Our patch of earth


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I have too much stuff too. I don't think I could be a minimalist. I have a shed full of tools that I won't part with, canning supplies, cases of jars, kitchen stuff, etc. We downsized from a 2500 square foot house to a 1500 square foot doublewide. We dumped a LOT of stuff. I could still pare it down, but there are things that I wouldn't want to part with. On the other hand, years of working in furniture stores taught me that anything you can walk away from is a good thing. Fire, flood and other disasters.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
We downsized 15 years ago- from 1500 to about 820. The hardest part was giving up some of our books. I took books to the library and every used book store in the area until they all told me to stop, lol. And we STILL have too many books. We finally hit on a procedure that is helping- first I go through a box and pull out only the ones I can't live without, then DH does the same with the box, then DS finishes it. We've all learned to be really hard-nosed about what we can give up... a lot can be borrowed from the library. But some are just old friends, some are excellent references. We are down to about 1 book case left to go through, and only 1/2 a shelf left available in the house. I hope we can manage it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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I recall a house that I visited where the owner must have had every single issue of the National Geographic Magazine. I commented on it and he said that when he made the first bookcase to hold his magazines, it worked out so nice that he just kept making more as needed. The entire living room was surrounded by a really low 2 shelf bookcase. He had cushions on it at the windows to be used as a window seat and he used it as a shelf for displaying various knick-nacks in the other parts of the room. He said that he noticed that the room was warmer once he covered the outside wall with the bookcase - he assumed he added a layer of insulation with the magazines, lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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When I moved into this house, I found a really neat "pillar" of magazines and books. The pillars on the 3-season porch that flank the front door are actually just framing and they put a door on it and it is loaded with old magazines.
One of these days I am going to sit on the swing and read old magazines to my hearts content.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 8, 2019
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western OK
Books, oh yeah, had to let go of quite a few when I went into living in my van. The one I missed the most was the Complete Tightwad Gazette. I know it was dated, but loved getting inspiration from her looking outside-the-box, her humor, and the mind-set.

So I hit the food bank yesterday. Came back with a load, wow. I went alone and wasn't sure how it would be, being a shy introverted type, but it really wasn't too bad, just a lil time consuming. Woulda been better if I had thought to take a book (props for just talking about books, haha). My mom and dad qualify being they live on social security and the income qualifications, and my mom's been the one who's been pushing me to go. Will probably go with her next month, would get a nice visit in and I can help her with the unloading. :)

We aren't even done with the getting moved and hubby has jobs coming his way. There's a lawn service his friend works at that sometimes has too much work and they are going to throw the overflow hubby's way. He's one of those weirdo's that enjoys yard work, haha. So that could be a start of a lawn business right there. Also, while in the local Tractor Supply getting some things he had to help a new employee with a return (knew more how to do it than the employee did) and got to talking with the manager and mentioned he may be looking for a part-time job when they mentioned they had openings. Perk, the manager knows me and my family, he would probably be a shoe-in. Just having to weigh starting that now versus waiting until we get the move done. Combining those two things, a part-time job with a side self-employed gig, would be perfect.

I've also been researching work from home gigs. Lots to wade through and I'm doing my homework. Once we get settled and hopefully have internet going I can weed through some more with testing speeds and such and see what I may be able to do from there. IF we need it.

Was miserable hot yesterday so didn't get too much accomplished. Humidity and heat put the heat index at 103. Ugh. Hubby did mow grandma's yard and haul off her trash, and then got some of those reflective markers up on the road (had a cousin nearly go off cause they weren't paying attention, doh). We just HADDA wait til July to do this, right? haha


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Sounds like you guys are doing a great job!!
Downsizing can be tough. For years I've had a constant pile of stuff to donate, but now it takes quite a bit longer to get more than one or two items. I've resisted bringing in more books as I haven't read all the ones that I have. I adopted the idea that if something new came into the house, something else had to leave. But I am dreading moving to a little town, into a little house. Guess I got used to this place. Eh, it's life, right?

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