PamsPride's Journal-Free Kindle Downloads!


Covered in Compost
Jul 22, 2009
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Santa Fe, Tx
PamsPride said:
Yes, I do think the mani & pedi gift card is a great idea! She loves to get her nails done when she goes on cruises but she has not been on any cruises lately. Dace, my MIL is just like your mom...NEVER mentions wanting anything!! My mom on the other hand says she wants everything and you can not go through a store without her mentioning at least 20 things she wants.

I picked my MIL up an angel night light yesterday that has liquid with glitter in it that moves around when it is plugged in. I also got her (and myself) an elf. There is a story online somewhere about how the elf creates mischief everynight until Christmas and I think she will enjoy that. We gave her a pickle ornament a few years ago and she liked that. Haha...of course the kids broke it the first year so we had to buy her another one! LOL!

Here is one good elf site:

The chocolates I am doing for my BIL include chocolate covered s'mores....two graham crackers with marshmallow fluff and chocolate frosting in a sandwhich style and then dip the whole thing in chocolate. They sell for a $1.75 each at Gorants! The oreos dipped in chocolate. Pretzels dipped in chocolate....I am thinking about dipping them in carmel first and then into chocolate. I am also doing ritz crackers with peanut butter, sandwich style, dipped in chocolate! YUMMO!! We have done a couple of test runs already just to make sure we will have it down and tasting good for Christmas! LOL!!
What kind of chocolate do you dip them in?


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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keljonma said:
PamsPride said:
The chocolates I am doing for my BIL include chocolate covered s'mores....two graham crackers with marshmallow fluff and chocolate frosting in a sandwhich style and then dip the whole thing in chocolate. They sell for a $1.75 each at Gorants! The oreos dipped in chocolate. Pretzels dipped in chocolate....I am thinking about dipping them in carmel first and then into chocolate. I am also doing ritz crackers with peanut butter, sandwich style, dipped in chocolate! YUMMO!! We have done a couple of test runs already just to make sure we will have it down and tasting good for Christmas! LOL
The chocolates sound yummy! Where is there a Gorant's anymore? We used to go to the one in Chagrin Falls, but they are under new management and changed their name! They did have wonderful chocolates, but we only bought a few at the holidays; home-made is so much better!
There is a Gorant's downtown here. Just passed Walmart and one not far from the Mall.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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delia_peterson said:
PamsPride said:
Yes, I do think the mani & pedi gift card is a great idea! She loves to get her nails done when she goes on cruises but she has not been on any cruises lately. Dace, my MIL is just like your mom...NEVER mentions wanting anything!! My mom on the other hand says she wants everything and you can not go through a store without her mentioning at least 20 things she wants.

I picked my MIL up an angel night light yesterday that has liquid with glitter in it that moves around when it is plugged in. I also got her (and myself) an elf. There is a story online somewhere about how the elf creates mischief everynight until Christmas and I think she will enjoy that. We gave her a pickle ornament a few years ago and she liked that. Haha...of course the kids broke it the first year so we had to buy her another one! LOL!

Here is one good elf site:

The chocolates I am doing for my BIL include chocolate covered s'mores....two graham crackers with marshmallow fluff and chocolate frosting in a sandwhich style and then dip the whole thing in chocolate. They sell for a $1.75 each at Gorants! The oreos dipped in chocolate. Pretzels dipped in chocolate....I am thinking about dipping them in carmel first and then into chocolate. I am also doing ritz crackers with peanut butter, sandwich style, dipped in chocolate! YUMMO!! We have done a couple of test runs already just to make sure we will have it down and tasting good for Christmas! LOL!!
What kind of chocolate do you dip them in?
Aldi's has packs of chocolate that is just for melting and dipping....several small blocks in a bag. I have had better chocolate but this is going to be gifts for my BIL so Aldi's chocolate will do!!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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DH had his work Christmas party today and won a $100 Sears gift card!! WOOT!!

I went shopping at Walmart and they were actually fully stocked with ammo!! So I loaded up on 200 rounds of 9MM for $40! This is pretty much the first time I have seen it for less than a $1 bullet!
My kiddos got to spend their $10 gift cards they got last weekend so they were thrilled!
Walmart also had oil lamp oil on and end cap today so I picked up 4 bottles to put away.

It has been down right freezin' cold here the last few days!!


