Scared after the Senate passed of the new "Stimulous" package "rant"

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Power Conserver
Jan 7, 2009
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Big Daddy said:
Yes it was. I was just trying to put it in words that all the conspiracy folks could relate to.
That's how I was reading it. I feel like I get misunderstood by talking that way sometimes myself. I liked your points. And I'm hoping the health care system gets some good use out of the stimulus package.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 10, 2008
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Lake Champlain Islands
Big Daddy: Give it a chance. If it works we'll all be better off. If not, we were in the ditch when he started, I guess we'll stay there.
We may have been in the ditch when he started but it seems to me that he, and many in the Congress, are maning the backhoes to make the ditch into a chasm. Instead of concentrating on the areas that will get the biggest bang for our tax dollar buck by encouraging small businesses in many areas of commerce, they have only encouraged stimulous in construction, green energy and some parts of health care. The rest of that stimulous money was piddled away on pet projects such as studying the habitat of the salt marsh mouse (yes it is in there), high speed rail from LA to las Vegas (so that they can loose their money quicker in Harry Reids district) and other pet projects to pay back the special interests that have filled their campaign war chests. Many of these newly created jobs will have a short life span unless we, the tax payer, continue to fund them after the "stimulous" monies are spent. At the cost of an estimated $200,000 per job, I don't know that we can afford it!

Attempting to stimulate more manufacturing businesses instead of only those that produce green technologies would have been a better way to create long term jobs. We have lost our manufacturing base in the United States, and we need to get it back. We can't export the roads, bridges and buildings that the stimulous package promotes for its job growth. We can export the widgits made by new and expanding small businesses. This helps reduce the disparity between our imports and exports and strengthens our dollar, something that I don't believe they even care about.

We do need to imrove our infrastructure, but much of that could happen if the state and federal governments spent the monies for infrastructure more wisely. Instead of building new buildings, roads, and bridges, why cant they first maintain the ones that already exist. I think the reason is that they don't get as big a political bang for their porky buck if they only keep these pieces of infrastructure up. New museums, bridges and post offices make a bigger impression on their constituants than state workers fixing holes or paving roads.

New bike paths are politically correct while fixing a crumblig bridge is not (until it is unsafe). I see this in Vermont, with some frequency. I see new bike paths added to our country roads while a key bridge for much of one of our counties was negected to the point that it was unsafe. This bridge was the only reasonable way to go south from the northern areas of my county, which is a series of islands in Lake Champlain. The state government funded bike paths, walking bridges that were not wanted, and several new "Welcome Rest Areas" while this bridge crumbled. When it got to the point that it was unsafe to two lane traffic, they closed down one of the lanes and made temporary fixes. This bridge is still not fixed permanantly, the state has decided to erect a walking bridge in another town. This walking bridge will get little use because of its location. Washington's priorities are no different than those of the politicians in the states. Do what it takes to get elected. The "Stimulous Package" is being used to pay back those who got the current group elected and to "stimulate" loyalty for the next election. This is not a Democrat or a Republican problem. It is a government problem.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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Big Daddy said:
The black helicopters are hovering over your house. HIDE!

Instead of listening to all the talkers from the other side you should read the bill yourself. When you read something. think it through and try to see what it is really about and how it might require some workers to do whatever it is. Imagine that Reagan got the bill passed instead of the black Muslim guy from Kenya.

There are so many lies out there about the stimulus bill. So many people just buy right in to them. I'm sure it has some pork in it. It's impossible to pass a bill without pork in it the way the system is set up. The pork and earmarks are a very small percentage though. Most of it is for good programs. Just remember ACORN is not listed in the bill. So if you hear someone saying that just discount their comments as uninformed. Same with the mouse habitat in San Fran.

Give it a chance. If it works we'll all be better off. If not, we were in the ditch when he started, I guess we'll stay there.
If you were speaking to me on this then you really have some nerve!!!!!!!!! I do not hear anyone else getting nasty or smart alec(putting it mildly) to anyone else on this thread yet here you are again! There are over 8500 earmarks in the second bill. Yes ACORN is in the first one just not by name. They reworded it & tokk the ACORN name out it was changed to community organizations. As as for being a right winger I like lots of other folks in this country am really a "Fundamentalist". I happen to have a difference of opion than you on this "Clown" who is running our country right now & Reagan he is certainly not & never will be. Or Lincoln for that matter too. And all you can do is make snide little comments & name call. Like Sean Penn in his acceptance speech you have no tolerence for differences.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 9, 2009
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I don't usually jump in on political discussions-things get too testy but I just thought I'd remind everyone that the earmarks on the stimulus bill are not all liberal add-ons. Only one republican did not add something to this bill. Ron Paul added (I think) 96 million all by himself. Government working the way it usually does, the republicans had to add their little pet projects to get them to sign the bill-just what happens when the republicans propose something that the dems don't like so they add things to make it more palatable.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 10, 2008
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Lake Champlain Islands
As I said previously "This is not a Democrat or a Republican problem. It is a government problem." While both the Dems and the Rep play we citizens against each other, they rob us blind. Until the citizenry of the United States act united these theives in Washington will continue to rob us blind!
Jan 24, 2009
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Thanks HM. I'm sorely tempted but I don't want them to shut it down over me. Enjoy your opinions and the circus.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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farmerlor said:
I don't usually jump in on political discussions-things get too testy but I just thought I'd remind everyone that the earmarks on the stimulus bill are not all liberal add-ons. Only one republican did not add something to this bill. Ron Paul added (I think) 96 million all by himself. Government working the way it usually does, the republicans had to add their little pet projects to get them to sign the bill-just what happens when the republicans propose something that the dems don't like so they add things to make it more palatable.
My opinion is simply this, there should be no ear marks period!!! I don't care who put them in they are all ridiculous & should not be there in any way shape or form. A bill should only have info in it that is pertaining to the subject it concerns.

Your welcome BD. I am not enjoying the circus at all. I saw it all before he was "elected"
Jan 24, 2009
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Without earmarks bills would not get passed. McCain was on that band wagon because he knows it's a sore spot for a lot of Americans. If he would've gotten the job he would've had to endure criticism for signing bills with earmarks in them. Of course he knew if he got elected he would have a democratic congress so he would veto everything anyway. He could have spent all his time golfing. Your never going to get all the yes votes you need unless there is some pork in there for each reps state. It's hard to get 3 people to agree to something. Try that with 435 or whatever the number is in the house. The trick is to try not to let the pork be too stupid like the bridge to nowhere.
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