Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
While some tweeking would be needed, I'm able to feel ok and could go off-grid if it came to it. I have oil lamps, washboards, 2 man saws, axes, how-to knowledge. It is a different lifestyle but you adapt and I could feel comfortable. I remember doing all of this into my teens, WV taught me!
My well is over 500'. While I have a hand pump, too deep. But there is an old well at the back of my property, dug & stone lined, & stone barrier at top about 3' above ground, which has ample water. Downhill from house and would need to be tested, probably boiled -- but there! A river is about 4 miles. like it but boil for me.
Have wanted to test the old well for a while but not on priority, just "to know". Have soap making oils & lye on hand. Plus know HOW to make lye from ashes & rainwater. I can, have raised own food, meat & veggies.
A solar set-up to pump my own is a "look into" in a year or so.
I have a septic and could work an "outhouse affair" to tap into the lines going to it. Catch rainwater to flush on down
Heat. I have propane, kero, wood, available when needed. And huge generator...gas, of course. If the need became permanent, yes, I can re-install the wood heater inside - all the chimney, etc is there. Just pulled it out & put in a "look like wood" propane heater several years ago.
Wood is available at the back of my farm. Daughter uses for her fireplace in winter, plenty there for the cutting. I've hauled, cut and split my fair share!!
I'd miss my computer for a while because of connection to this stuff

My well is over 500'. While I have a hand pump, too deep. But there is an old well at the back of my property, dug & stone lined, & stone barrier at top about 3' above ground, which has ample water. Downhill from house and would need to be tested, probably boiled -- but there! A river is about 4 miles. like it but boil for me.
A solar set-up to pump my own is a "look into" in a year or so.
I have a septic and could work an "outhouse affair" to tap into the lines going to it. Catch rainwater to flush on down
Heat. I have propane, kero, wood, available when needed. And huge generator...gas, of course. If the need became permanent, yes, I can re-install the wood heater inside - all the chimney, etc is there. Just pulled it out & put in a "look like wood" propane heater several years ago.
Wood is available at the back of my farm. Daughter uses for her fireplace in winter, plenty there for the cutting. I've hauled, cut and split my fair share!!
I'd miss my computer for a while because of connection to this stuff