old fashioned
Almost Self-Reliant
WOW SD, so sorry about your chickens
Some of the feather loss may be due to the stress & it may be awhile before you get eggs again. I know with mine, they can get 'stressed' over even minor stuff & it's like they 'plug it up' for a few days.
Once they calm down & think it's safe they'll be laying again....probably about a week, I'd guess
I'm sorry I haven't kept up with your journal or enough posts elsewhere to know about your coop system, but it sounds like you have them in a dog kennel or something similar? If so, those usually aren't much larger than 12' are they? And if that's true, then it's not really big enough for an owl, hawk or eagle to get in or out of since they are so large they need alot of room for 'take off' so to speak. We had a wild goose land in our back yard once (before we got chickens) but it couldn't get out so hubby had to catch it & take it to a bigger area so it could fly away. So that would make me think more of a land animal like the coon & they are quite adept at climbing. I've seen one before near the top of a cottonwood tree....close to 15' or 20' feet high. It's possible it could have been a bobcat, but how would it have gotten into your coop? Unless there is a hole dug under somewhere that it's gotten thru...
I don't know for sure & I may be wrong, but I would think a bobcat would be more bold & more interested in the hunt of it's dinner. Sleeping chickens aren't much sport. Whereas with a coon, they are much more sneaky & opportunistic. My only hesitation here is most coons aren't THAT much bigger than a BO & I'd think they'd be a little more hesitant with so many birds. Either way, I'd still think the chickens would have made enough noise to alert the dogs even before the actual attack.
The only other possibility would be one of the dogs, when nobody was looking and I hate to say that but you did mention one of your dogs had already killed one of your roosters? Or did I misinterpret? The thing here is that the chickens would be used to the dogs enough to not sound the alarm beforehand. I dunno, I hope I'm wrong

I'm sorry I haven't kept up with your journal or enough posts elsewhere to know about your coop system, but it sounds like you have them in a dog kennel or something similar? If so, those usually aren't much larger than 12' are they? And if that's true, then it's not really big enough for an owl, hawk or eagle to get in or out of since they are so large they need alot of room for 'take off' so to speak. We had a wild goose land in our back yard once (before we got chickens) but it couldn't get out so hubby had to catch it & take it to a bigger area so it could fly away. So that would make me think more of a land animal like the coon & they are quite adept at climbing. I've seen one before near the top of a cottonwood tree....close to 15' or 20' feet high. It's possible it could have been a bobcat, but how would it have gotten into your coop? Unless there is a hole dug under somewhere that it's gotten thru...

The only other possibility would be one of the dogs, when nobody was looking and I hate to say that but you did mention one of your dogs had already killed one of your roosters? Or did I misinterpret? The thing here is that the chickens would be used to the dogs enough to not sound the alarm beforehand. I dunno, I hope I'm wrong