SSDreamin Blessings and curses


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
first thing id do is buy a bunch of no tresspassing signs...
the no tresspassing signs WILL protect you should they ever come onto your property without your permission and get hurt...
they sue you for them getting hurt, you can have them ARRESTED for tresspassing...simple.

second thing id do is buy at least 1 simple working survaileanvce camera and at least 2 dummy cameras, and put up a signs on both neighbors sides and the front "property under 24/7 surveilance.
make sure the dummy cams are placed in obvious places and hide the working one so it gets a good veiw of as much of the property as possible without being easily visable if possible.

i would have been STEAMING mad, id be sending them a bill for a new roll of wire (even if they didnt break it they dont know that) and id be making it VERY clear that "guests" arnt welcome.
and if it ever happens again call the police...and then head out with your shotgun.
I hate people that treat another persons property like its their own back yard (or a petting zoo) idiots.

you wernt over reacting, infact id probably have had a much stronger reaction.

since privicy fence is out of the question, how expensie would it be to run a 4ft welded wire with 8ft t-posts (they end up being 6 ft once sunk) along the property lines put in the 4ft welded then add a coupe strands of electric to the top 2 ft...doesnt give you the privicy but should keep the dane form trying to jump it again...poor dog with idiot owners like that i wouldnt have wanted to go home either lol.


Power Conserver
Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
Glen, Ms
Wannabefree said:
yeah, I'd have went out with the shotgun laid casually across my arm and told the lot of them to leave quick fast and in a big rush before my crazy meds wore off *twitch twitch* :lol:

people are sooooooo very very inconsiderate of others anymore :/ :smack
Same here!

SSD, you handled it much better than I would have. I don't mind folks asking to see the animals.. that happens all the time. But walking onto my property without me knowing and messing with my fences, critters or whatever is a real good way to get shot. I have zero tolerance for that kind of nonsense. :barnie


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I agree. No one has a right to come on to my property without my permission. Back in the summer I found a herd (yes a HERD) of about 8 horses running loose around our area. I grabbed a feed bucket, and caught the lead horse and the rest followed into my pasture. I called the Sheriff's dept and reported it. They came out and took pictures and filed their report. The next day I saw some folks accessing my pasture from my back fence and went to confront them. I asked what they were doing in my pasture and they said they were after their horses. I told them that I understand that - BUT the proper thing to do would be to come to my house, knock on the door and first of all - thank me for catching their horses and secondly - ask permission to get them out. It was during the drought last year and I had a RB out for my animals and I swear that in less than 24 hours those 8 horses had practically demolished my hay. I did finally manage to get a couple of 'thank-you's, but do you think they even offered me a couple bucks for the hay - NOPE!

And SS - I had the same feeling - that they were scoping out the place. They kept asking a bunch of questions about my chickens, my goats and my LGD.... Sheesh... I do remember telling them that under most circumstances I shoot first and ask questions later, lol.


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
You behaved well, but I hope they caught that bit about normally shooting first.
Some game cams would be a good idea too. You might also encourage some very thorny bushes . . . and maybe leave some poison ivy growing near where they came in. Evil stuff to encounter when you're sneaking around.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Thanks for all the comments and ideas! Unfortunately, I HAVE to be nice to the neighbors. Our property, even though it is 7.4 acres, is narrow. Both neighbors houses are close to our property line, so causing friction with the neighbors could really cause US big problems. :/ We found out too, that this house sat vacant for 3 years before we bought it (explains the issues we had :rolleyes: ) and the neighbors on both sides had started using all the green space here as their own. Now that WE live here, they seem to be having a problem understanding that IT ISN'T THEIRS, AND NEVER WAS!

I think we'll use a combination of your suggestions: We're thinking maybe a 4 foot woven wire fence/T-posts, with maybe a strand of barbed wire across the top (our fence charger couldn't support even one strand of wire around the top, in addition to the double wire around the pasture and triple wire around the pig pen). We need to figure out something that will be cost effective - since DH will be layed off soon, with no idea when he'll be back to work :/ Then, we thought we'd try to transplant some of the prickly ash that we have everywhere around here to along the fence line, as an extra protect/some amount of privacy. May not be able to do that all the way around, but hopefully, putting it in strategic ares will get the point across.
I have also decided to get something that I can open carry while outside. DH has a concealed carry permit, and open carries while at home - when he's outside, NOBODY even peers over into our yard! :D I am not interested in getting my CCW, but I think open carry would help if I'm ever put in that position again. Also did some checking - any domestic animal that 'harrasses' livestock can be shot on sight here. I would hate to do that, but at least now I know my rights if the situation ever comes up again.

My DH decided to be helpful - NOT! We went to town yesterday, and he detoured and drove us by a farm for sale: 150 acres, one producing oil well, 2 producing gas wells + free gas for the house, huge barn, several other outbuildings, established pasture/hayfields, a big private pond. On a dirt road too, not frequently traveled, and NO CLOSE NEIGHBORS!!! I was in LOVE! The present owner gets $18,000/year for the gas and oil! I was ready to move!! Then, he told me the price :barnie Why DO that to me???!!! A quarter of a million dollars?! Why even show it to me? Just so I can see what I'll NEVER be able to get? Well, he asked how much cash I had - $2. He said "Let's buy a lotto ticket! If we win, we can have ALL THIS!" :rolleyes: He knows I'm too 'thrifty' to waste money on lotto! What a turd! :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Heck if it wasn't in Michigan it would be a great deal!!! ;)

Amazing what you can find out there for sale right now.


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
You couldn't buy all that for that kind of price around here-even w/out the gas and oil well.

I've taken to buying a lottery ticket not cuz I really think I'm going to win, but to shut hubby up. I know plenty of Christians on both sides of the debate as to whether or not a Christian should play the lottery and quite truthfully, I'm kinda neutral on the subject so I figured, why not. Hubbies been less of a pain since I started playing, and there have been times he's given me the money for the tickets.


Power Conserver
Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
Glen, Ms
SSDreamin said:
My DH decided to be helpful - NOT! We went to town yesterday, and he detoured and drove us by a farm for sale: 150 acres, one producing oil well, 2 producing gas wells + free gas for the house, huge barn, several other outbuildings, established pasture/hayfields, a big private pond. On a dirt road too, not frequently traveled, and NO CLOSE NEIGHBORS!!! I was in LOVE! The present owner gets $18,000/year for the gas and oil! I was ready to move!! Then, he told me the price :barnie Why DO that to me???!!! A quarter of a million dollars?! Why even show it to me? Just so I can see what I'll NEVER be able to get? Well, he asked how much cash I had - $2. He said "Let's buy a lotto ticket! If we win, we can have ALL THIS!" :rolleyes: He knows I'm too 'thrifty' to waste money on lotto! What a turd! :lol:

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
yeah, I'd have went out with the shotgun laid casually across my arm and told the lot of them to leave quick fast and in a big rush before my crazy meds wore off *twitch twitch* :lol:

people are sooooooo very very inconsiderate of others anymore :/ :smack
:lol: That'd be me :thumbsup

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