Nicknames - post has nothing to do with being self sufficient LOL


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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My mothers side of the family has all kinds of nicknames. I just found out last year my great uncles REAL name, and can't blame them for having nicknames all things considered. LOTS of strange names in my family. I'm not even sure of some of my uncles real names, we have "boots" "duck" "Big boy" and a bunch of odd nicknames but that is all I have ever known then called except for one. His nickname was "Duck" but his real name was Sinas Record and I would gladly have been called "Duck" too. We also have a Tice, and Alathea Adarkathea, and lots of other strange names. Doing our family tree was very interesting. My paternal grandpa had a girl's name...Willie K. was considered a feminine name back when he was young. I bet he got teased a lot..I'll never know, never got to meet him :hu I just remembered about uncle Duck's real name though. Poor guy :lol:


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
i_am2bz said:
hillfarm said:
I am Suzanne. I perfer to be called by my full name. But I dont even flinch now, I am called Suzy, Suzy Q, Susan, San, Sue, anne, sannie, suzannie. on and on.
My sister is a Suzanne. When we were growing up, she was called everything BUT Suzanne. I was the queen of nicknames; I called her Sue, Suey, Elfie, Runny Babbit, Babs, Gherkin. When she was in college she decided she would not answer to anything but Suzanne (it sounded classier to her), but the name always stuck in my throat. To this day I'm the only one who gets away with calling her Sue. :cool:

BTW, someone posted about men being called Bobby, Johnny, etc. My dad is a James, but he's always called Jimmy by older family members, & he's 81. ;)

edited for spelling
Yup, that'll be my DH. James to everyone but his cousin who will call him Jimmy until the day one of them is no longer. She is Victoria and has always gone by Vickie. I'm not even sure what her mother's real name is. She is Dolly and always has been!


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 31, 2009
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Middle Georgia
My husband and I had been married for 6 years before my mil realized that my name was actually Amanda not Mandie. I guess she didn't pay close attention during the wedding :D All of my kids' names can be shortened, but only two actually do. When my first two, Jacob and Matthew, were little I insisted on them being called by their given names, not Jake and Matt. To this day the only one that they let get away with it is their little sister. Abigail has been Abby from day one. When my youngest was born I had a hard time calling him Samuel, it just seemed like such an old name for such a little guy, I even considered changing it for several months. He was "Tater" for the first year of his life! He finally grew into his name and is most definitely a Sam.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I think on here, most everyone calls me Quail, QA, or Aly, none of which bother me.

I'm not bothered by pet names or names that are used as an edearment (I'm almost always hon or dear to E, and to third parties he refers to me as "my wife" so rarely does my name pass his lips), but I was bothered by being referred to by initials.

I just don't want my kids names shortened, pet names, Ok. We do the pet name thing, but we introduce them to people by their given name and we definitely use their given names for school.

Since we're giving the new baby 2 middles names, I'm fairly certain that she's going to end up with nicknames (not by my choice) and E already has the pet name Kiwi - and has been calling her that ever since finding out she's a she. He even tried to convince me to name her - seriously - Kiwi! I asked WHY??? His reasoning was if Gwenyth Paltrow can name her kid Apple and Courtney Cox can name hers Cocoa, he wants to name ours Kiwi. I think there's one star who even named her kid Peaches. I said no way. He can use Kiwi as a term of endearment, but we're not saddling our kid with that as a GIVEN name! :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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DH has one of those double barreled names that the Germans like so much - Heinz-Dietrich, Karl-Ludwig, etc. He has no middle name, just a hyphenated first name. The Germans though, while naming their children (mostly boys) with these long names, usually only use one of them when addressing that person. When young he was called by the second half, in school he chose to be called by the first half, and then in engineering school he shortened it all down to the initials of the two, by which I have always known him. He pronounces the letters in the German manner however, which really confuses Americans that meet him for the first time :lol: .... it just doesn't sound like any sort of name that most people have heard before!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
ORChick said:
DH has one of those double barreled names that the Germans like so much - Heinz-Dietrich, Karl-Ludwig, etc. He has no middle name, just a hyphenated first name. The Germans though, while naming their children (mostly boys) with these long names, usually only use one of them when addressing that person. When young he was called by the second half, in school he chose to be called by the first half, and then in engineering school he shortened it all down to the initials of the two, by which I have always known him. He pronounces the letters in the German manner however, which really confuses Americans that meet him for the first time :lol: .... it just doesn't sound like any sort of name that most people have heard before!
That just made me remember a kid I went to HS with. He was John Paul and decided as a sophomore to go by JP. I think it took three weeks for him to turn into Jeep!


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 15, 2009
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Brookings, Oregon
Ive had a few nicknames in my lifetime.

My real name is Sunshine. My friends call me Sunny.

My grandpa called me Moonshine, he said I didnt smile enough.

My last name was Called Gravy, McNugget, McFurpy, and McGravey. Last one being just two letters switched around. Maiden name was McGarvey.

Funny now my last name is Ware.. So now try to explain my name over the phone. They either say no its not sunny here. Or yes the sun it out nicely today.. Grr..

Ive even had one cop say my drivers license was fake because of my name. LOL.. Alot of people think my real first name is a nickname. I applied once to be a Veternarian assistant and she didnt want me using my real first name. She wanted me to use my middle name as my name. I dont think so. Even though that was a dream job, I just couldnt do it.

ETA. My uncles name is Barry Scott. So he got called BS alot. Where he usually was full of BS any way, so it fit him.. LOL


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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FarmerChick said:
or scary when you hear the I was born on Dec 7, Pearl Harbor Day.
Mom wanted to name me Pearl---thank goodness for Dad! :)
My mom wanted to name me Melody Dawn; my dad wanted to call me Allison Jet (He worked for Allison's and they made jet engines). Oddly enough, I would have preferred Alllison Jet to Melody if I would have been named one of those.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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When I told my dad I was naming my oldest son Calvin he said "Calvin? Seriously?? I guess I will call him Cal." I immediately said "No you wont!"

As a teen he went by CJ a lot, but not because he didn't like his name or anything. It's just faster to type CJ than Calvin and he is lazy sometimes :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
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Spotsylvania, Virginia
I have a very common first name that has a very common nickname. My Aunt told me a story once...She called me by said nickname with in hearing of my Dad and he said if he and my mom had wanted me to be called that, they would have named me that. A few people call me by that nickname, but I've known them since I was growing up so I just let it go.

When I joined the military, I got a nickname derived from my middle name - also very common with a common nickname NIKKI. It stuck. It's been since 96 and I'd have to say it's starting to get on my nerves LOL. I prefer my first name.

I figure at this point, it's a bit late to turn back.

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