Spare the rod......Not a bible quote


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Beekissed said:
There is a very wide expanse between discipline and abuse, in my book.

BB, there is no doubt that what you received was not in any way a form of discipline.

Loving correction for major infractions is not and should not be carried out in a violent manner. One should be very careful and level-headed when using this kind of discipline. It should never be done in anger or with excessive force and shouldn't be a first resort punishment.

Some children never even require it, some rarely, some need it more often.

To make a blanket statement that often children who have been spanked as a disciplinary measure will become violent themselves is just as fallible as saying that most people who were sexually abused as children will become sexual offenders.

BB, do you feel that you could ever abuse a child like you were abused? Probably not, I'm thinking.
Oh I most certainly understand the difference, and I certainly see your point. Notice I said violence often creates violence, not discipline creates violence.

You know me Bee, I'd rather die than do those things to another person.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Yep, I do!

And my boys, who have had regular spanking type discipline, have been beat up in every school they've attended~by boys who have never had any discipline except grounding, let alone spanking. :rolleyes:

Violence isn't the same as spanking.

The term "rod" in the Bible was often referring to a shepherd's staff or in "His rod and his staff, they comfort me...." that you see in the 23rd Psalm.

The way I use my shepherd's rod is to lightly tap against my sheep's shoulders to guide them where they go....usually only need a light touch to do this.

My oldest was a victim of bullying throughout his whole school career and it culminated in a group of boys pushing him down in the shower and pouring a bottle of their own urine on his head.

Do you know what he said when I asked him why he didn't report this to me? He said he felt sorry for the ringleader of the bunch because he didn't really have any parents who cared about him and he lived with an aunt and uncle.

Yeah...violent kid, ain't he? Feeling sorry for the bain of his existence. :rolleyes:

Marshmallow Man

Power Conserver
Aug 7, 2010
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(Do you know what he said when I asked him why he didn't report this to me? He said he felt sorry for the ringleader of the bunch because he didn't really have any parents who cared about him and he lived with an aunt and uncle. )

I'm impressed with his level of empathy. In my book, empathy is a very good thing. Sounds like your teaching them well.