prairiegirl...ramblings from our little farm


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 5, 2008
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Central OK
ooh PrairieGirl I am so excited to read your journal! All of that sounds so exciting I think I will learn tons from you :weee

What part of the country do you live in?


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 9, 2008
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Believe me, I'm certainly no expert. All of this is takes a great amount of time and a long time to get the hang of things. Or, maybe I'm a slow learner. LOL I have mastered good butter and yogurt. Actually, the yogurt recipe is MissPriss' from the BYC forum. I incubate in a cooler. The buttermilk left from butter making makes the best breads. I'm still working on the cheeses.

We are blessed to have been able to make the move. A bit later than we would have liked, but it's till good. We are still young enough to get things done.LOL I'm having to wrap my mind around the idea of not ever having everything completed.

Today was a long day. Our grandsons (ages 5 and 2) spent the day with us. They promptly arrived at 5:15 a.m. We love them dearly and we enjoy our time together. They do keep us moving.
I thought I had supper all planned and even had the taco meat made ahead. When my DH got home from helping my parents he decided he was really hungry and wanted them for lunch. Everyone else wanted them, too. So, it was hot ham and cheese sandwiches for supper. A few potato chips and leftover Pistachio Pudding dessert and we were set.

The calves are 1 1/2 wks. old now. One of them hasn't been eating well for the last 2 days. Finally, tonight he seems to be sucking better. We were able to get 4 pints into him today. Not enough, but we think he'll be ok. We haven't had bottle calves for almost 2 years and I had forgotten how cute they are. They are so fun to watch.

My DH hasn't been feeling well. I'm wondering if it's fresh milk withdrawal.LOL He's had to drink store purchased milk these last few days.

The sun blessed us today with it's brightness and warmth. It felt nice to sit by the window and soak it up. It was cold outside with the winds, but the temp was over 30 today. Tomorrow the cold comes bringing some snow.

OkieJonesClan, we live in N. Indiana.

FC, we will pick up our pork a week from this Friday.

2Dreams, hope you are feeling better now. As for throwing the eggs away, I know from experience, that sometimes we just have to do it. In the past, we have given our extra eggs to the local food pantry. If I couldn't deliver them, the director would pick them up.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Hello prairie, so glad to hear what you have to are living my dream as well....I would love to get an old farmhouse and fix it up...fruit trees, grapes, livestock...the whole kit and kaboodle! I took for granted being on my great grandma's farm when I was little and I so want to get back to that we get older my hubby wants that too.

Our children are still little so we have time...we're trying to figure out where we want to be...we keep threatening to move closer to my folks but we have to see if Verizon will transfer my husband. There is way more farmland where they are and more affordable too.

Anyway, welcome and we're glad to have you! Happy New Year!!!



Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 9, 2008
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Lori, thanks for the welcome. We searched for several years to find this place. We had looked further away as prices were better, but we had the tug of family and at the time a very special grandson that kept us looking closer. We had pretty much given up and settled into making the best of our one acre (without animals). Out of the blue a realtor we had been working with called about this place. She thought we were nuts, but went along with our dreams. As it turns out it was the only move for us. We need to be by family - situations and health problems keep us busy caring and visiting them. Don't give up your dream. You just never know..........but, keep in mind there might not be the "perfect place" it will be the perfect home that you and your family "make" it.:) Hmmm, hope that makes sense.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 9, 2008
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Wednesday was another fast paced day as we had our 2 yr. old grandson here all day. Last summer he learned how to climb over the gate at the bottom of the stairs going up. Once he mastered that, it wasn't a big deal. Until yesterday........he climbed over several times giggling and running all the way up. Not sure what we'll do to remedy that problem. He's also on a bread kick. That's what he's had for lunch the last 2 days. I suppose it's easy and no mess, just crumbs.

Our New Years eve was uneventful. DH offered to take me out, but I thought we should stay home. We did pick up a couple of $5.55 each pizzas. They were really good. And, can't beat the price. DD will have breakfast - cold pizza is one of her favorites.

New Years day 2009.........
Not much planned. I need to get bottles ready for the calves soon. They both seem to be fighting scours. Poor things.

I'm tired of cookies so I plan to bake a Banana Chocolate cake (another new recipe) today for something different. I have bananas that need to be used. Lots of chocolate frosting, too. It is a day of celebrating and we don't want to waste the bananas.LOL
Not sure about supper either. I'm just not organized this week. I'll blame it on the darn cold I've had. Maybe a roast.

I need to wash eggs. Has anyone heard of dipping their eggs in a bleach water solution once they are washed? I recently read that. I don't plan to try it. Who needs even a mild bleach on eggs?

I usually don't make New Years resolutions, but this year I'm still striving to get more organized. I just need some motivation.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I normally don't wash mine unless there is an obvious smear on them. Even then, its just warm water and a rub. I don't want to disturb my bloom.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 9, 2008
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Happy, happy New Year 2009!!!
I just want to wish everyone a healthy, happy New Year filled with everything that leads you to live more Self Sufficient.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I hate scours.

I use Scour Halt. Works wonders on the goat kids.

I like to stop scours as fast as possible cause of dehydration...and nasty butt...HA HA HA

commercial egg producers use bleach. they have to cause of samonella(?) posioning and all that stuff---then they process them thru a very light coating of oil because they took the bloom off and have to put a barrier back on them since they are so long exposed to the world before consumption.

I wash eggs in tempid water. I have to before they go in cartons. My customers won't buy blood/poop nasty eggs...LOL-----and my eggs are eaten fast and fresh so I don't worry about it.

My personal eggs, I just give a light wash if there is something nasty on them and eat!

happy new year to you!


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 9, 2008
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Friday was our running around day. Got a couple of bills paid and a gift returned. Picked up a couple of odds and ends. Then, spent almost 2 hours at the bank. We are looking into refinancing our place as the interest rates are looking pretty good. We're not locked in yet, but checking it out. It might be a good thing.....or not. It was gruelling all the same.

The calves are doing well. Hope they stay that way. We'll tape them in the morning to check on weight. My DH is tossing around the idea of picking up a couple more next Friday when he's in that area. We have a lot of people asking for beef, but some shy away from the price. And, some are family and it's been hard for us to charge them. We've used a lot of meat to barter for hay and the use of a tractor. We sure need to get more business minded in some areas. Maybe that will come with the new year. Maybe this is what we are suppose to being doing - providing good meat for family. What to do, what to do...............

We sure are missing fresh milk. It's our goal to time the breeding this year so we have milk all the time.

FC, I didn't even think of the commercial egg/bleach thing. That makes sense. I just wipe them, lightly wash the dirty eggs with a damp cloth.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Hi Prairie girl. I was wondering if I might pick yer brain here for a moment.?? We are tossing the idea around here of getting a few beef cows. I have only about 1 1/2 acre of good pasture...the rest is woods.( I cant let them in there due to neighbors tearing down about a 300 ft section of my fence) Anyways...I really know nothing about raiseing cattle...or a cow..or a bull...LOL Are they easy? Fairly cheap? Do you have to throw grains? and of so, how much? I want to make sure this is something I can afford to get into..and I want to know as much about them as possible...before we dive in.