Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Well the leaves are starting to change colors here, and it is always such a nice time of year to enjoy the forest. We get a lot of mists that hang in the trees, or low clouds that blow right over my head. The fog is actually usually a welcome sign that it has stopped raining. Hubby and I laugh at the weather forecasters here. They seem to have just a marginal guess to make each day. "Showers, turning to rain, with sunbreaks". They might as well say "We see some big clouds coming." :gig

We had a dry sunny afternoon, so I harvested all my taters. Wow! That was a great project for me. Of all my gardening endeavors, my potatoes (for the second year in a row) were my biggest success. I plan to do even more potatoes next year, we do consume alot.

My tomatoes, for the third year in a row, have gone to mush before they managed to turn red. I am just not going to try to grow them anymore, unless I have some sort of artificial lighting or greenhouse or something. But my garden did do well with pumpkins, squash, quinoa, corn and peas and beans. I grew oats and wheat as well, more as an experiment than anything else, but those do grow here. My chickens did get into the pumpkin patch and ruined some of them, so next year I will need to plant them elsewhere, but I had planned on feeding some of the pumpkin to them anyway, so it doesn't really matter. I managed to take a perfect round jack-o-lantern pumpkin to my granddaughter so all is good. :thumbsup

We did have a sad note today, we had to put down one of the rabbits, my buck Gramps. Something happened and he was paralyzed. I don't know what happened, we have not taken him out of the cage or anything lately. He seemed to be looking a little rumpled and laying in an odd position the other day. I could see he could not hop. I don't know what could have possibly happened. I know rabbits can break their backs flailing about but the last time we carried him anywhere was about a month ago, I need to do their nails so we haven't even handled him lately except for a pat on the head or whatever.
This does leave me genetically without a male on the one "side" of my rabbit lines. It leaves my productive doe, Sister, without a mate except her brother. AND, she didn't kindle on schedule. She is either four days late kindling, or she didn't take. I do wonder if something happened to Gramps when they were mating last month and it took awhile for him to start having trouble? But in any event, the best I can do now with my genetics would be to breed Sister to her 3-month old son when he grows up, who we were about to CONSUME. So we crossed him off the menu for the moment. :lol: I'm not sure if breeding him to his mom is a good idea, but I was wondering if I could trade him with the breeder perhaps for an unrelated Creme, although I think most of hers are also related.

My other farm endeavors have been going well.....I've been making our bread, milking once a day, and babysitting an old dog for a friend. Not much else to report.

I do enjoy the temperatures being a little cooler and look forward to seeing the change in the leaf colors, it is so pretty here in the fall, I really enjoy it. We moved here about this time of year, and whenever the anniversary of our move to WA state rolls around, I remind myself how happy I am we came to the Pacific Northwest and I live in the great outdoors.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Sorry about the tomato crop. :( Ours seem to take forever to get going, but we are getting quite a few everyday here now... especially the cherry tomatoes! I planted a variety called Juliet that are like miniature Romas. They are not extra sweet like most cherries and are much drier, so not as good for eating out of hand. They DO make great sauces, however and have produced like MAD all summer long. Much better than the actual Romas. With the limited space that I have to grow tomatoes in they are a winner for us. :cool:

Our potatoes did nothing this year. Somehow I think the fact that Sage dug them up - three different times :ep - when they were first planted, stunted their growth. :lol:

Hubby LOVES the fall as well. We are planning a lake trip, week after next, just in time for the fall leaves! This will also give us a chance to check and secure the cabin for winter as well. Plus I hope to add to the freezer larder with some more fresh fish. :D

It is beautiful at the lake this time of year! Most of the surrounding area is oak and sumac. Since you enjoy that sort of thing I will share a couple of pics that my sister took a few years ago with you.




Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Where is that at, Farmfresh? I love that kind of scenery. Here in the Pac NW, we always have the evergreen backdrop, adds another color and some depth and dimension to the scenery. I'll have to take some photos when it gets into full color. We seem to have differences each year with the color change, depending on the weather. This year, the leaves are changing earlier than any other year that we have been here.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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PRETTY!!! Colorado you get a riot of gold. Not all those different colours.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Missouri Ozarks at Lake of the Ozarks.

