor had not known that therre was an oral preparation available. Its underground medicine. Nothing a doc would learn about from a drug rep. So my friend did about 1 week of mms and the enzymes but he had pretty much knocked things down with the samento first. He is doing well right now.

you can learn about mms here:
and you can get support on using mms here:

Since you are around ticks all the time you may do well to take a daily dose of mms even if you have gotten your symptoms down to nondetectable.

This is a really good forum to join. Bryan has been working on the lyme issue for a long time and you will find people here doing all kinds of different treatments.

I would be interested to hear about how you treat yourself with garlic and what kind of response you get.


Sustainable Newbie
May 28, 2010
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I would recommend a qualified aromatherapist. Her name is Cindy Loving. Her website is

She is a miracle worker in the natural healing arts. You can tell her that Trey Hogan sent you.

Also, have you looked into getting a small flock of guinea fowl? Studies have suggested that they can decimate the deer tick population in an area where they forage. Good Luck!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 11, 2009
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Prattville, Alabama
I second guineas for tick control, I only have one and she does a great job!
The ticks here were intense before we got her, too.

As for remedies, I wouldn't mess around with Lyme. I'm all for natural solutions, but spirochetes are bad business and natural remedies aren't going to kill them. Supplemental care, sure, but not as the primary treatment.
Maybe ask for a ref to an infectious disease specialist? I've heard that a lot of general practitioners don't know what they're doing when it comes to Lyme.
Hope you feel better soon! :fl


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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I got bit from a tick two years ago and I landed in the hospital I was so weak, dehydrated and sick, in Salt Lake City, a huge major medical center.

An infectious disease specialist was called in. We only have a couple in the state... so he was the man!

He told me that there very very few cases of lyme reported in Utah or Idaho. He also told me that he rarely sees it....

meanwhile I knew there were several alternative doctors that I knew of who were teaming with Lyme patients. Then when I moved to Idaho I found out that there were a lot of lyme cases around.

So, obviously medcial doctors are not reporting lyme cases or they are not recognizing them for what they are. Many medical doctors do not know how to diagnose properly.... such as when I was in the hospital they did the lyme test on me, which was absolutely worthless and huge waste of money because it cannot be detected for at least 6 weeks post innoculation. I asked them why they were even bothering to do it and I only got because the doctor ordered it.

It turns out that I had Colorado Tick Fever which there is absolutely no treatment for. It is a virus and can only run its course.

Meanwhile the doctor told me he would just as well treat me for lyme even if we didn't know if I had it. I did 20 days of doxycycline in a dosage it turns out was too little and for too short a time.

I did not get lyme and I will never know if that tick infected me.

I've learned a lot since then.

You better dam well get to know all about lyme if you have it or if you live near it cause many docs just haven't a clue. Although most cases can be cured with one course of antibiotics many others cannot.

The docs that do the best with treatment are those who are alterntively focused, especially if your lyme moves into the chronic stage, which it will if the first round or two of antibiotics do not kill it.

Then it just becomes a management game for the rest of your life and antibiotics are really the wrong choice due to the devasting effects they can have on the body when having to be on them day after day, year after year. If the lyme doesn't kill you the drugs will or bring about other diseases, like fungus and resistant microbes.

So many many people end up doing the alterntive thing and with the cost of medical care they also end up self treating, and going to the doc for tests etc when they can afford it.

The internet is teaming with people seeking a cure for lyme that conventional medicine failed, probably more so that any other one disease out there besides cancer. And the cruncher to this diease is that it can be sexually transmitted, but few talk about that.


On vacation
Apr 24, 2010
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Wow...I had no idea...theres alot to absorb in the replies here.!
Mackey, i honestly don't know if i have chronic lyme.I have allot of research to do.I have no health ins. like many people, so i can't really afford all kinds of pricy test, but i can read and learn about lymes and treatments.Thank you for those links.
I don't know how many times i've been bitten by deer ticks, allot...! Last yr i had the same problem with pain in the joints in my hands, always run down, tired, achy...After i did a regiment of antibotics, my hands felt much better,i felt better.
When i have my own fresh garlic, i eat allot of it raw and never seem to get sick and feel pretty good. I put it through a garlic press on meals for dinner i'm ready to eat. I don't let it cook, and i use allot. Sometimes i use Braggs apple cider vingar and honey from my hives with pressed raw garlic.Equal parts honey and vinagar and a few cloves of garlic.I do a shot glass a day when i have my fresh garlic.
I think your right, most doctor haven't a clue, when it comes to lyme's...I don't know why i'm on antibotics, the doc gave them to me because i was bitten by a deer tick and got the red ring around the bite.
I didn't get tested for lyme, i guess we both assumed i would get it, so i'd better do antibiotics now..!
I understand the lyme test is expensive,having no med.ins, money is an issue. Maybe i don't have lyme's, but i sure want to know if i do..
I certainly have alot of researching to do.I had no idea lymes was such a nightmare, i knew it was bad news, but didn't relize how bad.I gues
s i better find the money and get tested for lymes first...
Thanks Catullus for the aromatherapy link, good to also check out.I know one thing, raw garlic is potent medicine, so is Braggs living apple cidar vinager( with the mother)...Thank again all for the links and tips...i really didn't know lymes could be so bad and dangerous..!


