Off Grid home in Northern CA - we took a look


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
My realtor told us about an off grid home about 6 min from where we live, up a paved road, and then off onto about 1/4 mile of a rutted dirt road. Evidently its a foreclosure, and the ppl took all the light fixtures, the toilets, the solar system, the elec covers, range, refrig, etc etc etc when they left. $305K and just about a brand new home! - only 2 years old.

Its a great buy, by CA standards. Not for us, as we're committed to this place. There are 4.55 acres, but much of it is steepish. You can't even build a home for this kind of money, much less that amount of land!!! It had a great southern view towards some bluffs.

DH thinks it would take about 20 - 30K to refit the solar, the kitchen appliances, the toilets, etc that need to be done to make it livable. Or you could hook up to PG&E (pacific gas and electric), which we saw a pole about 75 yards away. Don't know what that would cost.

You'd have to be independently wealthy as there are few jobs up here. Or you could work remotely for someone. Puts a slight highlight in the word "remote" in my book.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
That's a cool looking house. I feel sorry for people going alternative. I watched a special on earth berm tire homes in Co. The people are loosing their homes because the banks will not refinance a non traditional building.

You know I think the only problem with off grid solar is the batteries. And please someone correct me if I am wrong. The batteries don't last forever, so you really need to take the cost of replacing them into the budget. I think the grid tie systems are more user friendly.

I think everything else would be doable. My auntie just turned us on to the Habitat for Humanity Resale stores. They have some great building bargains.

I saw a house in Mo. that was listed as a "self sufficient " place. I have been drooling over it for years. Amish built home, 100 acres organic pastures. Then we drove to see it. About
1 1/2 mile down the county graded dirt road, the road ran out. It turned into a wash. My uncle informed me the reason the house would need to be SS is because in winter you would not be able to get out.