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
How lucky can you get? first the gift card and then to actually find ammo that you want at walmart. woo hoo!!!

We've been super cold here too. Well for California anything under 30 is BRRRRR freezing cold :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Congratulations on the gift card. 100 bucks can go a long way if your careful with it.

Good thing you got the lamp oil, might come in handy this winter.



Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Checking in....

We have got two turkey eggs the last two days!! (For a toal of 4 eggs!) WOOT! My DH asked if I was going to put them in the 'bator....I asked him if he need a lesson in biology....DUH! We don't have a tom!!

My internet and phone have been all messed up for over a week! I think it is going to send the cable guy into early retirement! LOL! I was working so good up until like a week ago!

Some of you might remember that we sold the apartment we owned on a land contract. It has been a year now and the guy wants to walk away. :barnie We have had it back up for sale for three months and not one person has even looked at it let alone made an offer. As soon as a potential buyer hears that the septic needs done they pretty much hang up on our realtor. Today the realtor (the land contract guy's idea) suggested that we offer a $1000 bonus if another realtor sells the property. I said it sounded like a great idea to me because we still have some wiggle room in the price and we do NOT want to take it back. The guy who bought it on land contract said he would stick with it until it sold but he is getting very ansy waiting and we do not want him walking away. My DH just can not handle the stress of dealing with renters and repairs and working full time....with overtime! He is barely getting enough sleep now. I have been TRYING not to stress about it but it is not easy!!

I am also having issues with my Pastor. He brought my DH in for private meeting like three or four months ago and said that the boys Ranger leaders have expressed some concern about the boys (14, 12, and 10 yo) reading skills. As well as to tell DH to tell me to put the baby in the nursery. I was LIVID!!! I choose to just let it go and not confront him....becuase I might hurt him!! Well went I stopped into church yesterday I ran into the Pastor and he said he wanted to get together with ME and DH to discuss the 'boys and life'!! UGH!! It just got me in a tizzy again!!
It just really ticks me off that he choose to take issue with MY family with THIS issue!!
My 14 and 10 yo do just fine with school work. I think they are mistaking 14 yo extreme shyness for lack of ability. He does not like to read out loud in front of others and gets extremely nervous!! He also has some underlying ear issues that are hereditary. 12 yo definetly has issues. We have had him in speech and OT for 5 years for mild speech retardation. He did not even start talking until he was 4 years old! He also has an IEP.
10 yo is VERY bright and very out going but I think he takes some of his reading ques from his older two brothers. He does not stuggle with school work so no excuse for him.
The Pastor actually suggested to my DH that we put the kids BACK in public school where they can get the help they need. Umm...yeah that is where they started out at!!
This whole thing really ticks me off because DH and I were in marriage counseling with him and he did not help at all when he knows there are real issues there but then chooses to take issue with this and him telling my DH that I should put the baby in the nursery so I can be in services and my 14 yo can be in services. Yet SEVERAL of the people on his leadership do not even attend ANY services!!!! (My 14 yo was out in the hall with the baby like 2 or three services so that I could sit in the service. She now goes into the nursery after worship is over...for the sermon.)
NOW my 14 yo runs the camera EVERY Sunday for the service! DH runs the sound system EVERY he has for the last 5 years that we have been at this church.
My kids may not be like some of the other kids at church but they that does not make the other kids any better than mine! So why is he taking issue with ME (if you are suggesting there is something wrong with my kids you are suggesting that I am not doing my job as a teacher since I homeschool!) and not with some of the other families? His prize mechanic at the church (which just moved away), his 9 yo DD can not read! The mechanic and his wife believe in unschooling! So when she decides she wants to read she will is their attitude. Yet he is not taking issue with them! Another homeschooled boy in church (around 10 years old) can read and do Latin and is super book smart! VERY VERY backwards socially! If his mom is in the room he will not even talk to another adult! He will whisper in his mom's ear and then she will tell them! And this is with people he has known for years!! He is very pale and not the least bit athletic! I don't see the Pastor taking issue with them! I could go on and on!! You find something about every person's family if you tried!
UGH!! But it just ticks me off to no end that he wants to try and take issue with me over this but not do anything to help the marriage when he KNOWS there are issues there!!!
:barnie Trying not to stress! If we go into a meeting I am going to have a VERY hard time not giving him a piece of my mind!!
I am not sure if we are meeting tonight or not but he suggested we meet on Wednesday night after church...he just didn't say which Wednesday! :rolleyes:


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I must admit I see your frustration. I am not a church going person so I am not really sure if this would be normal behavior for a Pastor. I think it is kind of him to show concern but is he overstepping his boundaries? Maybe you should just flat out ask him if he is having this conversation with patrons, A, B and C as well. Tell him you feel singled out. Maybe he will back off.