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Garlic is potent medicine and it can cure even MRSA, that staph that antibiotics have a hard time killing.... but you have to do enough, long enough.

Now, the lyme spirochete, which is similar in nature to the syphillus micro-organism can respond to antibioitcs... but like I said, the problem comes in when it starts to form cysts that the antibiotics cannot penetrate. The cysts will last longer that the course of antibiotics and will break open later.

If the digestive enzymes work with samento and mms I see no reason why it would not work during antibioitic therapy also.

If it were me I would get some and take them 3 times a day between meals and one hour before your dose of antibiotic. It is the same protocol for the samento or mms. You don't want those digestive enzymes working on the meal you just ate.

If you had the bullseye rash there is little doubt that you have lyme. The question is, will the course of antibiotics cure it? When your antibiotics are done, and if it is past that 6 week mark then talk to your doctor about getting tested to make sure it is gone.

If you are feeling better with the penicillin it is obviously active against the microrganism. You just have to hope that no cysts are hiding. They think they hid deep in joint and tendon tissues.

No lyme test will work unless you have had the disease for at least 6 weeks. Another thing about lyme is that sometimes there are one, two or sometimes three microbes that all travel together from the tick. I don't know that much about that aspect of the disease though but you may find out more on that at the lyme forum I gave you the link to.

If your garlic is not in yet I would just go to the store and start doing what you do with store bought garlic along with the antibiotics... but I doubt that garlic will pierce the cyst either.. the name of the game is having someting in your system to kill bacteria each and every time a cyst rutptures.

Some naturopath doctors use a dark field live blood analysis microscope to visualize the microbes in the blood. They can see the cysts and I have seen photos of them. So that is another method of diagnosis, of course your conventional medical doctor will be clueless on this front.

Really, take your detailed questions to the lyme forum. You will find people going though it there and they will likely lead you to the most updated information.,

I am going to visit my friend who has lyme today and ask him again specifically what enzyme product he uses and I will let you know.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Ok, I just met with my friend who has lyme.
He is under the care of Dr West, in Pocatello, Idaho. This doctor is a lyme specialist and he attends many seminars on treatment of lyme.

The first thing we talked about was penicillin. When you said that was the drug you were using cautionary bells did ring. I went tooking and found no reference to penicillin being used for lyme. My friend said he had seen lists of drugs used for lyme and penicillin was not one of them and he had never been treated with it.

You can do your own search. None of the sites mention penicillin... so this is the first thing I think you need to address.

If it were me I would be thinking that the doctor I went to does not know what he is doing and I would be out to search for another doctor right away.

IF there is lyme in your part of the country there probably is someone around who knows how to treat it. I suggest that you call Dr West NMD (Naturopathic Medical Doctor) in Pocatello and ask him if he knows anyone in your part of the country that can help you. Since he is so involved in it he may have lists of physicians who do the work.
find his number on this page:

I also know of a doctor in Utah, Dr Reminington in Provo. You may find other info on the lyme form. Just ask.

Then we talked about the enzymes. This enzyme treatment has been developed in the last two years. They are very high dosage ennzymes that will dissolve the cyst. My friend says that this life form has several stages and that one of its reactions to antibiotics is to form a cyst.... so that is not good. I have not been able to confirm that tidbit yet... but I do know that some microbes change form when presented with differerent challenges.

The Enzyme product is called Marcozyme from Marco Pharma Int.
Roseburg, Oregon 97470

this enzyme is for dissolving the cyst

The protocol is no food for 2 hours.
take 5 enzyme pills
wait one hour
take samento or mms
Do this twice a day.
Do not eat for two hours after the enxymes

the samento or mms is for killing the bacteria that the cyst will release when it is broken

For samento tincture: start with two drops in a little water. If your microbe load is large you may feel sick after taking it. This is a detox. Take 2 drops for your next dose. As you become able to tolerate dosage increase by one drop with each dose. If you cann't tolerate a dosage increase do not do it. Work up to 15 drops two times a day one hour after the enzymes.

