SHTF - Information?


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
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Beekissed said:
So, then my question remains, what do we(the SS) aspirants THINK will really happen and how do we expect to interact with what we imagine will be the changes caused by TEOTWAWKI.
I won't get into what I think will be the "S" ;) ~but as for me and my house? I don't expect to be here! :D

If I'm here for part of the "S" I will just keep livin', doing what I do, helping others when I can, and letting God sort out the details. Frankly, I don't really dwell on it much and this is not why I live SS.

I live SS because it makes the most sense to me. I don't hoard food or store up great amounts nor "prep" for a disaster. I just live each day as sensibly as I can.

I learn new SS skills because I've always felt it behooves each person to be as accomplished and versatile as just makes one more useful and fulfilled to not be so helpless and weak when it comes to living in this world.
Bee, I think I've finally figured out why I don't always see eye to eye with you. I do believe in the Rapture, I just know I won't be part of it :/ Perhaps that's why I look to a grimmer future?


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
Reaction score
k0xxx said:
Boyd said:
I do believe in the Rapture, I just know I won't be part of it :/
Well, would you mind passing by and feeding our animals? ;)
Believe it or not I pass through your area a few times a year :) I can promise at least twice as I go see if my moms side of the family made it out ok :)


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Boyd said:
Beekissed said:
So, then my question remains, what do we(the SS) aspirants THINK will really happen and how do we expect to interact with what we imagine will be the changes caused by TEOTWAWKI.
I won't get into what I think will be the "S" ;) ~but as for me and my house? I don't expect to be here! :D

If I'm here for part of the "S" I will just keep livin', doing what I do, helping others when I can, and letting God sort out the details. Frankly, I don't really dwell on it much and this is not why I live SS.

I live SS because it makes the most sense to me. I don't hoard food or store up great amounts nor "prep" for a disaster. I just live each day as sensibly as I can.

I learn new SS skills because I've always felt it behooves each person to be as accomplished and versatile as just makes one more useful and fulfilled to not be so helpless and weak when it comes to living in this world.
Bee, I think I've finally figured out why I don't always see eye to eye with you. I do believe in the Rapture, I just know I won't be part of it :/ Perhaps that's why I look to a grimmer future?
And why exactly would you think you wouldn't be a part of it?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I do believe in the Rapture, I just know I won't be part of it Perhaps that's why I look to a grimmer future?
Okay...I'm intrigued. :) I'm trying to wrap my mind around someone who believes yet won't be going. Did you volunteer to stay behind to feed everyone's animals? :D

Nice of you but I don't think a believer in Christ and the Rapture will get to make that decision. ;)

Bee, I think I've finally figured out why I don't always see eye to eye with you.
WHAT??? :th I thought everyone saw eye to eye with me!!! :frow

:lol: :gig :lol: :lol: :gig

To see eye to eye both parties must be on the same level of perception. That is a rare and wonderful find! :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
Reaction score
Beekissed said:
I do believe in the Rapture, I just know I won't be part of it Perhaps that's why I look to a grimmer future?
Okay...I'm intrigued. :) I'm trying to wrap my mind around someone who believes yet won't be going. Did you volunteer to stay behind to feed everyone's animals? :D

Nice of you but I don't think a believer in Christ and the Rapture will get to make that decision. ;)

Bee, I think I've finally figured out why I don't always see eye to eye with you.
WHAT??? :th I thought everyone saw eye to eye with me!!! :frow

:lol: :gig :lol: :lol: :gig

To see eye to eye both parties must be on the same level of perception. That is a rare and wonderful find! :)
Bee, in my youth and younger 20's was definitely not the same person that I am now. I do believe there are sins that are unforgivable, and I've committed every single one. The rest of my life since age of about 23 has been a penance (sp?) to the person I used to be, and what difference I can make to those I see, influence and interact with. My greatest hope and dream is to at least come close to evening the scales that I've tripped and unbalanced in my youth.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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I try to be realistic about the S. A strategic nuclear attack like we used to worry about during the Cold war is highly unlikely. A more realistic scenario would be a dirty bomb and the country being placed under Marshall Law. In that case we may have to survive on what is in the house for a week or two.

There's also the possibility of an attack on power generation facilities or something as simple as icestorms. When I lived in the country around Atascedaro California, We had torrential rains that flooded out all the roads and knocked out the power for 9 days. We did have access to a small store and life sucked for 9 days.

We have 6, 55 gallon drums of drinkable water and about 200 pints of chicken, turkey, beans and other assorted proteins. We are working on 1st aid supplies and some dry goods. We're trying to stick to stuff we actually use on a regular basis so we can keep our stock rotated.

If we had a real strategic nuclear attack. There would be very few inhabitable areas in the country. The blast radius is actually much larger than a 9 mile radius. I was an NBC NCO in the Army and we learned a lot about Nuclear blasts and the fallout from them. Our job was to determine the best shelters and how to use them in order to minimize losses and continue fighting. We also covered biological and chemical weapons. Nuclear fallout is the big issue. It doesn't cause immediate death but kills you off just as well. If the balloon goes up and we have a strategic nuclear attack, the best strategy is to head for ground zero and get it over with.

I don't think we'll see much rapture if somebody decides to launch a nuclear strike.
Just a much larger scale version of Hiroshimo. I would prefer rapture. Just think of all the cool cars that would be sitting around.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
Reaction score
Farmfresh said:
Dunkopf said:
I would prefer rapture. Just think of all the cool cars that would be sitting around.
AND no dead bodies to clean up! ;)
Actually I think they leave the bodies. They fall through the clouds.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 15, 2008
Reaction score
noobiechickenlady said:
Well, think about your main categories.
Primitive Cooking
Hide tanning
Building methods
Heating methods

That help?
This was sort of the approach I took. First I made a list of things I need if say, a bomb fell and I had to live in the basement for a week or so, (crank flashlight, water, food that doesn't require cooking, blankets, potassium iodide, etc.)
Second I walked through the house and made a list of things that won't work if the electric goes off and what I need to learn or buy to compensate. After that I focused on food, wrote down what I eat now, what I could eat if grocery stores were gone and that led me to what I can grow or barter with. Then I moved into things less immediate like soaps and sewing/clothing. I have a big notebook with articles & info for reference.