I would just thank him for his concern and and leave it at that.

I don't know. Sorry you have to deal with this on top of everything else. Hugs.



Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I am just so upset that I am not sure I can even talk with him in a rational manner! On any given Sunday we have around 300 people that go to our church. I TOTALLY think he has overstepped the boundaries!!
I am trying to think of a way to say back off of me and my kids, since you did nothing to help with the marriage situaution, in a calm manner to make it clear that it is a closed subject!
The Pastor also has a grandson that is autistic...just recently diagnosed. His daughter was a missionary in Africa and her son is almost 2 years old and was not talking yet. So he forced them to go seek medical help and his daughter (along with her DH and two children) got kicked out of the ministry and sent back to the states. I know the SIL was none to happy for a while because they had worked for several years to get to Africa then they were there less than a year when this happened. I don't know if he is on a crusade now and I am just an easy target or what??

It just really gets my goat that people act like kids have to fit into a certain mold or there is something wrong with them. My kids do not get along with some of the kids in their peer group. My kids are kind, generous, given, and compassionate...mostly from being in a large family. Several of their peers are very clickish. They come from families with only two children and two working parents. They bicker relentlessly with their sibling and have a sense of entitlement because they are used to getting everything. My kids do not bicker and have a sarcastic nature about them so when the other kids taunt like that they don't think it is a joke. My kids just think it is mean and hurtful and would never think of talking to their siblings in that manner. My boys tend to hang out with the boy that is super smart but backwards (the one I wrote about in the previous post) and another boy that is hyper and very emotionally sensitive. These boys do not pick and say things just to be mean.
I wish we could switch churches to a church that was more large family friendly. I am the largest family in the church. One other family has 5 children, two with four, three with three, the rest all have one or two.
My boys are into hunting and camping. They play the piano in band and they just are not passionate about it. The rest of the kids in the band are in the youth group and not in Rangers. So we have had an issue with the person in charge of calling for cancellings not calling us because they will decided it at youth and then not pick up the phone to call us. My boys just are not in the click with the other 6 kids in the band. I even had to have a discussion with the worship band leader because I was frustrated that it had happened so many times. We just went to a worhip team Christmas party last weekend and the other 6 kids all went into another room to talk and my kids just hung around the adults or played with my younger two kids. My kids don't even like hanging around the other kids because they can be bullies. I have seen some of these kids be pretty rough with some other kids in church too....but of course these kids are the favorite kids!! Go figure!
If you knew my 14 yo's personality you would know why he does not talk much in front of these kids. He is a very responsible young man!!!! He does not like fooling around and acting out. That is why I think his quitness is being mistaken for lack of ability....and they are so wrong!! My boys are faithful to the men's ministry too. They are VERY hard working!! Only my boys and two other boys have faithfully gone to the men's oil change ministry and helped. They also went and helped decorate the church for Christmas. When it comes to actual hands on hard work you can bet my boys will be right in there helping but NONE of those other kids are there!!! But he wants to take issue with my family???? My kids are hands on learners but they can do the book work...they just are not passionate about it and don't regergitate facts and figures like the other kids.
I have never been in a 'click' at my church. I mean come many people want to talk about making your own family cloths, homemade laundry detergent, cloth diapering, canning, chickens, a milk cow????? I just don't have a whole lot in common with any of the people at my church. Now it is being pushed off onto my kids as well.
I would be willing to bet money on the fact that my kids will be more prosperous than many of the other kids in my church when they are older! They know the value of hard work! They have been raised to believe that you do not just buy stuff on credit that you can not afford! I am teaching them to work together. I am also helping them pick a skilled trade that they can use no matter what the economy and life throws at them!
If there was another church in our area that had lots of large families I would love to change churches!! My boys love Rangers and thankfully they get along and enjoy several of the other kids that are in Rangers. It is just the youth group kids that are brats.

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