Seriously, this helps how??

Jan 24, 2009
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me&thegals said:
Welcome, boltstrikes!

When visual media is the campaigning tool of politicians, it takes some serious dough to get the job done. He or she with the most money wins.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but campaign finance reform!
I second and third that. Doesn't Congress have to initiate and pass that? If so it will never happen. Just be used as a campaign tool like getting rid of earmarks.

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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farmerlor said:
me&thegals said:
Anybody participating in this thread is, the other side. Some people find talk radio show hosts very biased, hate-mongering and overly sensational. There are many other ways to get "the other side."

ETA: Is anybody else getting annoyed with this concept of "the other side?" I am surely starting to be. I would imagine we on this site have way more in common than that which we disagree on. Besides, I don't personally think I can be boxed into one side or the other. I am conservative on some things, moderate on others, liberal on yet others. It's a little boring and false to think we can classify each other so easily.
I so agree with this!!!! Have you noticed over the last few years there's this US against THEM mentality in this country that is worse than at any time in my long life? There's a chasm that keeps us from remembering that we're all trying to keep our families safe, educated and healthy. I've often said that there was a day on September 12th when President Bush could have asked the whole country to sacrifice almost anything and work together and we would have done it. That moment passed in a swirl of blame and finger pointing and now Obama has done that very thing-asked us to sacrifice and work but I think it's too late. No one trusts anyone else enough to want to help.
We aren't much of a UNITED States anymore and it is a sad thing. Times have changed and IMHO most of them have not been for the better.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 10, 2008
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Lake Champlain Islands
It is unfortunate but, the two main political parties and the government are always pitting one group against another. Their rhetoric is divisive. It is Dems vs Reps, black vs white vs brown, rich vs poor, conservative vs liberal and so on. They know that if they keep us divided into small groups and fighting amongst ourselves we will be too preoccupied to notice what they are doing to us and to our country. The problems we have in this country now are not caused by only one party or the other party. These problems are caused by people from BOTH parties. They are not liberal problems or conservative problems, they are American problems caused by Americans from both sides of the isle and by those of us who have not been holding them responsible. We Americans need to wake up and see the devisive tactics that they use for what they are. . . a way to divide us and distract us. They use these tactics like the slight of hand used in a magic show, so we will not see what is realy going on.

Ameicans were hopeing for a change after this election. I believe the change that many were hopeing for was a return to a United States of America. An America where hateful rhetoric and attacks are no longer being lobbed by BOTH parties at each other and where Americans of all races, colors, creeds, and financial situations were united instead of divided by their government. Unfortunately, it seems that many Americans were fooled to again.

I will go now to my closet and get out my tin foil hat!!! :old


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
I really agree, and this ties in perfectly to the OP. I think we all saw the huge problems America was/is facing and were/are really hoping people get past all their differences (as VT notes: Race, gender, political party, etc.) to work together on those problems.

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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VT-Chicklit said:
It is unfortunate but, the two main political parties and the government are always pitting one group against another. Their rhetoric is divisive. It is Dems vs Reps, black vs white vs brown, rich vs poor, conservative vs liberal and so on. They know that if they keep us divided into small groups and fighting amongst ourselves we will be too preoccupied to notice what they are doing to us and to our country. The problems we have in this country now are not caused by only one party or the other party. These problems are caused by people from BOTH parties. They are not liberal problems or conservative problems, they are American problems caused by Americans from both sides of the isle and by those of us who have not been holding them responsible. We Americans need to wake up and see the devisive tactics that they use for what they are. . . a way to divide us and distract us. They use these tactics like the slight of hand used in a magic show, so we will not see what is realy going on.

Ameicans were hopeing for a change after this election. I believe the change that many were hopeing for was a return to a United States of America. An America where hateful rhetoric and attacks are no longer being lobbed by BOTH parties at each other and where Americans of all races, colors, creeds, and financial situations were united instead of divided by their government. Unfortunately, it seems that many Americans were fooled to again.