Yes it is mighty pretty this time of the year and even better ... all of the summer folk are GONE! In the summer it is like a busy suburb. :/


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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So my foster Zoe can be seen online now

We are getting another foster this week too, a female named Nikki, 2 1/2 years old. She looks really lovely. She is also being returned for potty training issues (which was Zoe's deal after all, not diabetes).

Doesn't anyone know how to potty train dogs in this state? Am I the only one? :he

I'm not really upset, I love the ridgebacks.....


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Wow! Haven't updated this in awhile, it was hard to find me. I didn't have much to rabbit did not kindle....

We have had a.....situation over the last week. As previously related, the porch light stopped working and that was part of why Bandit was able to sneak and kill my rooster Scratch, as I've already related. In any event, something has been prowling around at night since it has been dark out there and no motion sensor. First another older bird disappeared, and then last weekend, the dogs found just feathers under the last "extra" rooster. Dang it. I wasn't sure when or where that happened, but that seemed to draw in the predators.

Yesterday morning I go out to feed the animals and there are feathers everywhere. Unpretty, one of my original orloffs, was laying in the middle of the pen (fence was closed) and not moving. I go over to her and see she is alive, but her entire backside was torn off and eaten. :sick I took her inside and Hubby and I quickly decided we needed to kill her. I will never forget her squawaaaaak! as I set her down. So I go out back, and discover her feathers are everywhere, and her sister is acting listless and tired and is missing all her tail feathers, so she was part of it. I see feathers inside the coop AND outside, out of the fence. I count heads and see there is another one missing too.................Buffy my last adult Buff Orpington and one that Unpretty considered her daughter. I found her dead UNDER the coop (outside the fence), with all her soft parts ripped out. We really can't figure out what happened, underneath our coop is outside the chicken fencing. Something came that is able to fly around, because it followed/chased the birds all over the fenced and unfenced areas, and Buffy could not fly, so we were stumped how she came to be under the coop, I think she was dragged under there after she was killed. So we decided to cover the pen and no more free ranging. We went to Lowe's and spent a fortune on chicken wire to cover the entire top of the pen, more than we spent on all the coop supplies combined. I don't know how else to guard against a predator that flies except cover the top.

We were just under the window and the dogs and hubby heard nothing! I of course heard nothing. But we also fixed the light yesterday. So hopefully next time we will have the light turn on and wake me. The only good side of this that I can see is that they did not kill the goats and we have been warned that something is stalking our property. It could also be a bobcat I suppose. We are wondering about an owl as well. We also have coons but can't figure how it could have gotten into the coop with the gate closed.

Today I'm going out to turn over the dirt out there and get ready to reseed the back yard area. The chickens have really eroded the plants and grasses and since they are going to be locked up, it is time to replant. I locked them all (I thought) inside the coop itself last night. Many were afraid to go in there, I think that they were attacked inside the coop. This morning I see that I missed two of them and two are still needing to be caught this morning, two of my most skittish. I'll have to watch and see where they go tonight at bedtime.

I have so much more sympathy for ICU$DZs who lost his whole flock to a predator. I cannot imagine how upset I would have been to have lost the rest of them. I've lost five chickens in this past month and my intent is that we don't lose any more! I found it interesting that three of the five were males, so I think they must have been trying to defend the flock (I only had four males). I only have Uh Oh the pretty white, blue and red rooster left. I guess it is good he has figured out how to mate. :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
I'm sorry for your loss, SD. My stomach always churns when I read about a forum member's losses. So far my two deaths have been to "natural causes" not predators. That's a little easier to deal with, IMHO. If one were killed I would feel completely responsible because I didn't adequately protect them (whether that's a rational feeling or not). I think you know what I mean. :/


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I was upset yesterday until we bought the means to put the top on the fencing. After that I felt better, like we have taken charge of fixing it. I hate to see animals suffer, and it was so obvious that Unpretty suffered, I think defending her "baby". I won't replace these chickens if we can't get this predator thing under control, I'll sell them off first.

We did not have any further losses last night. I just hope we can get the predator to look for dinner elsewhere.

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