SS cafe

Good idea or not?

  • Yes, I like this idea

    Votes: 21 87.5%
  • Na, we don't need a cafe

    Votes: 3 12.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Coffee is ready! Yesterday we took the dump trailer that we have "borrowed" for the last 5 years home. LOL The owner was happy for us to keep it as our place is totally fenced and enclosed and his place isn't, thieves ya' know. So he needs to use it and we took it to him. LOL LOL

Then we came home, heated up leftovers for lunch. I got to thinking, watching weather reports, Thanksgiving and what day would be best for making a feed run and I decided that it was right then. So we went to get feed, we go to another town an hour away because I have fed a particular feed for 20 years and you can't pry my hands off of it. It is a 14% all purpose pellet and I give it to all the animals, horses, sheep, chickens and when we have feeder pigs, them too. It does not have lysine, an essential pig nutrient in it, so I fix that by tossing the pigs boiled eggs. Plus it is cheaper than all the different feeds that the feed industry has convinced us that we should buy for each animal. So we bought 1250 pounds, or 25 bags of feed. I unloaded all of it and would not let DH help, because of his eye surgery. You would have thought the world was ending. We put feed in the portable building that the sheep barn is attached to and feed in the horse barn. Got that chore done.

Was getting a bale of hay delivered for the sheep, it goes under their roof and I have to dig out the "dead hay" as the roof is low and the big bale won't fit otherwise. So this morning I have a heaping pile of dead hay to spread in the horse pasture, again, DH can't help because of all the dust and floating particles that might get in his eye. Then we go to the Dr for another eye check up, on Monday, he gets cataract surgery on his other eye. Anyone contemplating cataract surgery should not waffle on the decision, but get it done. DH is amazed at how well he can see now and is delighted at his eyesight. He is looking forward to having the other eye done, it is a whole new world to him. A few more weeks and he will be able to get back in the swing of things, small sacrifice for such life changing surgery.

Going for another cup of coffee!

Bay, more details about this "all feed" please. Is it pelleted? Grain and fines? price? I've often contemplated the "what if" aspects of buying something other than layer pellets for my flock. But have not done so b/c I've not compared the nutrient profiles. Any other readers use feed with a pic of a different animal on the bag than the animal you intend to feed it to? I wonder if adding cat or dog kibble to the "all feed" would improve the amino acid ratios to better match chicken feed?

Glad the surgery (ies) are working for BJ ! Seeing is NOT under rated. LOL.... But, hope he relaxes for a couple more weeks of "don't DO that".

Today I plan to finish a smallish portable "field shed"....for goats. Well, for a buck specifically but sized to use for others as may be needed. Since he is currently assigned an old "round pen" turned garden area -- which had to be hot wired to keep him in :he -- there was no shed. Winter is coming so, this option will work and can be moved elsewhere. Shame, as I have a couple already but, not tall enough. They were for the pigs, so now young kids or chickens get to use them. They aren't wasted and can be moved with the tractor.

Hey, while in there he is adding fertilizer to the garden plot!
That's the positive there. :D

Here goes day 2 of a week at home!!

I'd love to see a photo and construct details of your field shed. I may be building a Wood's Open Air style coop in the spring, and envision building it as 2 shed roof style buildings that would then be butted up against each other, resulting in a clerestory in the center. This coop will be over our leach field, so I need to be able to move it if the need should arise. It needs to be open floor design, and I'd love to build it in components that could be bolted together.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
I'd love to see a photo and construct details of your field shed.

Ok. Frame together, then got distracted. But will photo & post in a day or two.

Wondering if I'll be able to get in to town for Tai Chi... I'm supposed to be leading tomorrow... *sighs*

*adds a splash of rum to the mocha* sip, sip

Hmmm....sounds like a nice sipper going there. Hey, if snow, I suspect many won't be in attendance.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I'll post this 2 ways, a link and a download, so you can take a look at the "tag". It has copper in it, but at less % that the sheep and goat feed. I offer the sheep dolomite lime, which is supposed to negate the effects of copper poisoning. I guess it is working, no sheep look ill or have died. A black ewe that always had dead brown tips to her hair is a lusterous black now with only a few dead tips.

My free range chickens ran to the sheep trough, ignoring the more expensive chicken feed, so why pay more for something they didn't like. I raise feeder pigs to slaughter on this feed, supplementing with boiled eggs and I finish the pigs on soured corn, sometimes with some milk tossed in. I have fed this feed to my horses for 20 years. It sure simplifies things to only buy one feed. When we raise Cornish Cross, I do buy the higher protein chick grower feed.

I pay $8.30 a 50 pound bag.


  • MFM-14-All-Purpose-Pellet.pdf
    500.9 KB · Views: 271


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Been drinking coffee already, saved some for yall. Got to get chores done outside, then strip sheets, wash, fold, yada, yada, yada...….going to make pumpkin pies and dressing today too. Only our son is coming, going to be just the 3 of us. He has to be on a job in Baytown on Monday morning. An Exxon plant blew up this past June, it has been razed and is now ready to rebuild ASAP. He will work 13 days of 12 hour shifts with one day off, job lasts until May.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
This coop will be over our leach field, so I need to be able to move it if the need should arise. It needs to be open floor design, and I'd love to build it in components that could be bolted together.
Do you have a tractor or riding lawn mower, so that you could build a coop on skids so you could drag it?

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
We have a 4WD truck. I'm hoping that by building it in 2 sections, if the need arises, I can just place some PVC rollers under each section and move it manually that way. That's how we moved the heavy 2 story CP coop. I don't anticipate needing to move it unless we have leach field problems, or I stop raising chickens all together, and decide to sell it. I would not want to even drive the truck over the leach field. Ride on lawn mower, and other light equipment are ok, but I don't want any heavy equipment driving over the leach field.

I envision that each section would have skids as bottom framing. I hate to use PT, but may do so in this case.