I will go now to my closet and get out my tin foil hat!!! :old
:clap well said - my feelings exactly.
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
VT-Chicklit said:
It is unfortunate but, the two main political parties and the government are always pitting one group against another. Their rhetoric is divisive. It is Dems vs Reps, black vs white vs brown, rich vs poor, conservative vs liberal and so on. They know that if they keep us divided into small groups and fighting amongst ourselves we will be too preoccupied to notice what they are doing to us and to our country. The problems we have in this country now are not caused by only one party or the other party. These problems are caused by people from BOTH parties. They are not liberal problems or conservative problems, they are American problems caused by Americans from both sides of the isle and by those of us who have not been holding them responsible. We Americans need to wake up and see the devisive tactics that they use for what they are. . . a way to divide us and distract us. They use these tactics like the slight of hand used in a magic show, so we will not see what is realy going on.

Ameicans were hopeing for a change after this election. I believe the change that many were hopeing for was a return to a United States of America. An America where hateful rhetoric and attacks are no longer being lobbed by BOTH parties at each other and where Americans of all races, colors, creeds, and financial situations were united instead of divided by their government. Unfortunately, it seems that many Americans were fooled to again.

I will go now to my closet and get out my tin foil hat!!! :old
We are definitely being pitted against each other. It's more the media though. Certain individuals in the media tell bald face lies on a regular basis. Congress is split on party lines too. Obama has changed a few things already and is in the process of changing others. If you expected all the politicians to stop basing votes on what lobbyist are paying them for or to get rid of earmarks or to stop wasting taxpayer dollars then you are thinking in a naive manner. That is part of the political process and will never change. Obama meant change as in closing Gitmo, restoring liberties, national health care, education assistance, less greenhouse emissions. He is doing all those things. So no it is not business as usual. Open your eyes and expand your horizons.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
It is all very exciting (to me), but I think VT is referring to the political climate, the sense of divisiveness rather than working together. Whether it is media spin, bipartisanship or real, it is a different feeling than immediately following the election.

Or, maybe this is just what happens when you get past the original adrenaline rush and have to roll up your sleeves and get to the dirty work of trying to turn a country around.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2008
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I'd like to hear from older people if the US has always been this divided. Maybe it's just the nature of the political system.

In the news recently - I must admit that I am very uncomfortable with the 90% tax the House just passed on AIG bonuses. I think this whole AIG bailout has been a huge mess, but I'm really uncomfortable picking out a group in society and giving them a hefty tax. Is it even legal? Can Congress decided they don't like lawyers, so all lawyers should pay a higher tax? Or maybe Catholics make too much money so next there will be a tax on Catholics??



Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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inchworm said:
I'd like to hear from older people if the US has always been this divided. Maybe it's just the nature of the political system.

In the news recently - I must admit that I am very uncomfortable with the 90% tax the House just passed on AIG bonuses. I think this whole AIG bailout has been a huge mess, but I'm really uncomfortable picking out a group in society and giving them a hefty tax. Is it even legal? Can Congress decided they don't like lawyers, so all lawyers should pay a higher tax? Or maybe Catholics make too much money so next there will be a tax on Catholics??

I thought the buzz around was that the Supreme Court wasn't going to back the tax on the AIG bonuses if challenged.

Define older.

On Our own

Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 21, 2009
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inchworm said:
I'd like to hear from older people if the US has always been this divided. Maybe it's just the nature of the political system.

In the news recently - I must admit that I am very uncomfortable with the 90% tax the House just passed on AIG bonuses. I think this whole AIG bailout has been a huge mess, but I'm really uncomfortable picking out a group in society and giving them a hefty tax. Is it even legal? Can Congress decided they don't like lawyers, so all lawyers should pay a higher tax? Or maybe Catholics make too much money so next there will be a tax on Catholics??

Ex Post Facto law is unconstitutional and it is unconstitutional to target any one group for retaliation. (can't think of article I'll get back to you if you want to know.)

This was a political quagmire for some anti-taxers and i can't believe they fell for it. By voting yes they appease their home voters, but now they are on record as approving the largest single tax increase ever and retaliating against businesses with a law that they should have known was unconstitutional.