Mountain Sage
Anyone else really enjoy watching life's little dramas that go on behind the human scene? Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who still finds magic in watching it happen.
From my office window is a large meadow at the base of a big ol' mountain. When I sit at my computer I can watch some amazing aerial battles involving the local red-tail hawks, bald eagles, buzzards, crows and songbirds.
Today it was a murder of crows dive bombing two immature eagles! They probably just saved my chicken flock from a hunting foray....of course, the dogs may have had something to say about it too, but some of the young chickens have been straying a little far ya never know!
The eagles still take my breath away each time I see one...their whole flight pattern is dignified, slow and regal! Like princes of the air, they are just too cool to flap around like normal birds. The wing span, the lazy glide and swoop of them riding the updrafts....pure poetry!
The crows won, BTW!
From my office window is a large meadow at the base of a big ol' mountain. When I sit at my computer I can watch some amazing aerial battles involving the local red-tail hawks, bald eagles, buzzards, crows and songbirds.
Today it was a murder of crows dive bombing two immature eagles! They probably just saved my chicken flock from a hunting foray....of course, the dogs may have had something to say about it too, but some of the young chickens have been straying a little far ya never know!
The eagles still take my breath away each time I see one...their whole flight pattern is dignified, slow and regal! Like princes of the air, they are just too cool to flap around like normal birds. The wing span, the lazy glide and swoop of them riding the updrafts....pure poetry!
The crows won, BTW!