Dr West would also have you take colloidal silver at this time. ASAP and Mesosilver are two products that Natuopaths tend to carry.

If you do the mms I do not think you will need a colloidal silver product.

Ask Dr West about MMS. At the time, Dr West told my neighbor that he thought mms was a good idea after he looked into is, likely because it is essentially the same as an IV prescription drug that he has used on his lyme patients in an oral application.

Another product used is called Lyme Nosode Drops from Professional Complementary Health Formula
POB 80085
Portland Oregon 97280
use as directed on the bottle.

My undertanding is tha Dr West sells theses over his webpage to his patients but I don't know if he sells to people who are not his patients.


On vacation
Apr 24, 2010
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Thank you so much Mackay for all this info and your effort to help.Theirs so much to do and learn about lymes, its kinda overwhelming...! I'll be checking out those links you gave me and hopefully getting a handle on this..


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Dear Friends,
This particular string distresses me greatly. We are not here to practice medicine, although apparently a few of us feel qualified to give medical advice to an ailing member.

Of significance is the fact that one member states that penicillin is NOT indicated for Lyme disease and provides a link to prove his point. Unfortunately, this link not only fails to prove his point, it clearly mentions Amoxicillin which is a "third generation" aminopenicillin as a remedy for Lyme disease. Getting medical advice on the internet can be done but it probably ought to come from someone qualified to give it or an institution which has a respectable reputation in that field.

Bottom line here is that we are not here to diagnose and treat the diseases of others. It is particularly unwise to accept such a recommendation as well.

While many in medical profession may be lacking in some of their particularly important diagnostic skills, they have at least completed the required training to be qualified to recommend a particular treatment, assuming the diagnosis is correct.

Since several here question the ability of the diagnostic skills of the members of the medical profession and recommend the Naturopathic physicians, it would be also wise to investigate more thoroughly the "remedies" that are being touted on this forum as well as the "success rate of those healers. I for one question the diagnostic approach of those who would recommend treatments for members here without a complete understanding of the problem and a few sentences of complaint certainly do NOT constitute adequate investigation of the problem.

For instance, what EXACTLY is MMS? Does anyone know for sure? One person stated it was exactly LIKE sodium chlorite (correct spelling is chloride) which in reality is table salt and water. I don't imagine anyone is completely convinced that plain table salt will cure the diseases mentioned here.

Additionally, since the folks who are "selling" these cures on the internet do not tell you exactly what is in their "remedy" then it should raise the red flags mentioned above by the member who feels that penicillin is not indicated for Lyme Disease. If you don't know what you are putting into your body, perhaps you should reconsider it and find out exactly what is in it first.

For that matter, why would you take a "remedy" that has not been scientifically tested to show proof of its efficacy in treating that specific disease or proble?. Just because your friend said "it worked for me' does NOT mean it will work for you. If you are unfortunate enough to be allergic to a "remedy" more's the pity when you are adversely affected by it.

Yes, I know big pharmaceutical companies have some less than honorable employees but the majority of Americans enjoy the benefit of the best medical system in the world because of the many, not because of the sins of the few.

While medicine is an art, it is conducted with the benefit of the scientific approach and in all but a very few cases, with the ethics instilled in each and every physician who takes the oath of a physician by promising to "first, do no harm".

While no "remedy" is 100% effective or even "safe" for that matter, the bottom line is that medications prescribed by a qualified physician have been tested and shown (in most cases) to be effective for the purpose they are being prescribed.

There are in some cases, complete resolution of illnesses based on the miracle of the human body being able to heal itself. Then there is the placebo where the person thinks they are relieved because their mind wills it to be so. This is a wonderful phenomenon of the human condition called "the placebo effect" and it is truly a miraculous concept. No true chemical was used to help the patient, but the fact that the patient "THINKS" they were given a medication, helps them feel better and in some cases recover from their ailment.

Therefore in summary, we are all here to help each other, but in some things, seeking the advice of those unqualified to give it can result in disastrous consequences and then you have no one to blame but yourself. I know one lady who was getting "sound therapy" over the phone from a "healer" in a different city to cure her long standing cough and the other day she found out that the now in-operable cancer in her lung that was causing her cough had completely dissolved her entire hip and part of her pelvis. Her life expectancy is now very short. the "sound therapy" didn't cure her cough like she was told.

In the Oriental culture, a wise man stated "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."

There is another saying which makes the same point, "Caveat Emptor". "the buyer beware."
Best to all